Access annotated links to all Web Connections features in the student resource as well as additional sites identified throughout course implementation and of specific interest to the teacher
Chapter 1 Web Links
Civic Heraldry
A useful site for finding examples of coats of arms of cities, regions, and states � including Alberta and Edmonton.
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Emblems of Alberta
The coat of arms and other symbols for Alberta. Students can examine the elements and key phrases selected to depict the province�s people and history.
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Tips on Creating Captions
A checklist of tips on creating captions. Students can use this information to complete the photo caption activity.
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The Nationalism Project
A widely used resource for students and teachers. The site provides scholarly information including definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, and a bibliography of more than 2000 journal articles.
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Benedict Anderson
A text interview with Benedict Anderson.
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Gitxsan First Nations
The Gitxsan First Nations occupies 33 000 square kilometers of territory in northwest British Columbia. The web site of the Gitxsan Chiefs� Office provides an excellent overview of Gitxsan history and describes the people�s spiritual relationship with the land.
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Web Links for page 29 of the Student Text
Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Website
The official website of the Office of Tibet, an agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan government in exile, contains information on the religion, culture and institutions of Tibet and the emigre population in India. It documents the Tibetan's historical struggle for self-determination, and provides a news service that reports events such as the March 2008 Declaration by the EU Presidency on the situation in Tibet.
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Web Links for page 29 of the Student Text
Canada Tibet Committee
The CTC, made up of Tibetans and non-Tibetans in Canada, supports the restoration of Tibet to independent statehood. Their web site offers a summary of the Tibetan historic struggle, an overview of the government in exile, and information on the Tibetan �migr� community in Canada.
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Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982
Canada's Constitution Act, 1982, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
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US Constitution
The Constitution of the United States.
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Fundamental Freedoms
This multilingual, multimedia site provides an overview of the Charter content and context in Canadian constitutional history, as well as analysis of the Charter's impact offered by Canadian legal experts. The site includes extensive teacher resources.
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Andrew Coyne's Discussion of Nationhood
Journalist Andrew Coyne explores whether Quebec should be called a nation. In this piece, Coyne discusses different understandings of nationhood, including the sociological and the political.
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Canadian Artists and Canadian Identity
"Canadian Identity through Artistic Expression" explores what it means to be Canadian through the eyes of Ontario artists. Students can view selected works of Pierre Burton, the National Ballet of Canada, Marian Engel, and others.
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Coat of Arms � Adrienne Clarkson
The coat of arms of former governor general Adrienne Clarkson. Students may want to consider the elements of nation and identity it contains as they prepare the related-issue challenge.
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Chapter 2 Web Links
Web Links for page 46 of the Studnet Text
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Social Causes of the Revolution
Social Causes of the Revolution describes the build up of demographic and economic pressures on different social classes in pre-revolutionary France. This chapter discusses social change experienced by the rising middle class (bourgeoisie), guild members, workers, and peasants, and the dissemination of radical ideas by the intellectuals which all led to the outbreak of violence against the privileged nobility and clergy in 1789. The site covers a range of topics on the French Revolution, and features a large collection of primary source documents, including songs, memoir accounts, and visual images of the period.
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The French Revolution -- Documents
A site that provides links to 20 primary documents on the French Revolution, such as the journal of a country priest, contemporary engravings and newspaper articles, and depositions, testimony, and petitions of women involved.
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Liberty, Freedom, Equality - The Napoleonic Experience
This section of The Napoleonic Experience looks at domestic policy, foreign policy and war, as well as Napoleon's legacy in an effort to balance various assessments of this legendary figure. Primary source documents, including maps, illustrations, contemporary cartoons, personal accounts, and the Marseillaise enliven the presentation.
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The Napoleonic Series
This evaluation of Napoleon's leadership and achievements argues that Napoleon should be judged by the standards of the day and measured against the actions of his contemporaries rather than by contemporary expectations. Imposing today's values on the actions of figures from time past is called "ahistoricism".
