Science Essentials 9 Teacher Centre

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Additional Teacher Web Links

Chapter 1 Chemistry the Safe Way

Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Classroom
The traits of a good scientist are the traits of a well-cultivated critical thinker. This teacher's reflection includes a number of suggestions for teaching approaches.
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Crime Lab
This very creative lesson involves paper chromatography, teaching students how fingerprints are found in a real crime lab. Students get lots of practice with the scientific method and with data collection and analysis.
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Be Prepared!
Students can develop a safety plan of action and the skills needed for any emergency situation in the classroom. Teacher notes and student worksheet are provided.
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Chapter 2 Describing Matter

Discovery Channel – Alkali Metals
This lesson plan for teachers describes how students can study alkali metals, their physical properties, and how they are used in fireworks. The lesson includes a student worksheet and an assessment rubric.
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Volcano Under the City
In this NOVA activity students experiment with three different liquids to determine the relative viscosity and flow rate of each liquid. The activity is based on lava flow rate and the Mount Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Chapter 3 Classifying Matter

It's Just a Phase: Water as a Solid, Liquid, and Gas
In these activities, students construct models of the way water molecules arrange themselves in the three physical states. Teachers are asked to make sure students understand that matter can be found in three forms or phases, and that they can explain the molecular behaviour of ice, water, and water vapour, using physical models.
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There Must Be Something in the Water
In this lesson, students investigate how underground pollutants contaminate the water supply, by participating in a groundwater plume simulation.
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Chapter 5 Electricity on the Move

Electricity Resource Page
This resource site for teachers has many links to other electricity sources, as well as a downloadable worksheet on electricity.
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Crocodile Clips
Download free circuit-building software. Students can work through tutorials on a number of basic concepts, then proceed to build simple battery-driven circuits that may contain bulbs, motors, resistors, and buzzers. Great introductory approach!
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Chapter 8 Making Connections to Your Home

Taking Apart Electrical Appliances
An excellent reference that investigates how electrical appliances work. This site provides cross-references on careers, a required vocabulary list, and a guide to electrical components.
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Chapter 9 Staying Alive!

Virtual Microscopy Magnification Module
This interactive Java tutorial explores the effect of increasing magnification (equivalent to changing microscope objectives) on the ability to resolve features in a sample.
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Chapter 10 Human Body Systems

Human Anatomy Online
This virtual human body site covers all human body systems in depth. Heavily text-based, it requires careful reading and needs the Java Virtual Machine.
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Travel Brochure of the Body Systems
Students will pretend to be hired by an ad agency as a travel consultant to design a luxury tour through the Human Body Systems.
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Ins and Outs of Respiration
Students will determine their respiratory rate and explore the factors that affect breathing rate in this lesson. Notes for teachers and related web links are included.
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The Heart: An Online Exploration
Your students will benefit from the descriptions and photographs in this on-line tour. Recommended resource materials, enrichment activities, and a brief glossary are included.
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Organs for Christmas
Review organ systems by having students create this unique "Christmas Tree."
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Chapter 11 Frog Dissection

This on-line virtual frog dissection requires paid subscription, but a demo is available.
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Make a Frog Sandwich
The Frog Sandwich is a 5-page, frog-shaped booklet of drawings depicting frog exterior dorsal view, skeletal system, internal organs, ventral muscles, and exterior ventral view. Students colour and label the organs, then cut out the parts and assemble their booklet. Students exchange frogs to check, correct, and "sign off" each other's work.
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Chapter 14 Science in Cooking

How Do Cells Reproduce
This activity illustrates the process of mitosis, or cell division, in yeast. Assessment rubrics are included.
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Chapter 15 The Science of Looking Good

Sun & Skin
Students discuss what they already know about the impact sun exposure has on their skin and what they typically do to protect themselves, if anything. Using a number of on-line resources, they will then learn about caring for their skin, the damaging effects of sunburns and tanning, and how sunscreens provide protection.
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Don't Burn, Baby, Burn!
Students consider products that provide protection from sunburn and other negative effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays. They then develop or improve upon sun-screening products that are meant to provide protection.
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Assessment Masters

Note: The individual files making up the manual are packaged as a Windows .zip. After saving the file to your hard drive, decompress it using one of the many utility applications available for both Windows and Macintosh computers.

