Exploring Nationalism Teacher Centre

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Online Teacher Resource

Prelims (114.0K)
Introduction (258.0K)
Teaching Strategies (200.0K)
Teaching Activities Intro (113.0K)
Tour of the Text and Prologue (128.0K)
Related Issue1 (524.0K)
Related Issue2 (440.0K)
Related Issue3 (507.0K)
Related Issue4 (533.0K)
CD-ROMs (52.0K)

Tour of the Textbook - Index (54.0K)
Tour of the Textbook (TOT1) - Getting to Know Exploring Nationalism (93.0K)
Tour of the Textbook (TOT2) - Practise Identifying and Asking Issue Questions (67.0K)
Tour of the Textbook (TOT3) - What Criteria Would You Use (65.0K)
Tour of the Textbook (TOT4) - Practise Identifying and Asking Powerful Questions (69.0K)

Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue One - Chapter 1
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue One - Chapter 2
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue One - Chapter 3
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue One - Chapter 4
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Two - Chapter 5
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Two - Chapter 6
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Two - Chapter 7
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Two - Chapter 8
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Three - Chapter 9
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Three - Chapter 10
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Three - Chapter 11
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Three - Chapter 12
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Four - Chapter 13
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Four - Chapter 14
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Four - Chapter 15
Reproducible Line Masters - Related Issue Four - Chapter 16

Reproducible A (71.0K)
Reproducible B (69.0K)
Reproducible C (68.0K)
Reproducible D (68.0K)
Reproducible E (53.0K)
Reproducible F (242.0K)
Reproducible G (60.0K)
Reproducible H (73.0K)
Reproducible I (62.0K)
Reproducible J (59.0K)
Reproducible K (57.0K)
Reproducible L (84.0K)
Reproducible M (52.0K)
Reproducible N (63.0K)
Reproducible O (85.0K)

Black Line Masters

Bridging 20-1/20-2

Save valuable planning time with bridging tools that connect the two courses and the two resources to augment and enhance activities in both 20-1 and 20-2 social studies classrooms. NEW!

Alberta Social Studies 20-1 and 20-2: Bridging Outcomes, Skills, and Processes (122.0K)

Watch for more bridging tools to come . . .

Web Connections

Access annotated links to all Web Connections features in the student resource as well as additional sites identified throughout course implementation and of specific interest to the teacher
Chapter 1 Web Links

Civic Heraldry
A useful site for finding examples of coats of arms of cities, regions, and states – including Alberta and Edmonton.
( http://www.civicheraldry.com )
Emblems of Alberta
The coat of arms and other symbols for Alberta. Students can examine the elements and key phrases selected to depict the province’s people and history.
( http://www.assembly.ab.ca/pub/gdbook/Part5/page17.htm )
Tips on Creating Captions
A checklist of tips on creating captions. Students can use this information to complete the photo caption activity.
( http://www.americanpressinstitute.org/content/p318_c1390.cfm )
The Nationalism Project
A widely used resource for students and teachers. The site provides scholarly information including definitions of nationalism, book reviews, web links, subject bibliographies, and a bibliography of more than 2000 journal articles.
( http://www.nationalismproject.org/about.htm )
Benedict Anderson
A text interview with Benedict Anderson.
( http://www.culcom.uio.no/aktivitet/anderson-kapittel-eng.html )
Gitxsan First Nations
The Gitxsan First Nations occupies 33 000 square kilometers of territory in northwest British Columbia. The web site of the Gitxsan Chiefs’ Office provides an excellent overview of Gitxsan history and describes the people’s spiritual relationship with the land.
( http://www.gitxsan.com )
Web Links for page 29 of the Student Text

Tibetan Government in Exile's Official Website
The official website of the Office of Tibet, an agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan government in exile, contains information on the religion, culture and institutions of Tibet and the emigre population in India. It documents the Tibetan's historical struggle for self-determination, and provides a news service that reports events such as the March 2008 Declaration by the EU Presidency on the situation in Tibet.
( http://www.tibet.com/ )
Web Links for page 29 of the Student Text

Canada Tibet Committee
The CTC, made up of Tibetans and non-Tibetans in Canada, supports the restoration of Tibet to independent statehood. Their web site offers a summary of the Tibetan historic struggle, an overview of the government in exile, and information on the Tibetan émigré community in Canada.
( http://www.tibet.ca/en/tibet_in_canada/ )
Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982
Canada's Constitution Act, 1982, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
( http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/const/annex_e.html )
US Constitution
The Constitution of the United States.
( http://www.constitution.org/constit_.htm )
Fundamental Freedoms
This multilingual, multimedia site provides an overview of the Charter content and context in Canadian constitutional history, as well as analysis of the Charter's impact offered by Canadian legal experts. The site includes extensive teacher resources.
( http://www.charterofrights.ca/en/02_00_01 )
Andrew Coyne's Discussion of Nationhood
Journalist Andrew Coyne explores whether Quebec should be called a nation. In this piece, Coyne discusses different understandings of nationhood, including the sociological and the political.
( http://andrewcoyne.com/2006/11/alternation.php )
Canadian Artists and Canadian Identity
"Canadian Identity through Artistic Expression" explores what it means to be Canadian through the eyes of Ontario artists. Students can view selected works of Pierre Burton, the National Ballet of Canada, Marian Engel, and others.
( http://archeion-aao.fis.utoronto.ca/VirtualExhibits/canadian_identity/ )
Coat of Arms – Adrienne Clarkson
The coat of arms of former governor general Adrienne Clarkson. Students may want to consider the elements of nation and identity it contains as they prepare the related-issue challenge.
( http://www.gg.ca/heraldry/emb/05/emblems-ac_e.asp )
Chapter 2 Web Links

Web Links for page 46 of the Studnet Text

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Social Causes of the Revolution
Social Causes of the Revolution describes the build up of demographic and economic pressures on different social classes in pre-revolutionary France. This chapter discusses social change experienced by the rising middle class (bourgeoisie), guild members, workers, and peasants, and the dissemination of radical ideas by the intellectuals which all led to the outbreak of violence against the privileged nobility and clergy in 1789. The site covers a range of topics on the French Revolution, and features a large collection of primary source documents, including songs, memoir accounts, and visual images of the period.
( http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/chap1a.html )
The French Revolution -- Documents
A site that provides links to 20 primary documents on the French Revolution, such as the journal of a country priest, contemporary engravings and newspaper articles, and depositions, testimony, and petitions of women involved.
( http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/searchfr.php?function=find&keyword=priest )
Liberty, Freedom, Equality - The Napoleonic Experience
This section of The Napoleonic Experience looks at domestic policy, foreign policy and war, as well as Napoleon's legacy in an effort to balance various assessments of this legendary figure. Primary source documents, including maps, illustrations, contemporary cartoons, personal accounts, and the Marseillaise enliven the presentation.
( http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/chap9a.html# )
The Napoleonic Series
This evaluation of Napoleon's leadership and achievements argues that Napoleon should be judged by the standards of the day and measured against the actions of his contemporaries rather than by contemporary expectations. Imposing today's values on the actions of figures from time past is called "ahistoricism".
( http://www.napoleon-series.org/faq/c_leader.html )
France Riots – News in Review
A CBC News in Review story and study guide on the 2005 riots in France.
( http://www.cbc.ca/newsinreview/jan06/PDFs/riots.pdf )
Web Links for page 52 of the Student Text

Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789
Text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789.
( http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/rightsof.htm )
Marie Antoinette
A PBS site on Marie Antionette and the French Revolution. The site offers links to a timeline, a biography, quizzes, interviews with leading authorities, and a virtual tour of the queen's royal chamber.
( http://www.pbs.org/marieantoinette )
Cahiers de Doleances of 1789
A useful review of Revolutionary Demands: A content Analysis of the Cahiers de Doleances of 1789. The articles raises many of the questions addressed by the book, which uses the cahiers as a vast database to illustrate the crises consuming France and concludes that the public "figured out what might be plausible."
( http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2005/is_2_34/ai_68660116 )
Napoleon's Russian Campaign of 1812
A PBS page on Napoleon’s Russian campaign.
( http://www.pbs.org/empires/napoleon/n_war/campaign/page_12.html )
Napoleon – PBS Series
This PBS site offers a biography, a timeline, and an overview of the politics during Napoleon's time and the controversy surrounding his legacy.
( http://www.pbs.org/empires/napoleon )
Napoleon Image Gallery
A gallery of paintings depicting Napoleon, including two contrasting images of crossing the Alps, with helpful sidenotes. The site also has links to four maps.
( http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110901/standard/gallery.html )
Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text

France's Ban on Headscarves – Q&A
A BBC News Q&A on the ban on headscarves in France.
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3328277.stm )
Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text

France's Headscarf Ban
This CBC News in Depth story explores the pros and cons of the headscarf ban in France and provides links to stories about similar situations in Canada.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/islam/hijab.html )
Web Links for page 57 of the Student Text

France divided as headscarf ban is set to become law
In this Observer article, Alex Duval Smith explores the issues of racism, secularism, female subjugation, and integration of immigrants into French society that surrounded the 2004 headscarf ban from a variety of perspectives. Debates between feminist activists, French conservatives, Muslim targets of the legislation, politicians and religious leaders highlight the differing approaches that have been taken to the concept and rights of nations.
( http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/feb/01/france.schoolsworldwide )
"The White Paper"
This Indian and Northern Affairs Canada site discusses legislative and constitutional attempts – including the 1969 White Paper – to address the needs of Aboriginal peoples in Canada from 1969 to 1992.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/sg/sg18_e.html )
"The Red Paper"
A summary of "Citizens Plus", also known as the Red Paper, by the Indian Chiefs of Alberta, 1970.
( http://www.canadiana.org/citm/_textpopups/aboriginals/doc75_e.html )
Victoria Callihoo
A web page about Victoria Callihoo, presented by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society.
( http://www.ammsa.com/buffalospirit/2004/footprints-VBCallihoo.html )
Queen Victoria
A useful site about Britain’s Queen Victoria.
( http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRvictoria.htm )
Queen Victoria
A wide-ranging PBS site about Queen Victoria.
( http://www.pbs.org/empires/victoria )
Chapter 3 Web Links