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France Riots � News in Review
A CBC News in Review story and study guide on the 2005 riots in France.
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Web Links for page 52 of the Student Text
Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789
Text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789.
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Marie Antoinette
A PBS site on Marie Antionette and the French Revolution. The site offers links to a timeline, a biography, quizzes, interviews with leading authorities, and a virtual tour of the queen's royal chamber.
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Cahiers de Doleances of 1789
A useful review of Revolutionary Demands: A content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doleances of 1789. The articles raises many of the questions addressed by the book, which uses the cahiers as a vast database to illustrate the crises consuming France and concludes that the public "figured out what might be plausible."
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Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812
A PBS page on Napoleon�s Russian campaign.
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Napoleon � PBS Series
This PBS site offers a biography, a timeline, and an overview of the politics during Napoleon's time and the controversy surrounding his legacy.
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Napoleon Image Gallery
A gallery of paintings depicting Napoleon, including two contrasting images of crossing the Alps, with helpful sidenotes. The site also has links to four maps.
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Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text
France's Ban on Headscarves � Q&A
A BBC News Q&A on the ban on headscarves in France.
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Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text
France's Headscarf Ban
This CBC News in Depth story explores the pros and cons of the headscarf ban in France and provides links to stories about similar situations in Canada.
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Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text
France divided as headscarf ban is set to become law
In this Observer article, Alex Duval Smith explores the issues of racism, secularism, female subjugation, and integration of immigrants into French society that surrounded the 2004 headscarf ban from a variety of perspectives. Debates between feminist activists, French conservatives, Muslim targets of the legislation, politicians and religious leaders highlight the differing approaches that have been taken to the concept and rights of nations.
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"The White Paper"
This Indian and Northern Affairs Canada site discusses legislative and constitutional attempts � including the 1969 White Paper � to address the needs of Aboriginal peoples in Canada from 1969 to 1992.
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"The Red Paper"
A summary of "Citizens Plus", also known as the Red Paper, by the Indian Chiefs of Alberta, 1970.
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Victoria Callihoo
A web page about Victoria Callihoo, presented by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society.
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Queen Victoria
A useful site about Britain�s Queen Victoria.
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Queen Victoria
A wide-ranging PBS site about Queen Victoria.
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Chapter 3 Web Links
Medicines Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
The web site of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which provides emergency medical assistance in more than 70 countries.
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Highway of Heroes
A story about renaming a stretch of Highway 401 between Trenton and Toronto, Ontario, now known as the Highway of Heroes. Includes multiple perspectives.
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Web Links for page 74 of the Student Text
Multiculturalism Canada
An online resource of materials on Canadian multicultural history that looks to promote learning, greater understanding and communication between of several of the larger cultural groups in Canada.
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Assembly of First Nations
The website of the Assembly of First Nations.
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Project Naming
The web site for Project Naming is posted in three languages � French, English, and Inuktitut � and includes a useful page on the Inuktitut language.
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South Baffin Planning Region Archeology and Place Names
The Nunavut Research Institute's efforts to preserve the past through the South Baffin Place Names Project are described on this Nunavut government website. Names identified through this project will be incorporated into the Nunavut Planning Commissions' mapping program, which will include a 'Talking Map.'
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Zacharias Kunuk
A story about Inuit filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk and his film abouat Kiviaq.
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Canada Quiz
This CBC site has links to a study guide and the Canada Quiz required to become a Canadian citizen. Students may be surprised at their score.
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Quebec's "Big Accommodation" Debate
This CBC News in Review story investigates the reasonable accommodation debate in Quebec. The study guide is suitable for high school students and includes an exercise on reasonable accommodation cases in Canada.
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Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences
The Bouchard-Taylor Commission was established by Premier Jean Charest in 2007 to consult with people across Qu�bec on reasonable accommodation, largely in response to public outcry after the town of Herouxville adopted a code of societal norms for would-be immigrants who wanted to settle there. The Commission's final report, which advocates for greater tolerance and a secular face for provincial institutions, is available on this website.