Introduction BLMs

Note: The individual files making up the manual are packaged as a Windows .zip. After saving the file to your hard drive, decompress it using one of the many utility applications available for both Windows and Macintosh computers.

Chapter-Specific Masters

Note: The individual files making up the manual are packaged as a Windows .zip. After saving the file to your hard drive, decompress it using one of the many utility applications available for both Windows and Macintosh computers.

Chapters 1 to 3 can be individually downloaded

To view the files below, you will need, Adobe's free Acrobat Reader application is required.

Chapter 1
BLM 1–2 Using a Bunsen Burner (109.0K)
BLM 1–3 Safety Procedures (68.0K)
BLM 1–4 Safety Scavenger Hunt (61.0K)
BLM 1–5 WHMIS Flash Cards (144.0K)
BLM 1–6 Designing a Safety Poster (56.0K)
BLM 1–7 Sample MSDS (125.0K)
BLM 1–9 Chapter 1 Word Puzzle (265.0K)
BLM 1–10 Chapter 1 Practice Test (238.0K)
BLM 1–11 Chapter 1 Test (234.0K)
BLM 1–12 BLM Answers (271.0K)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Overhead Transparencies

Science Essentials 9 Overhead Transparencies (3911.0K)

To view this file, Adobe's free Acrobat Reader application is required.