Medicines Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
The web site of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), which provides emergency medical assistance in more than 70 countries.
( http://www.msf.org )
Highway of Heroes
A story about renaming a stretch of Highway 401 between Trenton and Toronto, Ontario, now known as the Highway of Heroes. Includes multiple perspectives.
( http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070824/online_petition_070824/20070... )
Web Links for page 74 of the Student Text

Multiculturalism Canada
An online resource of materials on Canadian multicultural history that looks to promote learning, greater understanding and communication between of several of the larger cultural groups in Canada.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/index_e.cfm )
Assembly of First Nations
The website of the Assembly of First Nations.
( http://www.afn.ca )
Project Naming
The web site for Project Naming is posted in three languages – French, English, and Inuktitut – and includes a useful page on the Inuktitut language.
( http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/inuit/index.html )
South Baffin Planning Region Archeology and Place Names
The Nunavut Research Institute's efforts to preserve the past through the South Baffin Place Names Project are described on this Nunavut government website. Names identified through this project will be incorporated into the Nunavut Planning Commissions' mapping program, which will include a 'Talking Map.'
( http://npc.nunavut.ca/eng/regions/southbaf/archeol.html )
Zacharias Kunuk
A story about Inuit filmmaker Zacharias Kunuk and his film abouat Kiviaq.
( http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060425/atanarjuat_documentary_06042... )
Canada Quiz
This CBC site has links to a study guide and the Canada Quiz required to become a Canadian citizen. Students may be surprised at their score.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/becomingcanadian/self_citizen_quiz.html )
Quebec's "Big Accommodation" Debate
This CBC News in Review story investigates the reasonable accommodation debate in Quebec. The study guide is suitable for high school students and includes an exercise on reasonable accommodation cases in Canada.
( http://www.cbc.ca/newsinreview/dec07/PDFs/accommodation.pdf )
Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences
The Bouchard-Taylor Commission was established by Premier Jean Charest in 2007 to consult with people across Québec on reasonable accommodation, largely in response to public outcry after the town of Herouxville adopted a code of societal norms for would-be immigrants who wanted to settle there. The Commission's final report, which advocates for greater tolerance and a secular face for provincial institutions, is available on this website.
( http://www.accommodements.qc.ca/index-en.html )
Battle of Beaumont Hamel
Veterans Affairs Canada provides an in-depth exploration of the role played by the Newfoundland Regiment at the Battle of Beaumont Hamel.
( http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/remembers/sub.cfm?source=memorials/ww1mem/beaumonthamel )
Newfoundland Memorial at Beaumont Hamel
A web page on the Newfoundland Memorial Park at Beaumont Hamel includes a number of photographs of the World War I battlefield as it was then and is now.
( http://www.ww1battlefields.co.uk/somme/newfoundland.html )
Web Links for page 83 of the Student Text

People to People, Nation to Nation
Highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, People to People, Nation to Nation.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/rpt/index_e.html )
Coat of arms – Ramon Hnatyshyn
The coat of arms of former governor general Ramon John Hnatyshyn. Students may wish to consider this coat of arms as they prepare for the related-issue challenge.
( http://www.gg.ca/heraldry/emb/05/emblems-rjn_e.asp )
Chapter 4 Web Links

Seal Hunt -- FAQs
A CBC News in Depth page of FAQs on the seal hunt.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/sealhunt )
Sunni and Shiite Muslims
An article titled "What is the Difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims – And Why Does it Matter?" from the History News Network.
( http://hnn.us/articles/934.html )
The web site for the anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters, best known for its spoof ads. By analyzing the spoof ads, consumers can see how the originals represent a product. Samples of spoof ads are posted on the site.
( http://www.adbusters.org/home )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

Tar Sands: The Selling of Alberta
This site offers an overview of a documentary commissioned by the CBC, Tar Sands: The Selling of Alberta, and provides a link to a web page of comments about it.
( http://www.cbc.ca/doczone/tarsands )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

Alberta Energy: The Oil Sands Web Page
The Alberta government’s web page on the oil sands.
( http://www.energy.gov.ab.ca/OurBusiness/oilsands.asp )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

Oil Sands Discovery Centre
The web page of the Oil Sands Discovery Centre.
( http://www.oilsandsdiscovery.com )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

The Pembina Institute works to address environmental issues arising from oil sands development. Its website offers background articles and other resources, including this video which presents industry, First Nations, and environmentalist perspectives on sustainable development of the oil sands. Melody Lepine (p. 99 in the sampler) is featured in the video.
( http://www.oilsandswatch.org/videos/osf )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

More than a Map
This article in the Oil Sands Review, discusses the Athabasca Oil Sands Project's partnership with the European Space Agency to use satellite data to support sustainable development and future mine reclamation.
( http://www.oilsandsreview.com/articles.asp?ID=451 )
Web Links for page 98 of the Student Text

Athabasca Oil Sands Project 2004 Sustainable Development Report
Shell Canada's report on sustainable development describes the corporation's participation in CEMA, a multistakeholder group that is working to establish frameworks for the management of resource development and environmental impacts. See the chapter entitled, "Environmental."
( http://www.shell.com/static/ca-en/downloads/about_shell/what_we_do/aosp_sd_report.pdf )
Falun Gong
This CBC News in Depth article explores Falun Gong.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/china/falun_gong.html )
Sharon McIvor Case
An article that explores the case of Sharon McIvor, a First Nations woman from Merritt, BC, who started a legal challenge against gender discrimination in the Indian Act on the grounds that it violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The site provides a link to an interview with McIvor, who recently received the Carole Geller Human Rights Award.
( http://www.nationtalk.ca/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4888 )
Web Links for page 105 of the Student Text

Minnijean Brown Trickey
A brief biography of Minnijean Brown Trickey, civil rights activist who integrated Central High School in 1957. From the National Women's History Project.
( http://www.nwhp.org/whm/trickey_bio.php )
Web Links for page 105 of the Student Text

The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture
The "Little Rock Nine" entry from the Encyclopedia provides a history of the standoff at Little Rock Central High School, biographies of the participants, photographs and extensive links to related topics. The encyclopedia includes a chapter on segregation and desegregation in Arkansas and other southern US states.
( http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?search=1&entryID=723 )
Web Links for page 107 of the Student Text

Maher Arar
Maher Arar's web site outlines his case and the legal challenges that resulted. Arar's personal statement outlines how his experience has made him feel close to Canadians across the nation and how these Canadians have, in turn, made him proud to be Canadian.
( http://www.maherarar.ca )
Web Links for page 107 of the Student Text

The Canadian Muslim Network Tribute to Civil Liberties in Canada
In an effort to enhance communication between Muslim Canadians and Canadians of other faiths, the Canadian Muslim Network has offered this tribute in honour of Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh. The tribute was intended to recognize the backing of the Canadian public as well as Arar's role in the restoration of civil liberties that had begun to erode in the wake of heightened security surrounding September 11th.
( http://www.interpares.ca/en/publications/pdf/CMN_Civil_Liberties.pdf )

News Feeds

Access daily news feeds from sources including the Globe and Mail, CBC, Statistics Canada, Canadian Business, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta

Enter the News Feed Site

Visuals Library

Create effective classroom presentations with electronic access to ALL photos, maps, and illustrations within the Exploring Nationalism student resource

To visit our Visual Library please click here.

Audio/Video Library

Enhance your classroom experience with links to a collection of audio and video clips, organized by related issue and aligned directly to text discussions NEW!
Chapter 1 Audio Visual Library

Exploring Canadian Identity
The Alberta Online Consortia's interactive website explores notions of national identity by asking questions about Canadian history, myth, ideology, popular culture, and the country's heroes. The site is organized around tasks designed to help students articulate a unique vision of the Canadian nation for presentation at a theoretical World's Fair.
( http://www.ataoc.ca/start/identity/identity.html )
Metis fiddler Sierra Noble
YouTube video of Sierra Noble performing "The Warrior's Lament" at the Vimy Memorial rededication ceremony.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8TCUyRGE1Y )
Joe Canadian Rant
This site showcases videos of "Canadian pride" including the "Joe Canadian Rant" used in the Molson beer commercials.
( http://www.canada4life.ca/videos.php )
Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution
From the CBC Digital Archive, this series of contemporary radio and TV clips outlines jurisdictional and rights issues that animated Constitutional debate between Canadian politicians during the patriation of the Constitution.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/constitution/topics/1092/ )
Stompin' Tom Connors
YouTube video of Stompin' Tom Connors singing "Big Joe Mufferaw".
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy3knGGzZr8 )
Chapter 2 Audio Visual Library

France Riots
This CBC story, with links to a timeline, examines the violence that erupted in Paris and other French cities in the fall of 2005.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/paris_riots )
Métis Identity
This website presents traditional Métis history and culture in the form of primary documents, oral history interviews, photographs as well as audio and video files.
( http://www.metismuseum.ca )
Gordon Lightfoot's "The Canadian Railroad Trilogy"
Lightfoot's rendition set against a spectacular imagery.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zjoO170XFI )
The Pauline Johnson Archive
E. Pauline Johnson, or Tekahionwake which means "double life", was born of mixed Mohawk and English parents. Her poetry, recitals, and dramatic approach to her dual cultural identity are presented in archival materials collected on this McMaster University website. Videos available on this site.
( http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~pjohnson/home.html )
Chapter 3 Audio Visual Library

"Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum"
The CBC Archives offers a web page called "Separation Anxiety: The 1995 Quebec Referendum", with links to a selection of radio and television vignettes that capture the anxiety and tension of this period, plus resources for teachers.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-73-1891/politics_economy/1995_referendum )
10th Anniversary of Oka Crisis
The CBC Archives offers an array of material surrounding the Oka Crisis.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/war_conflict/civil_unrest/clips/586/ )
Phil Fontaine – National Day of Action
A YouTube video where Phil Fontaine speaks about the need for a National Day of Action.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skV_UB32fxA )
The Maple Leaf Forever
The Maple Leaf For Ever: Written by Alexander Muir and performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQc1_NpfXBc )
Chapter 4 Audio Visual Library

Maria Dunn
A CBC radio site where students can listen to 12 of Maria Dunn's songs.
( http://radio3.cbc.ca/bands/MARIA-DUNN )
Statue of Saddam Hussein
This web page offers notes and commentary on various images of American soldiers pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein in Fardus Square. It also provides a link to a video.
( http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/NYI304A.html )
Alberta Elections: 1975 National Energy Program Lougheed Fights Trudeau, Raises Oil Reven...
The Progressive Conservative government in Alberta expands its services in the early 1970's as oil royalties fill the provincial coffers. Pierre Trudeau intervenes to help those not benefiting from the high oil prices, but faces stiff opposition from the Alberta government. Audio files.
( http://www.edukits.ca/petroleum/focus_media.htm )

Assessment Library

Assessment Library

Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 1 (43.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 1 (with answers) (45.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 2 (77.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 2 (with answers) (79.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 3 (305.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 3 (with answers) (307.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 4 (321.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 4 (with answers) (144.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 5 (683.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 5 (with answers) (677.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 6 (85.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 6 (with answers) (86.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 7 (108.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 7 (with answers) (110.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 8 (181.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 8 (with answers) (183.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 9 (68.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 9 (with answers) (70.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 10 (187.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 10 (with answers) (189.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 11 (73.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 11 (with answers) (74.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 12 (201.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 12 (with answers) (203.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 13 (193.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 13 (with answers) (194.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 14 (91.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 14 (with answers) (92.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 15 (144.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 15 (with answers) (145.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 16 (26.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 16 (with answers) (28.0K)

Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Questions #1 (23.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Questions #1 (with responses) (28.0K)

Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Questions #2 (343.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Questions #2 (with responses) (356.0K)

Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Assignment I Scoring Categories and Criteria (16.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Written Response Assignment II Scoring Categories and Criteria (18.0K)

Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Unit 1 Alternative Challenge Activity (15.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Unit 2 Alternative Challenge Activity (9.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Unit 3 Alternative Challenge Activity (16.0K)
Exploring Nationalism 20-1 Unit 4 Alternative Challenge Activity (15.0K)

The assessment library contains:
  • a bank of multiple choice and written response questions that will help assess students' understanding and help prepare them for the Grade 12 diploma exam,
  • alternative unit tasks,
  • a variety of modifiable assessment rubrics.
On-going updates will continue until assessment materials have been posted for each chapter.

If you have questions and/or comments about the assessment library, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Template Library

Locate modifiable templates and checklists that support skills and processes outcomes

Related Issue 1

R1.1.1 Thinking about Your Coat of Arms (55.0K)
R1.1.4 My Coat of Arms Proposal (64.0K)
R1.1.5 Notes for My Coat of Arms (59.0K)
R1.1.6 Some Ways to Understand Nation (53.0K)
R1.1.7 Understanding of Nation (60.0K)
R1.1.8 Is Cananda a Nation (55.0K)
R1.2.1 Storming the Bastille (56.0K)
R1.2.2 Identifying Rhetoric and Bias (76.0K)
R1.2.3 Some Factors That Shape Nationalism (54.0K)
R1.2.4 Grievances and Recommendations (91.0K)
R1.2.5 Some Perspectives on Nationalism (52.0K)
R1.3.1 Choosing among Loyalties (61.0K)
R1.3.2 Affirming Nationalist Loyalties (57.0K)
R1.3.3 National Loyalties in a Multicultural Society (59.0K)
R1.3.4 Oaths of Citizenship (77.0K)
R1.3.5 Protecting Language and Culture in Quebee (52.0K)
R1.3.6 Analyzing Information (58.0K)
R1.3.7 Aborginal Peoples (62.0K)
R1.3.8 Inventory of Nationalist Symbols (52.0K)
R1.4.1 My Nationalist and Non-Nationalist (62.0K)
R1.4.2 Analyzing and Interpreting (60.0K)
R1.4.3 When Regional and Nationalst Loyalty (54.0K)
R1.4.4 Defending an Informaed Position (105.0K)
R1.4.5 Reconciling Nationalist and Non-Nationalist (55.0K)

R1.1.1 Thinking about Your Coat of Arms (26.0K)
R1.1.4 My Coat of Arms Proposal (34.0K)
R1.1.5 Notes for My Coat of Arms (33.0K)
R1.1.6 Some Ways to Understand Nation (35.0K)
R1.1.7 Understanding of Nation (34.0K)
R1.1.8 Is Cananda a Nation (26.0K)
R1.2.1 Storming the Bastille (25.0K)
R1.2.2 Identifying Rhetoric and Bias (28.0K)
R1.2.3 Some Factors That Shape Nationalism (26.0K)
R1.2.4 Grievances and Recommendations (1236.0K)
R1.2.5 Some Perspectives on Nationalism (901.0K)
R1.3.1 Choosing among Loyalties (26.0K)
R1.3.2 Affirming Nationalist Loyalties (38.0K)
R1.3.3 National Loyalties in a Multicultural Society (26.0K)
R1.3.4 Oaths of Citizenship (34.0K)
R1.3.5 Protecting Language and Culture in Quebee (38.0K)
R1.3.6 Analyzing Information (34.0K)
R1.3.7 Aborginal Peoples (27.0K)
R1.3.8 Inventory of Nationalist Symbols (26.0K)
R1.4.1 My Nationalist and Non-Nationalist (35.0K)
R1.4.2 Analyzing and Interpreting (33.0K)
R1.4.3 When Regional and Nationalst Loyalty (895.0K)
R1.4.4 Defending an Informaed Position (478.0K)
R1.4.5 Reconciling Nationalist and Non-Nationalist (32.0K)

Repro A Ten Steps to Preparing Research (71.0K)
Repro B Ten Steps to Making Effective Presentations (69.0K)
Repro C Francophone References (68.0K)
Repro D Aboriginal References (68.0K)
Repro E My KWL Chart (53.0K)
Repro F Mind Map (242.0K)
Repro G Creating Effective Inquiry Questions Checklist (60.0K)
Repro H Placemat (73.0K)
Repro I consensus-Building Tips (62.0K)
Repro J Trems of the Treaty of Versailles (59.0K)
Repro K T-chart (57.0K)
Repro L Venn Diagram (84.0K)
Repro M Point-Proof-Comment Organizer (52.0K)
Repro N Triangle Debate Organizer (63.0K)
Repro O Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (85.0K)

Repro A Ten Steps to Preparing Research (61.0K)
Repro B Ten Steps to Making Effective Presentations (58.0K)
Repro C Francophone References (33.0K)
Repro D Aboriginal References (33.0K)
Repro E My KWL Chart (24.0K)
Repro F Mind Map (326.0K)
Repro G Creating Effective Inquiry Questions Checklist (39.0K)
Repro H Placemat (361.0K)
Repro I consensus-Building Tips (31.0K)
Repro J Trems of the Treaty of Versailles (37.0K)
Repro K T-chart (24.0K)
Repro L Venn Diagram (312.0K)
Repro M Point-Proof-Comment Organizer (201.0K)
Repro N Triangle Debate Organizer (35.0K)
Repro O Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (52.0K)

News Feeds

Access daily news feeds from sources including the Globe and Mail, CBC, Statistics Canada, Canadian Business, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta

Please note the News Feeds are no longer available.

Template Library

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Related Issue 1
Related Issue 2
Related Issue 3
Related Issue 4

Repro A Ten Steps to Preparing Research (71.0K)
Repro B Ten Steps to Making Effective Presentations (69.0K)
Repro C Francophone References (68.0K)
Repro D Aboriginal References (68.0K)
Repro E My KWL Chart (53.0K)
Repro F Mind Map (242.0K)
Repro G Creating Effective Inquiry Questions Checklist (60.0K)
Repro H Placemat (73.0K)
Repro I consensus-Building Tips (62.0K)
Repro J Trems of the Treaty of Versailles (59.0K)
Repro K T-chart (57.0K)
Repro L Venn Diagram (84.0K)
Repro M Point-Proof-Comment Organizer (52.0K)
Repro N Triangle Debate Organizer (63.0K)
Repro O Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (85.0K)

Modifiable Templates

Repro A Ten Steps to Preparing Research (61.0K)
Repro B Ten Steps to Making Effective Presentations (58.0K)
Repro C Francophone References (33.0K)
Repro D Aboriginal References (33.0K)
Repro E My KWL Chart (24.0K)
Repro F Mind Map (326.0K)
Repro G Creating Effective Inquiry Questions Checklist (39.0K)
Repro H Placemat (361.0K)
Repro I consensus-Building Tips (31.0K)
Repro J Trems of the Treaty of Versailles (37.0K)
Repro K T-chart (24.0K)
Repro L Venn Diagram (312.0K)
Repro M Point-Proof-Comment Organizer (201.0K)
Repro N Triangle Debate Organizer (35.0K)
Repro O Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (52.0K)

Visuals Library

Utilize images and illustrations from the Exploring Globalization student resource in reports and presentations

My Journal on Nationalism

Modifiable journal templates for each chapter that reflect the topic of each "My Journal on Nationalism" feature. NEW!