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Battle of Beaumont Hamel
Veterans Affairs Canada provides an in-depth exploration of the role played by the Newfoundland Regiment at the Battle of Beaumont Hamel.
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Newfoundland Memorial at Beaumont Hamel
A web page on the Newfoundland Memorial Park at Beaumont Hamel includes a number of photographs of the World War I battlefield as it was then and is now.
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Web Links for page 83 of the Student Text
People to People, Nation to Nation
Highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples,
People to People, Nation to Nation.
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Coat of arms � Ramon Hnatyshyn
The coat of arms of former governor general Ramon John Hnatyshyn. Students may wish to consider this coat of arms as they prepare for the related-issue challenge.
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Chapter 4 Web Links
Seal Hunt -- FAQs
A CBC News in Depth page of FAQs on the seal hunt.
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Sunni and Shiite Muslims
An article titled "What is the Difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims � And Why Does it Matter?" from the History News Network.
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The web site for the anti-consumerist magazine
Adbusters, best known for its spoof ads. By analyzing the spoof ads, consumers can see how the originals represent a product. Samples of spoof ads are posted on the site.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
Tar Sands: The Selling of Alberta
This site offers an overview of a documentary commissioned by the CBC,
Tar Sands: The Selling of Alberta, and provides a link to a web page of comments about it.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
Alberta Energy: The Oil Sands Web Page
The Alberta government�s web page on the oil sands.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
Oil Sands Discovery Centre
The web page of the Oil Sands Discovery Centre.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
The Pembina Institute works to address environmental issues arising from oil sands development. Its website offers background articles and other resources, including this video which presents industry, First Nations, and environmentalist perspectives on sustainable development of the oil sands. Melody Lepine (p. 99 in the sampler) is featured in the video.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
More than a Map
This article in the Oil Sands Review, discusses the Athabasca Oil Sands Project's partnership with the European Space Agency to use satellite data to support sustainable development and future mine reclamation.
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Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text
Athabasca Oil Sands Project 2004 Sustainable Development Report
Shell Canada's report on sustainable development describes the corporation's participation in CEMA, a multistakeholder group that is working to establish frameworks for the management of resource development and environmental impacts. See the chapter entitled, "Environmental."
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Falun Gong
This CBC News in Depth article explores Falun Gong.
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Sharon McIvor Case
An article that explores the case of Sharon McIvor, a First Nations woman from Merritt, BC, who started a legal challenge against gender discrimination in the Indian Act on the grounds that it violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The site provides a link to an interview with McIvor, who recently received the Carole Geller Human Rights Award.
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Web Links for page 105 of the Student Text
Minnijean Brown Trickey
A brief biography of Minnijean Brown Trickey, civil rights activist who integrated Central High School in 1957. From the National Women's History Project.
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Web Links for page 105 of the Student Text
The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture
The "Little Rock Nine" entry from the Encyclopedia provides a history of the standoff at Little Rock Central High School, biographies of the participants, photographs and extensive links to related topics. The encyclopedia includes a chapter on segregation and desegregation in Arkansas and other southern US states.
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Web Links for page 107 of the Student Text
Maher Arar
Maher Arar's web site outlines his case and the legal challenges that resulted. Arar's personal statement outlines how his experience has made him feel close to Canadians across the nation and how these Canadians have, in turn, made him proud to be Canadian..
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Web Links for page 107 of the Student Text
The Canadian Muslim Network Tribute to Civil Liberties in Canada
In an effort to enhance communication between Muslim Canadians and Canadians of other faiths, the Canadian Muslim Network has offered this tribute in honour of Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh. The tribute was intended to recognize the backing of the Canadian public as well as Arar's role in the restoration of civil liberties that had begun to erode in the wake of heightened security surrounding September 11th.
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