Technology Links 1

Exploring Acids and Bases
This site explores the properties of acids and bases by describing an experiment used to illustrate the ability of acids and bases to change the colour of some vegetables.
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Hagersville Tire Fire
This site describes the biggest tire fire in history. Users can also read about the hazards of scrap tire disposal.
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The Hagersville Tire Fire
This site includes a video clip of a news story about the 1990 Hagersville tire fire.
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Be Prepared!
This is a lesson plan designed to help students develop a safety plan and the skills needed to deal with a classroom emergency.
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Household Products Database
This site provides health and safety information about household products and includes a searchable index.
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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – Official National Site
This is the official site of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), Canada's national hazard communication standard.
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Health and Safety Authority
This is the site of Ireland's Health and Safety Authority. It provides information about chemical safety in a variety of industries.
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Young Workers Zone
This site from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety provides safety information for young workers and covers laws, workers' rights, and the hazards associated with specific jobs.
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Safe Workers of Tomorrow (WHMIS)
This site explains the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System and WHMIS symbols.
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WHMIS – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
This page provides a Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System workbook that employees can use to update their knowledge of WHMIS. It includes a small test.
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This site provides a quick review of how to use a triple beam balance to measure mass.
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Gases, Liquids, and Solids
This site describes the characteristics of gases, liquids, and solids, and includes an animation that illustrates the microscopic differences between the three.
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Alkali Metals
This site includes a lesson plan to help students learn about alkali metals and their use in the creation of fireworks.
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Volcano Under the City
This is an experiment students can perform to determine the relative viscosity and flow rate of three different liquids.
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Mystery Powder Identification
This activity asks students to solve a crime by identifying a mystery powder.
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How Fireworks Work
This site explains how fireworks work and includes information on different types of fireworks.
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Using a Dichotomous Key
In this activity, students use a dichotomous key and their observational skills to classify various specimens of trees.
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Dichotomous Keys
This site shows the process used to key an unknown aquatic organism.
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Water Treatment – Environmental Engineering
This site provides a step-by-step description of water treatment. A diagram is included.
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Water Resources Engineers
This site describes the role played by water resources engineers.
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Wastewater Treatment Process
This site describes how wastewater is treated and includes a diagram.
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Wastewater Treatment Facility
This site describes a system designed to treat wastewater and includes a diagram.
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Water Treatment Tour
This site provides a simple description of how water from Lake Ontario is treated before it goes to consumers.
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Investigating How Underground Pollutants Contaminate the Water Supply
This lesson allows students to explore how groundwater contamination can spread through aquifers.
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Periodic Table Song
This site allows users to listen to a fun song about the periodic table.
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This animated lesson introduces students to the basic properties of matter.
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A Comparison of Ice Melting Chemicals
This site describes and compares the different chemicals used to melt ice.
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The History of Soaps and Detergents
This site includes information about the history of different brands of soaps and detergents.
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Laundry Detergent MSDS
This site provides a Material Safety Data Sheet for laundry detergent.
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The Power of Electricity
This site presents an animated lesson about how electricity works.
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The Ice Storm 1998: Maps and Facts Activity
This Statistics Canada site includes learning resources related to the 1998 ice storm in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec. Teachers are encouraged to have their students write stories about their personal experiences of the storm and send them to Statistics Canada to be posted on the site.
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Ice Storm 1998
This Environment Canada site provides a detailed description of the 1998 ice storm.
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Blackout 2003: When the lights went out
This Canadian Geographic site provides satellite images of the eastern seaboard before and during the blackout in 2003 and links to statistics and facts about the blackout, tips on how to conserve energy, and information on alternative energy sources.
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Canada–U.S. Power System Outage Task Force
This Natural Resources Canada site provides a detailed report on the 2003 blackout. It includes information on the causes of the blackout and recommendations for the future.
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How Lightning Works
This site provides basic information about how lightning works, including a description of the water cycle and the types of lightning.
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Static Electricity: What causes static shocks?
This site provides a basic overview of static electricity and includes projects and experiments related to static electricity.
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Lightning Fact or Fiction?
This site provides a simple list of facts and myths about lightning.
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Air Battery – Make a battery that works with air and saltwater
This site explains how a battery can be made with air and salt water. It includes some small photographs.
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Crocodile Clips
This site allows users to download free circuit building software.
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Electrical Safety
This site provides information about electrical safety, including power line safety and how to make safe electrical installations at home and work.
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Renewable Energy
This Natural Resources Canada site provides an animation illustrating the use of bioenergy, earth energy, hydroelectric energy, solar energy, and wind energy, and links to other educational sites about renewable energy.
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Electrical Safety Alerts
This site provides electrical safety tips and notices on products that have been recalled because of safety hazards.
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Electrical Safety Checklists
This is a checklist designed to help keep people safe from electrical dangers in their homes.
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Home Electrical Safety Checklist
This site also includes a list of items to check to make sure a home is electrically safe.
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Electrical Safety Checklist
This is another electrical safety checklist.
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Indoor Electrical Safety Check
This checklist includes tips for the safe use of electricity indoors.
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This site describes analogue meters, digital meters, voltmeters, ammeters, galvanometers, and ohmmeters.
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This site provides information about digital and analogue multimeters.
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Measuring Current
This site describes how current can be measured using a multimeter or an ammeter.
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Measuring Voltage
This site describes how voltage can be measured using a multimeter or an ammeter.
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Free Downloads Edison Pro and Tina Pro 6
This site provides free downloads of software that use sound, animation and virtual instruments to help students learn about electricity and electronics.
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Series-Parallel Circuits
This site provides activities designed to help students build series and parallel circuits.
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DC Circuits
This site provides detailed information about direct current circuits and includes example problems and self-tests.
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Free Downloads Edison Pro and Tina Pro 6
This site provides free downloads of software that use sound, animation and virtual instruments to help students learn about electricity and electronics.
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Circuit Building Resources
This site provides links to many other sites with ideas and schematics for building circuits.
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Electrical Safety World
This teachers' guide portion of the Electrical Safety World site provides information, experiments, games and other activities designed to help students learn about electrical safety.
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Why should you care about electrical safety?
This portion of the Electrical Safety World site is for kids. It includes sections on electrical emergencies, tree and power line safety, finding hidden dangers, and home safety audits.
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Taking Apart Electrical Appliances
The objective of this lesson is to allow students to open up electrical appliances to see how they are designed and to encourage interest in technology. It also lists links to sites describing careers related to the lesson.
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How Wires, Fuses, and Connectors Work
This site provides basic information about how wires, fuses, and connectors work. It includes photographs of each.
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Careers in Electricity
This site briefly describes different careers in the electrical industry, such as electric power plant operators, power distributors, technicians, and engineers.
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This site provides an overview of a career as an electrician, and includes information about how to prepare for the career, compensation, and the job market. It is an American site.
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Engineering Technician
This site provides an overview of a career as an engineering technician, and includes information about how to prepare for the career, compensation, and the job market. It is an American site.
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The debate over dissection
This article from Science Educator discusses the debate over the use of animal dissection in science classrooms. It also discusses the use of alternatives to actual dissection, such as videos, anatomical models, and virtual dissections found on the Internet.
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Street Cents
This is the site of CBC’s Street Cents. The show includes segments that feature the testing of consumer products.
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This site links to a variety of other sites about electricity and to an electricity worksheet.
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Technology Links 2