Web Links

This entry in the Internet Modern History Sourcebook presents a selection of short, contemporary readings that introduce concepts of cultural nationalism, nationalism as a basis for liberal democracy, and nationalism as a claim to superiority. Musical examples of each variant of nationalism are also offered.
( http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook17.html )
What is Nationalism?
The Nationalism Project is an extensive online resource that presents a variety of research materials, including book reviews, bibliographies and links to related sites for further reading. The "What is Nationalism" section introduces students to various perspectives on the study of nationalism, offering multiple definitions of nationalism developed by important scholars and philosophers of the movement.
( http://www.nationalismproject.org/what.htm )
Page 29

The Official Web Site of the Central Tibetan Administration
Though not officially recognized by any other government, the Central Tibetan Administration, which fled Chinese occupation in 1960 and moved into exile in Dharamsala, India, maintains legislative, executive, and judicial departments and other institutions that are described on this site.
( http://www.tibet.net/en/cta/ )
Page 29

Tibetan Justice Center
This website was originally created by a multinational group of lawyers who support the Tibetan freedom struggle by providing legal and other information to the government in exile for use in discussion with international agencies such as the UN. The site contains legal materials as well as research on special projects the group has carried out to investigate abuses of Chinese rule.
( http://www.tibetjustice.org/about/ )
Page 30

Building A Just Society
This site is an eclectic web exhibition created by Library and Archives Canada to mark the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of the Constitution Act of 1982, which also established the Charter. The site features discussion of many Charter provisions by a heterogeneous group of Canadian thinkers, and provides primary source documents and extensive links to further research.
( http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/rights-and-freedoms/023021-150-e.php?uid=023021-nlc012... )
Page 30

The Night of Long Knives
This page accompanies a segment of the CBC series, Canada A People's History. "The Night of Long Knives" describes former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's efforts to repatriate the Constitution in face of opposition from provincial premiers, and Quebec in particular, and the consequences for Canadian federalism of the deal that was struck between Trudeau and several of the provincial premiers.
( http://history.cbc.ca/history/?MIval=EpisContent&series_id=1&episode_id=17&chapter_id=1&p... )
Page 30

Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution
From the CBC Digital Archive, this series of contemporary radio and TV clips outlines jurisdictional and rights issues that animated Constitutional debates between Canadian politicians during patriation of the Constitution.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/constitution/topics/1092/ )

Web Links

Page 29

Tibetan Government in Exile' s Official Website
The official website of the Office of Tibet, an agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, leader of the Tibetan government in exile, contains information on the religion, culture and institutions of Tibet and the émigré population in India. It documents the Tibetan's historical struggle for self-determination, and provides a news service that reports events such as the March 2008 Declaration by the EU Presidency on the situation in Tibet.
( http://www.tibet.com/ )
Page 29

Canada Tibet Committee
The CTC, made up of Tibetans and non-Tibetans in Canada, supports the restoration of Tibet to independent statehood. Their web site offers a summary of the Tibetan historic struggle, an overview of the government in exile, and information on the Tibetan émigré community in Canada.
( http://www.tibet.ca/en/tibet_in_canada/ )
Page 30

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The Department of Justice Canada website contains the full text of the Charter.
( http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/ )
Page 30

Fundamental Freedoms
This multilingual, multimedia site provides an overview of the Charter content and context in Canadian constitutional history, as well as analysis of the Charter's impact offered by Canadian legal experts. The site includes extensive teacher resources.
( http://www.charterofrights.ca/en/02_00_01 )
Additional Links

Exploring Canadian Identity
The AOC's interactive website explores notions of national identity by asking questions about Canadian history, myth, ideology, popular culture, and the country's heroes. The site is organized around tasks designed to help students articulate a unique vision of the Canadian nation for presentation at a theoretical World's Fair.
( http://www.ataoc.ca/start/identity/identity.html )
Page 30

Charting the Future: Canada's New Constitution
From the CBC Digital Archive, this series of contemporary radio and TV clips outlines jurisdictional and rights issues that animated Constitutional debate between Canadian politicians during the patriation of the Constitution.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/politics/constitution/topics/1092/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

This searchable website of The Fondation Napoléon, a charity committed to encouraging study of the history of the First and Second Empires and to preserving the Napoleonic heritage, is a broad resource offers a variety of teaching materials.
( http://www.napoleon.org/en/special_dossier/chalons/nuit/nuit.html )
Additional Links

Companion to the PBS documentary series on Napoleon, this site presents a history of Napoleon and his era, a discussion forum that offers alternative views on Napoleon's legacy, an extensive bibliography and links to other Napoleon sites, an interactive battle simulator, as well as video clips from the PBS film that show dramatizations of the battles of Lodi, Austerlitz, and Waterloo.
( http://www.pbs.org/empires/napoleon/flash/fl_home.html )
Additional Links

Europe in Retrospect - The Age of Napoleon
This discussion of the Napoleonic era in Britannia.com focuses on political developments in the Napoleonic revolution, stressing Napoleon's popular appeal and his use of democratic tools (the plebiscite) to support his dictatorship.
( http://www.britannia.com/history/euro/1/2_3.html )
Additional Links

This selection from the Canadian Encyclopedia provides a broad outline of the development of Canadian nationalism from WW1 to the 1990s. The text had embedded links for further information on the groups and individuals that played a role in the shaping of nationalist sentiment.
( http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0005637 )
Additional Links

The Assembly of First Nations - The Story
The Assembly of First Nations website contains information on the history, organizational structure, and leadership of the Assembly. "The Story" recounts the struggle of First Nations People for self-determination and recognition of their rightful position in Canadian society.
( http://www.afn.ca/article.asp?id=59 )
Additional Links

Quebec Nationalism in a Historical and Social-Psychological Perspective
Daniel Rubinson at McGill University argues that the formative events in the development of Quebecois nationalism were the failed Insurrections of 1837/38 and the Quiet Revolution in the 1960s. His article discusses the major political events and social movements that worked towards the evolution of an ethnic-based, survivance nationalism to the language-based, civic nationalism of today.
( http://www.cpssa-aespc.org/expressions2005/Quebec%20nationalism,%20Ethnic%20Ties%20and%20... )

Web Links

Page 46

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity - Social Causes of the Revolution
Social Causes of the Revolution describes the build up of demographic and economic pressures on different social classes in pre-revolutionary France. This chapter discusses social change experienced by the rising middle class (bourgeoisie), guild members, workers, and peasants, and the dissemination of radical ideas by the intellectuals which all led to the outbreak of violence against the privileged nobility and clergy in 1789. The site covers a range of topics on the French Revolution, and features a large collection of primary source documents, including songs, memoir accounts, and visual images of the period.
( http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/chap1a.html )
Page 52

Declaration of the Rights of Man – 1789
Text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789.
( http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/rightsof.htm )
Additional Links

Companion to the PBS documentary series on Napoleon, this site presents a history of Napoleon and his era that includes a discussion forum offering alternative views on Napoleon's legacy, an extensive bibliography and links to other Napoleon sites, an interactive battle simulator, as well as video clips from a PBS film that dramatize the battles of Lodi, Austerlitz, and Waterloo.
( http://www.pbs.org/empires/napoleon/flash/fl_home.html )
Additional Links

Liberty, Freedom, Equality - The Napoleonic Experience
This section of The Napoleonic Experience looks at domestic policy, foreign policy and war, as well as Napoleon's legacy in an effort to balance various assessments of this legendary figure. Primary source documents, including maps, illustrations, contemporary cartoons, personal accounts, and the Marseillaise enliven the presentation.
( http://chnm.gmu.edu/revolution/chap9a.html# )
Additional Links

The Napoleonic Series
This evaluation of Napoleon's leadership and achievements argues that Napoleon should be judged by the standards of the day and measured against the actions of his contemporaries rather than by contemporary expectations. Imposing today's values on the actions of figures from time past is called "ahistoricism."
( http://www.napoleon-series.org/faq/c_leader.html )
Page 57

France divided as headscarf ban is set to become law
In this Observer article, Alex Duval Smith explores the issues of racism, secularism, female subjugation, and integration of immigrants into French society that surrounded the 2004 headscarf ban. Debates between feminist activists, French conservatives, Muslim targets of the legislation, politicians and religious leaders highlight the differing approaches that have been used to define the concept and rights of nations.
( http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/feb/01/france.schoolsworldwide )
Additional Links

Imperialism in Canada
In his 1904 Address to the Empire Club of Canada, the poet William Wilfred Campbell describes imperialism as a progressive, civilizing force, and Canada's adherence to British causes and institutions as the single means to the development of a true nationalism that would protect against Americanization. His speech is a good example of the arguments used by monarchists in early 20th Canada to define Canadian nationalism through linkage with British traditions.
( http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=2582&FT=yes )
Additional Links

The Crucible of War: Canadian and British Troops During the Boer War
Reaction to Britain's demand that Canada support it's efforts in the Boer War in 1902 are viewed by many historians as a defining event in the development of Canadian nationalism. The government ultimately supported pro-British Canadians' call to send troops to South Africa against the objections of French Canadians such as Henri Bourassa who viewed this as a British Imperialist war that Canada had no place in. In this article, Carmen Miller argues that rather than cementing Canadian loyalty to Britain, the Canadians' experience of war worked to create a sense of distinctness.
( http://www.defence.gov.au/army/ahu/books_articles/ConferencePapers/The_Boer_War_Miller.htm )
Additional Links

