Enhance your classroom experience with links to a collection of audio and video clips, organized by related issue and aligned directly to text discussions NEW!
Chapter 1 Audio Visual Library
Exploring Canadian Identity
The Alberta Online Consortia's interactive website explores notions of national identity by asking questions about Canadian history, myth, ideology, popular culture, and the country's heroes. The site is organized around tasks designed to help students articulate a unique vision of the Canadian nation for presentation at a theoretical World's Fair.
( http://www.ataoc.ca/start/identity/identity.html )
Metis fiddler Sierra Noble
YouTube video of Sierra Noble performing "The Warrior's Lament" at the Vimy Memorial rededication ceremony.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8TCUyRGE1Y )
Joe Canadian Rant
This site showcases videos of "Canadian pride" including the "Joe Canadian Rant" used in the Molson beer commercials.
( http://www.canada4life.ca/videos.php )
Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution
From the CBC Digital Archive, this series of contemporary radio and TV clips outlines jurisdictional and rights issues that animated Constitutional debate between Canadian politicians during the patriation of the Constitution.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/constitution/topics/1092/ )
Stompin' Tom Connors
YouTube video of Stompin' Tom Connors singing "Big Joe Mufferaw".
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy3knGGzZr8 )
Chapter 2 Audio Visual Library
France Riots
This CBC story, with links to a timeline, examines the violence that erupted in Paris and other French cities in the fall of 2005.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/paris_riots )
M�tis Identity
This website presents traditional M�tis history and culture in the form of primary documents, oral history interviews, photographs as well as audio and video files.
( http://www.metismuseum.ca )
Gordon Lightfoot's "The Canadian Railroad Trilogy"
Lightfoot's rendition set against a spectacular imagery.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zjoO170XFI )
The Pauline Johnson Archive
E. Pauline Johnson, or Tekahionwake which means "double life", was born of mixed Mohawk and English parents. Her poetry, recitals, and dramatic approach to her dual cultural identity are presented in archival materials collected on this McMaster University website. Videos available on this site.
( http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~pjohnson/home.html )
Chapter 3 Audio Visual Library
"Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum"
The CBC Archives offers a web page called "Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum", with links to a selection of radio and television vignettes that capture the anxiety and tension of this period, plus resources for teachers.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-73-1891/politics_economy/1995_referendum )
10th Anniversary of Oka Crisis
The CBC Archives offers an array of material surrounding the Oka Crisis.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/war_conflict/civil_unrest/clips/586/ )
Phil Fontaine � National Day of Action
A YouTube video where Phil Fontaine speaks about the need for a National Day of Action.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skV_UB32fxA )
The Maple Leaf Forever
The Maple Leaf For Ever: Written by Alexander Muir and performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQc1_NpfXBc )
Chapter 4 Audio Visual Library
Maria Dunn
A CBC radio site where students can listen to 12 of Maria Dunn's songs.
( http://radio3.cbc.ca/bands/MARIA-DUNN )
Statue of Saddam Hussein
This web page offers notes and commentary on various images of American soldiers pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein in Fardus Square. It also provides a link to a video.
( http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/NYI304A.html )
Alberta Elections: 1975 National Energy Program Lougheed Fights Trudeau, Raises Oil Revenues and Wins Election for PC's
The Progressive Conservative government in Alberta expands its services in the early 1970's as oil royalties fill the provincial coffers. Pierre Trudeau intervenes to help those not benefiting from the high oil prices, but faces stiff opposition from the Alberta government. Audio files.
( http://www.edukits.ca/petroleum/focus_media.htm )
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