This official site provides detailed information about Robocup, an international project designed to promote artificial intelligence and robotics using the game of soccer. Users can read an overview of Robocup and its objectives, find out about upcoming Robocup games and conferences, and learn about Robocup rules and regulations.
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Virtual Microscopy
This site includes an interactive tutorial that shows the effect of increasing magnification on the ability to see detail in samples. A pull-down menu allows users to select different samples to view at different magnifications.
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Using the Microscope
This site provides students with a fill-in-the-blanks activity about using a microscope.
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Microscope Parts
This site provides a diagram for students to label to practise identifying the parts of a microscope.
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Wet Mounts
This page provides an animation of how to properly prepare a wet mount slide.
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Virtual Human Body
This site contains animations, tutorials, diagrams and descriptions to help students learn about the systems in the human body.
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Breathing Rate
This site provides an activity to help students determine their respiratory rates and explore the factors, including exercise, that affect breathing rates. Scroll down for more detailed notes for teachers about oxygen and breathing.
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Interactive Body
This detailed site allows students to complete a number of interactive activities about the human body. Students can put organs, muscles, or joints and bones together in 3-D puzzles of the human body, test their senses, or complete a tutorial on the nervous system.
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The Heart
This site provides detailed information about the human heart.
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The Virtual Body
This interactive site explores the heart and other organ systems with animations, detailed graphics, and challenges and games to help students test their knowledge.
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Body Systems
This site provides an activity designed to help students understand how the systems of the human body work together. Students are asked to design a brochure for a tour through these systems.
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Research Body Systems
This site provides a resource about implementing a student research project on human body systems. A link to an assessment rubric, which can be used to guide students, is provided at the bottom of the page.
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Organ Tree
This site provides an activity to help students review what they know about organ systems. Students create models of the organs for an organ tree and make cards that describe the functions of each organ.
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The debate over dissection
This article from Science Educator discusses the debate over the use of animal dissection in science classrooms. It also discusses the use of alternatives to actual dissection, such as videos, anatomical models, and virtual dissections found on the Internet.
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Animal Experiments
This is the site of the British animal rights organization Animal Aid. It presents arguments against the use of dissection in the classroom.
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Attitudes Toward Dissection
This page from the Humane Society of the United States provides an annotated list of studies about attitudes toward dissection in the classroom.
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Basic Frog Dissection
At this site, students can view actual photographs of frog organs, learn basic facts about frogs, and complete a visual quiz.
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A demonstration at this site gives students the opportunity to perform a virtual dissection of a frog on-line.
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Deserts and Rainforests: Project Idea – Model Frog
This site includes a description of a project that involves building a model of frog anatomy using clay of different colours.
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Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
At this site, students can use an illustrated virtual frog to review organ systems.
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Make a Frog Sandwich, a constructive introduction to dissection
This site also features a description of an activity whereby students build a model of frog, this time using paper.
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Unusual Plants
This site provides short descriptions of the adaptations of some unusual plants.
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Roots of Plants Weather Rocks
This site provides a simple animated demonstration of how roots contribute to weathering and erosion.
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Acid Rain Experiments
This site includes a description of an experiment to explore the effects of acid rain on plant growth. It is targeted toward students in grades 5 to 8.
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The Virtual Microscope
This site includes an activity in which students use a virtual microscope to explore phloem and xylem at low, medium, and high power.
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Flower Parts Work Sheet
This site provides teaching notes about flower parts and functions, and a diagram that students can label.
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Common Cold
This site provides detailed information about the common cold, including treatment, prevention, and causes.
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Chilling Out with Colds
This kids' site provides comprehensive information about the common cold, including information about how colds spread and how to reduce the risk of catching a cold.
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Beauty and Body Art Safety
This site describes the procedures, established by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, designed to prevent infection during the creation of body art. It includes a video clip of an interview about safe body art with a public health inspector.
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Six steps of proper handwashing
This CBC outlines the six steps of proper handwashing.
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Yeast-air balloons
This site provides basic information about yeast, as well as a description of an activity that involves creating a yeast balloon to demonstrate the production of carbon dioxide by yeast.
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Light Sticks