Building the Canadian Pacific Railway
This site provides an outline and photographs which document the history of the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The narrative tone calls to mind one of Canada's more prominent national myths - that construction of the railway was actually an exercise in forging the 'national dream.'
( http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/customcode/Media.cfm?CFID=70816&CFTOKEN=28 512484... )
Additional Links

The Pauline Johnson Archive
E. Pauline Johnson, or Tekahionwake which means "double life," was born of mixed Mohawk and English parents. Her poetry, recitals, and dramatic approach to her dual cultural identity are presented in archival materials collected on this McMaster University website.
( http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~pjohnson/home.html )
Additional Links

Métis Identity
Published by the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies, this article examines the roots of Métis identity and Métis self-identification throughout history. The author also discusses the relationship between the struggle for self-governing institutions and efforts to foster a stronger identity for the Métis people.
( http://www.metismuseum.ca/media/document.php/00726.pdf )

Web Links

Page 74

From Mosaic to Harmony: Multicultural Canada in the 21st Century
This Federal Government Policy paper looks at whether or not Canada needs to redefine it multicultural policy. This investigation was inspired by a need to address the growing tension between "multicultural diversity" and "promoting cultural differences at the expense of shared Canadian values" that has been more apparent in the Canadian media.
( http://www.policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/SP_div_Mosaic_%20e.pdf )
Page 74

A question of loyalty
Canadian journalist, George Jonas, discusses issues surrounding the accommodation of immigrant culture and practices, arguing that multicultural policy must also safeguard established definitions of Canadian national values.
( http://www.georgejonas.com/recent_writing.cfm?id=403 )
Additional Links

Land Treaties
The Canadian Encyclopedia presents a thorough overview of the historic relationship between the Canadian Government and Aboriginal Peoples, as expressed through negotiation of land treaties. This entry contains embedded links to specific topics, as well as links to additional research resources.
( http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0003983 )
Additional Links

Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
The Royal Commission was established in 1990 to address Aboriginal concerns which had been raised by the Oka crisis of that summer. The Commission report, which examined the relationships between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian government and society, is provided on this site.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/sg/sgmm_e.html )
Additional Links

Historic Treaty Information Site
This Historic Treaty Information site, created by the Treaty Policy Directorate of Indian and Northern Affairs, contains historical research reports, images, maps, bibliographies and other resources pertaining to the more than 70 historic treaties negotiated between 1701 and 1923.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/trts/hti/site/maindex_e.html )
Additional Links

Turtle Island Network
This native-owned news site contains extensive documentation on historic and contemporary land claims, as well as commentary from the perspective of aboriginal people.
( http://www.turtleisland.org/news/news-landclaims.htm )

Web Links

Page 74

The Heritage Canada Multiculturalism website provides definitions, legislation, and statistics, as well as an explanation of federal government multicultural policy and programming. It also contains extensive links that offer the perspective of various multicultural groups in Canada, including non-governmental organizations.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/index_e.cfm )
Page 74

Multicultural Canada
An online resource of materials on Canadian multicultural history that looks to promote learning, greater understanding and communication between of several of the larger cultural groups in Canada.
( http://www.multiculturalcanada.ca/index.htm )
Additional Links

About Médecins Sans Frontières
The MSF mandate is to help "alleviate human suffering, to protect life and health and to restore and ensure respect for the human beings and their fundamental human rights." In work with government authorities to rebuild health structures, in efforts to raise awareness of crisis situations, and when acting as witness to the plight of populations in need, volunteers must provide assistance even when they encounter cultural and societal difference.
( http://www.msf.org/msfinternational/invoke.cfm?objectid=130CB2BA-E018-0C72-097046C7C42A85... )
Additional Links

South Baffin Planning Region Archeology and Place Names
The Nunavut Research Institute's efforts to preserve the past through the South Baffin Place Names Project are described on this Nunavut government website. Names identified through this project will be incorporated into the Nunavut Planning Commissions' mapping program, which will include a 'Talking Map.'
( http://npc.nunavut.ca/eng/regions/southbaf/archeol.html )
Page 83

People to People, Nation to Nation
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada presents highlights from the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Full text of the Report is also available on the website.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/rpt/index_e.html )

Web Links

Additional Links

Sealing Industry
The economic importance of sealing to Newfoundland and Labrador communities as well as hunt sustainability and humanity are presented by the province's Fisheries and Aquaculture ministry on this provincial government site.
( http://www.fishaq.gov.nl.ca/sealfactsheet/eco.htm )
Additional Links

The Canadian Seal Hunt: No Management And No Plan
Greenpeace research argues that the Canadian commercial seal hunt is not viable from a conservation standpoint, and that government management of the hunt is ruled by political considerations.
( http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/international/press/reports/canadian-seal-hunt-no-m... )
Page 98

Oil Sands Sustainable Development Secretariat
The Alberta Government's Oil Sands Sustainability Secretariat was created in 2007 to work with all stakeholders to address the social, environmental, and economic impacts of rapid expansion of the industry. Its website presents information on the government's plan for managing growth in the oil sands.
( http://www.treasuryboard.gov.ab.ca/About/oilsands.cfm )
Page 98

Athabaska Oil Sands Project 2004 Sustainable Development Report
This Shell Canada Report describes the corporation's participation in CEMA, a multi-stakeholder group that is working to establish frameworks for the management of resource development and its environmental effects. See the chapter entitled, "Environmental."
( http://www.shell.com/static/ca-en/downloads/about_shell/what_we_do/aosp_sd_report.pdf )
Additional Links

Civil Rights Special Collection
Produced by WGBH Boston, this teacher resource contains archival news footage, primary source documents, and interview segments to explore the history of the Civil Rights movement in America. It features an interactive timeline of events that shaped the movement and its aftermath.
( http://www.teachersdomain.org/exhibits/civil/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

The Atlantic Seal Hunt
This CBC news report on the seal hunt is structured as a question and answer session that tries to look behind the rhetoric on this inflammatory issue. From this page, click to listen to opposing points of view offered by the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Newfoundland, and the Director of the Humane Society of the United States.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/sealhunt/ )
Additional Links

The Prairie Roots of Canada's Political "Third Parties"
Western cooperative sentiment combined with frustration over the plight of desperate farmers and workers during the Great Depression to create new political movements. The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, formed in Calgary in 1932, advocated a new vision of the Canadian nation which sought to protect the working classes through widespread public ownership and nationalization of financial institutions. See "The Depression and third party development" section of this site.
( http://www.mta.ca/faculty/arts/canadian_studies/english/about/study_guide/roots/ )
Page 98

The Pembina Institute works to address environmental issues arising from oil sands development. Its website offers background articles and other resources, including this video which presents industry, First Nations, and environmentalist perspectives on sustainable development of the oil sands. Melody Lepine (p. 99 in the sampler) is featured in the video.
( http://www.oilsandswatch.org/videos/osf )
Additional Links

More than a Map
This article in the Oil Sands Review, discusses the Athabasca Oil Sands Project's partnership with the European Space Agency to use satellite data to support sustainable development and future mine reclamation.
( http://www.oilsandsreview.com/articles.asp?ID=451 )
Page 98

Athabasca Oil Sands Project 2004 Sustainable Development Report
Shell Canada's report on sustainable development describes the corporation's participation in CEMA, a multi-stakeholder group that is working to establish frameworks for the management of resource development and environmental impacts. See the chapter entitled, "Environmental."
( http://www.shell.com/static/ca-en/downloads/about_shell/what_we_do/aosp_sd_report.pdf )
Page 105

The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture
The "Little Rock Nine" entry from the Encyclopedia provides a history of the standoff at Little Rock Central High School, biographies of the participants, photographs and extensive links to related topics. The encyclopedia includes a chapter on segregation and desegregation in Arkansas and other southern US states.
( http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?search=1&entryID=723 )
Page 107

Amnesty International Canada
The Canadian Amnesty International site describes the Maher Arar case, Amnesty actions to support Arar, and an analysis of how this case highlights the need to balance international human rights standards with efforts to ensure national security. An interview with Arar, links to press coverage, Amnesty petitions, letters from Canadians, Arar's own website, and the Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials to Maher Arar report are also provided.
( http://www.amnesty.ca/human_rights_issues/maher_arar_overview.php )
Page 107

The Canadian Muslim Network Tribute to Civil Liberties in Canada
In an effort to enhance communication between Muslim Canadians and Canadians of other faiths, the Canadian Muslim Network has offered this tribute in honour of Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh. The tribute was intended to recognize the backing of the Canadian public as well as Arar's role in the restoration of civil liberties that had begun to erode in the wake of heightened security surrounding September 11th.
( http://www.interpares.ca/en/publications/pdf/CMN_Civil_Liberties.pdf )

Web Links

Page 123

Why did War Break out in 1914?
This National Archives site looks at the causes of the war from the British perspective. The site provides a backgrounder to primary source materials drawn from the archival collection, as well as teaching resources.
( http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/greatwar/g2/backgroundcs1.htm )
Page 123

Causes of World War One
This primer on the causes of the Great War is intended as an introduction to additional study. The site provides a wealth of supplementary resources, including maps, primary source documents, photographs, posters, memoirs, audio clips, and short entries on major participants and topics on the war.
( http://www.firstworldwar.com/origins/causes.htm )
Additional Links

The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles: The Remaking of Europe in 1919
A comprehensive resource, this site contains archival materials, including documents and photographs, scholarly papers, and extensive bibliographic references to the major treaties, personalities, organization and issues of the Paris Peace Conference.
( http://www.nvcc.edu/home/cevans/versailles/Index.html )
Additional Links

Women in Afghanistan
The Women’s Human Rights Resources site looks at the historical position of women under the Mujahidin, Taliban and post-Taliban regimes, and discusses the role of the UN and international law in establishing women’s rights. The site provides links to UN, Amnesty, and Human Rights Watch reportage.
( http://www.law-lib.utoronto.ca/diana/afghanwomen.htm )

