Unit 7: Evolution
Chapter 20: Mechanisms of Evolution
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Although PKU can cause severe mental retardation, it is a treatable disease that can be easily detected by a simple blood test. Learn more about this rare condition at the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the Montreal Children's Hospital.
Evolution of rattlesnake venom, page 688
http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/"Recent reports suggest that the venom of North America's rattlesnakes is growing increasingly potent, making their bites more difficult to treat." To learn about this evolutionary change, click on Web Site Archive and scroll down to find this interesting article in the July-August 2000 issue of Natural History Magazine.
Preserving genetic diversity in whooping cranes, page 690
Save the Cranes
http://www.cbsg.org/index.scdTo determine whether a species is in danger of extinction, a population viability assessment must be conducted. This site contains a three-page summary of a population viability assessment of the whooping crane that was prepared by the U.S.-based Conservation Breeding Specialist Group. Click Reports and from the drop-down list click PHVA Reports. You'll find the article on whooping cranes at the bottom of the Birds page.
Here you'll find links to news sites, online journals, discussion groups, and other web sites that will keep you up to date on recent thinking and discoveries associated with evolution.