This site provides an activity that investigates the effect of temperature changes on the intensity of light produced by a Light StickTM.
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What and Where is Cream of Tartar?
This site describes the chemistry of cream of tartar and how it is made.
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Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder
This site compares the chemistry of baking powder to the chemistry of baking soda.
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Kitchen Chaos
This site describes a variety of science experiments that can be performed in the kitchen. Students can follow the experiments to make their own red cabbage pH indicator, extract DNA from onions, make margarine, and find out how much water is in margarine.
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Sun & Skin
This site provides a detailed lesson plan to help students learn about how the sun can damage the skin and how sunscreens can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.
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Don't Burn, Baby, Burn!
This site provides another lesson plan, designed to give students the opportunity to consider products that protect the skin from the sun. Students are asked to develop or improve upon these products.
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The Skinny on Sunscreen Testing
This is an article that explains how sunscreens work and how their effectiveness is tested.
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Experiment: Save Your Skin
This is a version of the apple ring activity. It asks students to test whether sunscreen protects the apple rings from ultraviolet rays.
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How to Dry Apples
This site describes how apples can be dried by the sun and eaten as healthy snacks.
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Drying Apples
This site describes a way to make dried apple snacks using a microwave.
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Tooth Decay
This site describes how dental plaque can create cavities.
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What are Periodontal Diseases?
This site provides detailed information about periodontal disease and explains how periodontal disease can be prevented.
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This site provides a consumer review of toothpastes.
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Toothpaste Reviews
This site rates consumer reviews of toothpastes based on the credibility of their testing, evaluating and identifying of the best toothpaste. The information is presented in a table.
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Toothpaste – What's In It?
This site describes the ingredients that are used to make commercial toothpastes.
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Brushing Up on Chemistry
This Journal of Chemical Education site provides a description of an activity designed to allow students to make toothpaste and to compare its properties with a commercial toothpaste.
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Toothpaste Testing
This site also provides an activity designed to give students the opportunity to make and test their own toothpaste.
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Find Out Which Toothpaste is Right For You
This site includes some historical information about toothpaste and information about whitening toothpastes.
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Caring for your Teeth
This site describes how to care for teeth to prevent decay and gum disease.
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How Tooth Whitening Works
This site describes the basics of teeth whitening and discusses the different methods used to whiten teeth.
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Disadvantages of Paint-on Teeth Whiteners
This article describes how paint-on teeth whiteners work and compares them to other teeth whitening products.
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FAQ: Teeth Whitening
This site provides a list of common questions and answers about teeth whitening.
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Technology in the Lab
This site provides information about using probeware in the classroom.
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Nova: Measurement in Sport
This site provides basic information about the effects of friction on an athlete.
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Friction: Slowing Things Down
This site uses basic animation, photographs and text to explain friction.
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CBC Cross-Country Skiing Essentials
This CBC site for the Torino 2006 Olympic Games describes the basics of cross-country skiing, including the two techniques used by competitive skiers and the use of wax on the bottom of skis.
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Slam-Dunking Hoop Shoes
This article discusses the newest high-tech athletic shoes.
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Shoe Design 101
This site describes the basics of athletic shoe design.
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Bouncing Balls
This site provides an activity that students can complete to investigate how the structural properties of a ball determine how well it bounces.
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Hot Versus Cold Tennis Ball Experiment
This site provides an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on how well a ball bounces.
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Bouncing Back
This site provides an activity that students can perform to investigate how the height from which a ball is dropped affects its rebound. Students can also investigate the effect temperature has on a ball's rebound.
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Guidelines for Safe Winter Sports
This site, from researchers at a children's hospital, provides guidelines for safe winter sports.
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Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
This site, from a helmet advocacy program, provides detailed information on helmets, with topics such as buying a helmet, how to fit a helmet, and a report on current helmets. There is also a link to lesson plans for teachers.
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Face Protectors and Hockey Helmets
This Health Canada site provides basic information about face protectors and hockey helmets.
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Winter Sports Safety Teaching Kits Suggested Contents
This page suggests items that can be used in a kit designed to teach students about winter sports safety. Items listed include intact and damaged helmets, a Styrofoam head model, and a Jello brain mold. Useful books are also included.
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Internet Connects