Web Links

Additional Links

Research backs Canada on Arctic Sovereignty
Canadian and Danish scientists will present sea floor mapping evidence proving that the Lomonosov Ridge is an extension of the North American continent at a 2008 geological conference in Norway. This evidence will form part of Canada’s submission under the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas claiming sovereignty over Arctic territories.
( http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/story.html?id=4d2d0808-e2e8-4a97-b086-c0... )
Page 123

Causes of the War
This BBC article describes the tangle of international alliances that came into play with Gavrilo Princip’s assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, and how the European powers’ imperialist ambitions contributed to the outbreak of WW1. The site includes an interactive timeline and other activities that explore WW1 history.
( http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/worldwarone/hq/index.shtml )
Additional Links

Lessons from History? The Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Historian Margaret MacMillan argues in this overview of the Paris Peace that the Conference and its outcomes must be judged in context. In the aftermath of the worst war the world had seen, many of the problems that conference participants were expected to resolve defied solution.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/department/skelton/macmillan-en.asp )
Additional Links

The pursuit of self-determination
Alistair Cooke draws the scene at the Paris Peace Conference, focusing on the utopian vision of a new world order based on national self-determination proposed by US president Woodrow Wilson.
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/letter_from_america/288250.stm )
Additional Links

Lawrence of Arabia
This History Learning Site entry describes T.E. Lawrence’s leadership of the Arab Revolt (Awakening) in WW1, and links to a discussion of the betrayal of the Arab independence movement in treaties such as the Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 1916.
( http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/lawrence_of_arabia.htm )
Additional Links

Great Power Conflict over Iraqi Oil: the World War I Era
James A. Paul’s article describes the British, French and American use of military force, government and corporate pressure in the scramble for access to Mesopotamian (Iraqi) oil reserves at the end of WW1.
( http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/oil/2002/1000history.htm )
Additional Links

The Plight of the Afghan Woman
Part of Afghanistan Online, this web page provides background information, suggested readings, and current news on the plight of women, as well as links to other organizations involved in the struggle for women’s rights in Afghanistan.
( http://www.afghan-web.com/woman/#Related )

Web Links

Additional Links

Nationalism and Xenophobia
The Moscow-based SOVA Centre for Information and Analysis offers current news on “radical nationalism, hate crimes, and counteraction to it,” as well as analysis of Russian ultranationalist tendencies.
( http://xeno.sova-center.ru/6BA2468/ )
Additional Links

National Bolshevism
This review of David Brandenberger’s book on National Bolshevism explores the use of Russian history and imagery by the Soviet leadership in the mid 1930s in their creation of a framework for popular nationalism. This new nationalism represented a shift away from Leninist proletarian internationalism to Stalinist notions of Soviet patriotism which identified Russia as “the first among equals.”
( http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2005/is_2_38/ai_n9487454?tag=rbxcra.2.a.1 )
Page 141

The Digital History site provides extensive resources for the study of the Great Depression, including readings, primary source documents, audio-visual, teaching and other materials.
( http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/resource_guides/content.cfm?tpc=24 )
Additional Links

The Rise of the Militarists
This Library of Congress page describes the rise of unltranationalist groups in Japan, the demise of the party system, and the Japanese invasion of China during the interwar period.
( http://countrystudies.us/japan/32.htm )
Page 147

The Holocaust
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers broad resources for the study of Holocaust history, including an online encyclopedia, documentary film footage, suggestions for further research, as well as a section which provides guidance on the teaching of Holocaust studies.
( http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005143 )
Page 154

The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum
The military history section of the LER museum describes the evolution of Canada’s role in international peacekeeping, and the country’s participation in international operations in the Suez, Cyprus, Yugoslav, Gulf War, and Kosovo conflicts.
( http://www.lermuseum.org/ler/mh/1945topresent/canadasrole.html )
Page 154

United Nations Peacekeeping
The UN Peacekeeping website explains UN objectives and current operations, and offers news and annual reports, as well as links to related departments and agencies.
( http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/dpko/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

Ultranationalism in Germany and Japan
Sarah Watts compares German and Japanese history to find common experiences that led to the rise of ultranationalism in both countries. She poses questions to help readers analyze Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and The Way of Subjects, tracts that served as the basis for the development of ultranationalist ideologies in Germany and Japan during the 1930s.
( http://www.wfu.edu/~watts/w11_ultrantl.htm )
Additional Links

Soviet Ukraine
The Encyclopaedia Britannica entry for Soviet Ukraine explains collectivization as part of Stalin’s plan for industrialization of the Soviet Union, and describes the horrific consequences for the people of Ukraine.
( http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/612921/Ukraine/30078/Soviet-Ukraine#tab=active~... )
Additional Links

The heritage of collectivization
This article provides background to the Soviet leadership’s decision to collectivize agriculture, and describes some of the infamous aspects of the collectivization campaign, including ‘dekulakization’, Stalin’s “Dizzy with Success” speech, and the 1932-33 man-made famine in Ukraine.
( http://www.fecoopa.ru/fc/article4.html )
Page 141

Great Depression
The Canadian Encyclopedia discusses the social effects of the Great Depression its and economic impact on different Canadian provinces.
( http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0003425 )
Page 141

Weimar Republic and the Great
Weimar Germany’s economic dependence on America following WW1 meant catastrophe for the country when the Great Depression stuck the US economy in the 1930s. This article looks at the relationship between economic hardship and popular support for Hitler’s election as Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
( http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/weimar_depression_1929.htm )
Page 141

The Great Depression in Global Perspective
This Digital History page discusses the effect of the Great Depression on countries around the world, focusing on the human toll of economic crisis.
( http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/article_display.cfm?HHID=462 )
Page 147

The Final Solution
The Spartacus Educational website has several entries on the Nazi persecution of the Jews, including this description of the Final Solution which features eyewitness accounts and planning documents written by Nazi administrators.
( http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERfinal.htm )
Page 147

Anti Jewish Legislation in Pre-War Germany
This section of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum examines the anti-Semitic roots of Nazi ideology, and at legislation such as the Nuremberg Laws which worked to segregate Jews from participation in mainstream German society.
( http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005681 )
Additional Links

WWII and Internment
The Japanese Canadian Legacy Project is devoted to preserving the stories of earlier generations of Japanese people. This page, which focuses on the internment of Japanese citizens during WW2, features interviews with survivors.
( http://www.sedai.ca/news/internment/ )
Page 154

Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Established by the federal government in 1994, the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre is a not-for-profit Canadian institute that trains individuals, military personnel and police officers for peacekeeping roles in conflict areas across the globe. Its website outlines the Centre’s mission and Canada’s role in international peacekeeping, as well as Canada’s current involvement in specific regions.
( http://www.peaceoperations.org/web/la/en/pa/25D32889DA43494098B2BAA8F3D3F4FA/template.asp )

Web Links

Page 163

Prevent Genocide International
Prevent Genocide International is a global education and action network that aims to use the Internet to link people working towards the elimination of genocide. The site provides legislative materials, reporting on punishments, as well as links to other online resources.
( http://www.preventgenocide.org/law/ )
Additional Materials

Yad Vashem Memorial
The largest repository of online materials on the Holocaust, the Yad Vashem Memorial contains victims’ names and archival lists databases, a photo and film archive, as well as extensive teaching resources targeted at teaching Holocaust studies to specific grades.
( http://www.yadvashem.org/ )
Page 170

Canada and the International Criminal Court
This Foreign Affairs department website looks at Canada’s role in the establishment of the International Criminal Court. The site describes the court’s history, structure and mandate, as well as current issues before the court.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/foreign_policy/icc/menu-en.asp )
Page 172

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
The ICTY site provides an overview of the establishment of the tribunal and updates on the status of the latest cases and tribunal judgments. The site offers audio and video links to tribunal courtrooms.
( http://www.un.org/icty/ )
Additional Links

Inquiry into UN actions during the Rwandan genocide
The text of Kofi Annan’s letter to members of the UN Security Council announcing the launch of the Rwandan inquiry recognizes UN failure to intervene effectively in the Rwandan genocide, and calls for reappraisal of the UN role in this type of conflict.
( http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N99/395/47/IMG/N9939547.pdf?OpenElement )

Web Links

Page 163

Genocide Watch
Genocide Watch is part of the International Coalition to End Genocide, an organization that calls attention to potential trouble spots, and works to marshal a rapid response to genocide and to punishment of its perpetrators. This site offers up-to-date news on the campaign to end genocide, as well as information on genocide in various regions.
( http://www.genocidewatch.org/home.html )
Page 163

Genocide Intervention Network
The Genocide Intervention Network aims to mobilize concerned individuals and organizations to lobby political leaders to take the steps necessary to prevent genocide in the future.
( http://www.genocideintervention.net/network )
Additional Links

Armenia 1915
The British-based pacifist organization, Peace Pledge Union, describes the Young Turk regime’s expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Armenian citizens from former Ottoman territory in 1915. The site also provides information on genocide in seven additional regions.
( http://www.ppu.org.uk/genocide/g_armenia.html )
Additional Links

The Armenian Genocide
This Armenian educational website provides a detailed timeline of Turkish attacks on the Armenian people, which culminated in the Genocide of 1915. The site includes photos, interviews with survivors, as well as archival audio resources.
( http://www.theforgotten.org/intro.html )
Additional Links

Canada recognizes Holodomor as genocide
The Ukrainian Canadian Congress website describes the efforts of various groups to encourage the Canadian government’s recognition of the Holodomor as an act of genocide against Ukraine.
( http://www.ucc.ca/media_releases/2008-05-28d/index.htm )
Page 170

Canada and the International Criminal Court
This Foreign Affairs site looks at Canada’s role in the establishment of the ICC, as well as the International Criminal Court’s history, structure, mandate, and current issues.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/foreign_policy/icc/menu-en.asp )
Page 172

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
The ICTY site provides an overview of the establishment of the tribunal and updates on the latest cases and tribunal judgments. The site offers audio and video links to three tribunal courtrooms.
( http://www.un.org/icty/ )
Additional Links

International Responsibility
This Human Rights Watch report analyzes the failure of the UN and the international community to intervene to protect Tutsi civilians in the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
( http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB53/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

Imagining Woodrow Wilson in Asia: Dreams of East-West Harmony and the Revolt against Empi...
Harvard historian Erza Manela examines the Chinese and Indian response to the concept of national self-determination articulated in Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points presented at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
( http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ahr/111.5/manela.html )
Additional Links

Dilemmas of Self Determination
Edward A. Kolodziej questions the benefit of unrestricted application of the principle self-determination, citing problems of homogeneity within proposed new states, the legitimization of violence in freedom struggles, the economic viability of new states, and the inability of international organizations to monitor potential human rights violations.
( http://www.acdis.uiuc.edu/Research/S&Ps/1994-95-Wi/S&P_IX/dilemmas.html )
Page 184

The United Nations and Decolonialization
This UN site provides a history, extensive documentation, and maps outlining the process of decolonialization from the end of WW2, as well as information on current UN involvement in decolonialization efforts.
( http://www.un.org/Depts/dpi/decolonization/main.htm )
Page 184

The Retreat from Empire
This overview of global decolonialization after 1945 is only one resource offered on the Decolonialization page by casahistoria.net, a site which provides topic links to online sources for modern history.
( http://www.britannia.com/history/euro/4/2_2.html )
Page 192

Kosovo to Kashmir: The Self-Determination Dilemma
Sumantra Bose compares response to the Kosovo and Kashmir struggles for self-determination and concludes that the international community tends to support the status-quo rather than liberation for subject peoples except in cases of decolonialization.
( http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/sovereign/sover/emerg/2008/0522kosovo.htm )
Page 195

Inui Tapirlit Kanatami
The official website of the Inuit Tapirlit Kanatami describes the organization’s mandate, current issues for the Inuit in Canada, and Tapirlit Kanatami’s action plan for development of the region.
( http://www.itk.ca/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

Religious aspects of the Kosovo Conflict
The Ontario Council for Religious Tolerance has established links between the religion and ethnicity of participants in Kosovo, and argues that there may be less potential for conflict in regions where religion is viewed as part of a personal belief system.
( http://www.religioustolerance.org/war_koso.htm )
Page 184

The United Nations and Decolonialization
This UN site provides a history, extensive documentation, and maps outlining the process of decolonialization from the end of WW2, as well as information on UN involvement in current decolonialization efforts.
( http://www.un.org/Depts/dpi/decolonization/main.htm )
Additional Links

Free Tibet
Free Tibet is devoted to self-determination for the Tibetan people and works for an end to Chinese occupation. The website describes the organization’s most recent publicity launch - the T for Tibet campaign which will use the Olympics to publicize the Tibetan cause.
( http://www.freetibet.org/ )
Additional Links

The End of British Rule in India
This case study of the British withdrawal from India encourages students to analyze primary source documents to determine why the British left the region in 1947.
( http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/empire/g3/cs3/default.htm )
Additional Links

The ASEAN Focus Group website provides a broad outline of Cambodian history that discusses the country’s domination by foreign powers and its struggle for self-determination. See “World War II, 1940–1945” and following sections.
( http://www.aseanfocus.com/publications/history_cambodia.html )
Page 192

Kashmir Freedom Movement
Since 1972, the Kashmir Freedom Movement has campaigned for independence for the State of Jammu & Kashmir from all foreign occupation. This site describes KFM aims and the progress of the struggle for Kashmiri self-determination through video archives and news updates.
( http://www.kfmovement.org/ )
Page 195

Inui Tapirlit Kanatami
The official website of the Inuit Tapirlit Kanatami describes the organization’s mandate, current issues for the Inuit in Canada, and Tapirlit Kanatami’s action plan for development of the region.
( http://www.itk.ca/ )
Additional Links

The Status and Rights of the James Bay Crees in the Context of Quebec Secession from Cana...
In his presentation of the Cree perspective on the Quebec secessionist movement of the mid 1990s, Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come focused on the separatists’ refusal to recognize the Aboriginal people’s right to self-determination in Quebec.
( http://www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/CxHeading13324.htm )
Additional Links

Canadian Council for Refugees
The Canadian Council for Refugees is a non-profit umbrella organization that advocates on behalf of refugees in Canada and around the world. Its website describes current issues and the group’s activities, and its media room provides up-to-date news on the global refugee situation.
( http://www.ccrweb.ca/eng/engfront/frontpage.htm )

Web Links

Additional Links

Assembly of First Nations
The AFN organization represents First Nations People in Canada. Its website offers a history of the Assembly, a description of AFN activities in different policy areas including self-determination, and the full text of various resolutions.
( www.afn.ca/ )
Additional Links

The ReliefWeb site offers comprehensive information to the humanitarian relief community, including up-to-date news on man-made and natural emergencies by country. The site track financial assistance, and provides maps, links to related aid organizations, and other professional resources.
( http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/dbc.nsf/doc100?OpenForm )
Additional Links

International Relations Theory
This dictionary of IR terminology contains definitions of isolationism, bilateralism, unilateralism, multilateralism, and supranationalism. The site also features articles and video presentations by prominent international relations theorists.
( http://internationalrelationstheory.googlepages.com/ir_theory_dictionary.htm )
Page 224

Arctic Council
The Arctic Council site contains the organization’s founding documentation, current membership, Arctic news and maps, as well as information on the Council’s six environmentally oriented working groups.
( http://arctic-council.org/section/the_arctic_council )
Page 227

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs is a network of indigenous and non-indigenous people and organizations. The website contains extensive resources on the work of international organizations and on the status of indigenous people in specific countries. It provides the full text of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
( http://www.iwgia.org/sw248.asp )
Page 227

Human Rights Law Resources
This overview of the development of international legislation recognizing the rights of Indigenous peoples to self-determination provides a history of WGIA activities, legal definitions, as well as the response of various countries to the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
( http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/HRLRes/2001/8/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

The Darfur Crisis
The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council has created a Darfur Information website which contains a history of the outbreak of violence between rebel groups in Darfur and the Sudanese government, as well as news on the impact on civilians and the efforts of international organizations to restore security in the region.
( http://darfurinformation.com/index.asp )
Additional Links

AFN National Day of Action
First Nations leader Phil Fontaine’s comments on the National Day of Action and the Assembly of First Nations 7 Point Plan to address the needs of First Nations peoples.
( http://www.afn.ca/article.asp?id=4187 )
Additional Links

Canadian Humanitarian
Canada provides humanitarian relief on an ongoing basis through various government agencies, and in response to specific crises such as the Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004. Individual Canadians also participate in humanitarian activities through volunteer groups like the Alberta-based, grassroots Canadian Humanitarian organization.
( http://www.canadianhumanitarian.com/1-whoweare.php )
Page 224

Arctic Council
The Arctic Council site presents the organization’s founding documentation, current membership, Arctic news and maps, as well as information on the Council’s six environmentally oriented working groups.
( http://arctic-council.org/section/the_arctic_council )
Page 227

Center for World Indigenous Studies
The CWIS is a research and education group devoted to sharing information on the struggle of the Fourth World to shift control of international governance from state governments back to nations, including indigenous peoples. The organization supports conflict resolution and the rights of aboriginal people around the world.
( http://www.cwis.org/index.php )
Page 227

Cultural Survival
This organization works to protect the rights of indigenous peoples in international law, and to educate policy makers and the public about aboriginal issues.
( http://www.culturalsurvival.org/about/about.cfm )
Page 227

Canadian Parliament Calls for Implementation of Critical Universal Human Rights Instrument
Despite Canada’s 2007 opposition to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in April 2008 Canadian Parliament passed a resolution to adopt the Declaration.
( http://www.nwac-hq.org/en/documents/JointPressReleasereUNDeclarationHoCVoteApr9-08.pdf )

Web Links

Page 233

Council of Canadians
A broad-based citizen’s coalition, the Council of Canadians was formed in 1985 to protect Canada’s political and economic sovereignty. Its website provides an update on Canada’s proposed security partnership with the US and Mexico, access to water resources, energy and other environmental issues.
( http://www.canadians.org/ )
Page 237

Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Established by the federal government in 1994, the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre is a not-for-profit Canadian institute that trains individuals, military personnel and police officers for peacekeeping roles in conflict areas across the globe. Its website outlines the Centre’s mission and Canada’s role in international peacekeeping, as well as Canada’s current involvement in specific trouble spots.
( http://www.peaceoperations.org/web/la/en/pa/25D32889DA43494098B2BAA8F3D3F4FA/template.asp )
Page 239

Canada’s extended Continental Shelf
Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 2003. This agreement has set out an international framework for management of areas in which countries claim jurisdiction. A section of the Convention supports Canada’s claim to sovereignty over extended continental shelf regions.
( http://geo.international.gc.ca/cip-pic/geo/continental_shelf-en.aspx )
Page 249

The Treaty
Composed of 1,400 NGOs in 90 different countries, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines is working towards the eradication of antipersonnel mines. The Campaign site provides text of the Ottawa Convention of 1977 and detail on its implementation, a list of signatories, definitions, and reports on mine action, stockpiles and victim assistance.
( http://www.icbl.org/treaty )
Additional Links