Interactive Body
Build a skeleton, stretch some muscles, and organize the organs in this interactive body.
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The Virtual Body
The Virtual Body explores the human brain, skeleton, heart, and digestive systems. Each system is animated and has an accompanying narration. You can play several practice "games" to review how the organ systems are organized.
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Beacon Lesson Plan Library: Body Systems
This activity is scheduled to take place after students have read and discussed an overview of the systems of the human body from their textbooks and other supplementary material. The students research and write a report, using the Body System Research Rubric as a guide. Includes resource links and rubric
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Internet Connects

1.1 Chemicals Are Everywhere
Find Out: Is It an Acid or a Base?

Exploring Acids and Bases
Do this experiment at home using red cabbage and ordinary household chemicals. You can print out the page and fill in the blanks.
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1.2 Chemical Safety at Home
Find Out: A Closer Look at HHPS

Test Your Knowledge About Hazardous Waste in Your Home
Test your knowledge of how to dispose of hazardous wastes.
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Find Out: A Closer Look at WHMIS

WHMIS -- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
This web page includes questions and answers, along with a label to interpret, which provide a good review of the WHMIS information in your textbook.
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Internet Connects

MathMol Hypermedia Textbook: Mass
Take this excellent on-line tutorial from the MathMol site about mass and volume. Animations, on-line quizzes, movies, and examples are included.
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Gases, Liquids, and Solids
Examine the microscopic structure of the three states of matter by means of animated illustrations. Look at the chart that summarizes the properties of gases, liquids, and solids and identifies the microscopic behaviour responsible for each property.
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Mystery Powders
Choose "Investigating Powders Lab (Part I)" and then "Mystery Powders (Part II)." First, find the properties of various white powders, and then solve a crime by identifying two mystery powders.
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How Fireworks Work
Learn about the chemistry behind the way fireworks work. You may be familiar with many of the chemicals used to make fireworks.
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Internet Connects

Periodic Table Song – "The Elements"
Tom Lehrer entertains you on the subject of the elements, as Gilbert and Sullivan might present them.
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Properties of Matter at IPPEX ONLINE
Learn the difference between atoms, ions, elements, and molecules. Explore what kinds of changes occur in matter. Learn about the structures and properties of the four states of matter, including plasma.
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Internet Connects

Why are metals good conductors of heat and electricity?
This site explains by means of text and animations why metals are so good at conducting heat.
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The History of Soaps and Detergents
This site details the history of soaps and detergents. Did you know that the term BO, or "Bad Odour," was invented by a soap marketing company?
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Explore any consumer product and check the reviews. You can become a better consumer by researching what others know about a product before you buy.
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Internet Connects

The Power of Electricity
This animated Flash tutorial explains how electricity works.
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Air Battery
Make a battery that works with air and saltwater.
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Internet Connects

Electricity and Magnetism!
This animated module introduces many of the basic concepts involved with electricity and magnetism, such as static charge, moving charge, voltage, resistance, and current. You will also learn about magnetism and how it relates to electricity.
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Measuring Current
In this activity you will use two current-measuring devices to explore the properties of current.
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Measuring Voltage
Practise using two different voltage-measuring devices in this on-line simulation.
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Internet Connects

What Is a Circuit?
Create series and parallel circuits following the instructions at this site.
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Using this on-line Shockwave simulation, you can build any circuit you want. This site has explanations and visualizations to help you understand.
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Internet Connects

How Wires, Fuses and Connectors Work
Find out how wires, fuses, and connectors work at this excellent site, which [js] through clear explanations and illustrations.
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Beakman's Electric Motor
This is a beautiful, simple electric motor that you can build easily. The instructions are easy to follow and the results are most pleasing.
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Internet Connects

Using the Microscope
Try this on-line fill-in-the-blank exercise. You can check your work when you have finished.
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Cells Alive
The head of a pin is about 2 mm in diameter. Use this animation to compare the relative sizes of cells and organisms.
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Microscope Parts Descriptions
You can complete and submit this microscope parts quiz on line. Click the Hint button if you need help.
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University of Alberta Biological Sciences
This on-line animation shows you how to prepare a wet mount slide.
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Internet Connects

Virtual Frog
Dissect a frog on line with this excellent "virtual dissection." Images, movies, text, and interactive exercises are all included.
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The Whole Frog Project
This award-winning interactive program is part of the "Whole Frog" project. You can interactively dissect a (digitized) frog named Fluffy, and play the Virtual Frog Builder Game.
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Frog Dissection Checklist
Use this printable frog dissection checklist to help you find the important organs.
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Internet Connects

Unusual Plants
Plants may seem dull to some people, but in fact plants are not just boring old green things that grow in the ground. For example, one plant discussed here has a built-in first aid kit.
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Environment Canada Kids' Corner
Try this experiment to explore the effects of acid rain on plant growth.
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Simply Science
This on-line Flash tutorial shows you how tree roots contribute to the weathering and erosion of rocks.
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The Virtual Microscope
Use a virtual microscope to look at phloem and xylem in a leaf. You can choose the magnification and move the specimen around under the virtual lens.
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Internet Connects

Myths of the Common Cold
This comprehensive, updated, and well-referenced source of information dispels many myths about the common cold.
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KidsHealth: Chilling Out with Colds
This information about colds is entertaining and includes helpful advice.
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Beauty and Body Art Safety
Beauty and Body Art Safety explains how to make sure all procedures are safe, for manicures, tattooing, body piercing, and other beauty and health services. This web site gives tips for both customers and artists.
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Internet Connects

Information Paragraphs Solving Problems with the Scientific Method
This site provides on-line coaching in writing the Information Paragraph and a quick review of scientific inquiry.
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Kitchen Chemistry
This Discovery Channel web site presents the science behind cooking.
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Our Daily Bread
In this investigation into how bread is made, discover what goes into your bread. Once you have found out about the ingredients, follow the instructions to bake some bread.
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Bag a McMeal
Create your own McDonald's meal by selecting menu items, and then get the nutrition facts.
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Internet Connects

ScienCentral News
Cosmetics companies are always launching new products. But how many of them can really get deep down to revitalize your complexion? You can watch the on-line video, but you must register first.
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Toothpaste Reviews
Choose the best toothpaste! Reviews of various toothpastes are summarized, and the source of the review is given. Lots of information!
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How Tooth Whitening Works
Ever wondered how tooth whitening work? This article explains.
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