Canadian Foreign Policy
Published by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carlton University, the CRP journal offers analysis and opinions on Canadian international relations.
( http://www.carleton.ca/cfpj/about.html )
Additional Links

Foreign Policy
The Federal Government’s position on Canadian foreign policy is presented on this Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada site.
( http://geo.international.gc.ca/cip-pic/menu-en.aspx )
Additional Links

International Aid
The Global Policy Forum is a watchdog organization that monitors policy making at the UN. This section of the website contains a wealth of information on international aid, mechanisms for emergency response, tables and charts documenting the flow of aid, analysis and links to additional resources.
( http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/develop/oda/index.htm )

Web Links

Page 233

Council of Canadians
A broad-based citizen’s coalition, the Council of Canadians was formed in 1985 to protect Canada’s political and economic sovereignty. The Council website offers news and analysis on Canada’s proposed security partnership with the US and Mexico, access to water resources, energy and other environmental issues.
( http://www.canadians.org/ )
Page 237

Pearson Peacekeeping Centre
Established by the federal government in 1994, the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre is a not-for-profit Canadian institute that trains individuals, military personnel and police officers for peacekeeping roles in conflict areas across the globe. Its website outlines the Centre’s mission and Canada’s role in international peacekeeping, as well as Canada’s current involvement in specific trouble spots.
( http://www.peaceoperations.org/web/la/en/pa/25D32889DA43494098B2BAA8F3D3F4FA/template.asp )
Page 237

Canada and peace operations
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada describes the evolution of the country’s peacekeeping activities, stages in a conflict, and the role of various stakeholders in re-establishing peace.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/peace-paix/index.aspx?lang=en )
Page 239

Canada’s extended Continental Shelf
Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 2003. This agreement has set out an international framework for management of areas in which countries claim jurisdiction. A section of the Convention supports Canada’s claim to sovereignty over extended continental shelf regions.
( http://geo.international.gc.ca/cip-pic/geo/continental_shelf-en.aspx )
Additional Links

Paris Declaration and aid effectiveness
In this article, Yash Tandon looks at the Paris Declaration of 2008, the most recent attempt to improve the effectiveness of international aid efforts. He calls for further reform as the Declaration has established metrics to measure aid effectiveness without the input of recipient countries, in terms that can be prejudicial to the interests of donor nations.
( http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/develop/oda/2008/0610parisdeclaration.htm )
Page 249

The Treaty
Composed of 1,400 NGOs in 90 different countries, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines is working towards the eradication of antipersonnel mines. The Campaign site provides text of the Ottawa Convention of 1977 and detail on its implementation, a list of signatories, definitions, and reports on mine action, stockpiles and victim assistance.
( http://www.icbl.org/treaty )

Web Links

Page 261

World Heritage List
The World Heritage site lists 878 properties that are considered outstanding examples of our cultural and natural heritage. The site outlines current conservation programs, and features an interactive map with descriptions of individual properties.
( http://whc.unesco.org/en/list )
Page 265

The Europa site offers quick access to specific sources of information on European Union countries, institutions, and contact points with different agencies of the international organization. The site also provides extensive links to associated organizations and information portals.
( http://europa.eu/geninfo/info/index_en.htm )
Page 224

Arctic Council
The Arctic Council site contains the organization’s founding documentation, current membership, Arctic news and maps, as well as information on the Council’s six environmentally oriented working groups.
( http://arctic-council.org/section/the_arctic_council )
Page 267

Canada in La Francophonie
Canada’s participation and role in La Francophonie are described on this Foreign Affairs and International Trade page.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/franco/index.aspx#canada )
Page 268

What is NATO?
NATO’s official website describes the organization’s founding principles and treaty, membership, and political/military strategy for ensuring the security of members in the “transatlantic link.”
( http://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/index.html )
Additional Links

Information and Communications Technology for Development
A Canadian crown corporation that works in close collaboration with researchers in developing regions, the International Development Research Council views technology as a key means to fostering development to alleviate poverty. The organization currently runs programs aimed at closing the digital divide in the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
( http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-43441-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html )

Web Links

Additional Links

Disarm DSEi
This website is a good example of the use of modern communication technologies such as the Internet to rally individuals involved in a specific cause. In this case, the Disarm DSEi goal is to mobilize large number of supporters and organize them in action against the arms trade.
( http://www.dsei.org/ )
Additional Links

Digital Divide
The International Investor Group Against Digital Divide is implementing broadband in Indonesia to test the argument that technology can draw developing regions into the international market. They argue this inclusion will empower people formerly disadvantaged by the digital divide.
( http://www.digitaldivide.org/dd/index.html )
Page 261

World Heritage List
The World Heritage site lists 878 properties that it considers outstanding examples of our cultural and natural heritage. The site also outlines current conservation programs, and features an interactive map which describes individual properties.
( http://whc.unesco.org/en/list )
Page 265

The EU at a glance
This section of the Europa website offers general information on the European Union, including its history, an outline of EU treaties, member countries, fact, figures, symbols, and Eurojargon.
( http://europa.eu/abc/index_en.htm )
Page 266

Arctic Council
The Arctic Council site contains the organization’s founding documentation, current membership, Arctic news and maps, as well as information on the Council’s six environmentally oriented working groups.
( http://www.arctic-council.org/ )
Page 267

La Francophonie
This exhibit of the Virtual Museum presents a musical map showing members of La Francophonie.
( http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Instruments/Anglais/musees_en.html )
Page 267

Canada in La Francophonie
Canada’s participation and role in La Francophonie are described on this Foreign Affairs and International Trade page.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/franco/index.aspx#canada )
Page 268

What is NATO?
NATO’s official website describes the organization’s founding principles and treaty, membership, and political/military strategy for ensuring the security of members in the “transatlantic link.”
( http://www.nato.int/nato-welcome/index.html )

Web Links

Additional Links

World Health Organization
The coordinating authority for health within the UN, WHO is responsible for leadership on global health and research standards, for providing technical assistance and response to health crises, and for monitoring health and disease trends. Countries, health topics, statistics, and program, projects, and publications are available on the WHO website.
( http://www.who.int/en/ )
Page 278

Human Poverty Index for LCDs (2005)
The UN Human Poverty Index ranks countries by poverty level, taking into account mortality and literacy rates, access to improved water sources, average birth weights, and how many people live below the poverty line. This chart shows the share of the population living on less than a dollar a day in the poorest nations of the world.
( http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/2005%20human%20poverty%20index.pdf )
Page 279

Who are the hungry?
One of the UN World Food Programme's goals is to halve the number of hungry people by the 21st century. This website’s ‘geography of hunger’ includes an interactive map, and the site also describes efforts of the WFP to combat hunger across the globe.
( http://www.wfp.org/aboutwfp/introduction/hunger_who.asp?section=1&sub_section=1 )
Page 280

Avert AIDS & HIV information
An HIV and AIDs charity based in the UK, Avert works to extend AIDS education across the globe. The Avert site provides statistical and other information by country and community, as well as instruction on prevention and treatment of the disease.
( www.avert.org )
Page 281

Debt Relief in Africa
Devoted to eradicating extreme poverty in Africa, DATA reports on the debt relief mechanism in select African countries and on the fulfillment of G8 commitments. The website provides links to case studies that support its argument that additional financial assistance from the wealthiest nations is critical to the success of debt relief efforts.
( http://www.data.org/issues/debt.html )
Page 288

End Poverty 2015
This site presents current news, statistics, and analysis to report on progress of the UN’s eight Millennium Goals. The website’s youth corner offers opportunities for youth activism.
( http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals )
Page 288

Online Atlas of the Millennium Development Goals
The World Bank’s interactive map provides a clear graphic display of progress on the UN’s Development Goals.
( http://devdata.worldbank.org/atlas-mdg/ )
Page 289

The World Bank
The official website of the World Bank presents comprehensive information on the financial and technical assistance offered by the Bank’s two main institutions to developing nations. Info on assistance by county and project is provided, along with helpful fact sheets.
( http://www.worldbank.org/ )
Page 289

International Monetary Fund
A 185 member organization, the International Monetary Fund was established to promote monetary cooperation, foster economic growth, and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries in need. Its website provides information on workings of the Fund, as well as detailed information on the Fund’s relationship with specific countries.
( http://www.imf.org/external/ )
Additional Links

Understanding Climate Change Science
Environment Canada interprets the extensive scientific literature on climate change to report on greenhouse gases, climate trends, climate change projections and the impacts of climate change. The site provides extensive links to other climate change sites, including educational sites, and a copy of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report.
( http://www.msc-smc.ec.gc.ca/education/scienceofclimatechange/index_e.html )

Web Links

Additional Links

Climate Change
This TakingITGlobal page discusses issues around climate change, and provides resources for further study, links to related organizations, a blog space, and suggestions on how young people can take action on environmental challenges.
( http://issues.takingitglobal.org/climate?gclid=CI-i0v2XlZUCFQWxsgodiS7Ngg )
Additional Links

Solving Global Warming
The David Suzuki Foundation website looks at the science of climate change and outlines actions that individuals can take in everyday life to slow the impact of climate change.
( http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Climate_Change/What_You_Can_Do/ )
Page 278

Human Poverty Index for LCDs (2005)
The UN Human Poverty Index ranks countries by poverty level, taking into account mortality and literacy rates, access to improved water sources, average birth weights, and how many people live below the poverty line. This chart shows the share of the population living on less than a dollar a day in the poorest nations of the world.
( http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/2005%20human%20poverty%20index.pdf )
Page 279

Who are the hungry?
One of the UN World Food Programme's goals is to halve the number of hungry people by the 21st century. This website’s ‘geography of hunger’ includes an interactive map, and the site also describes efforts of the WFP to combat hunger across the globe.
( http://www.wfp.org/aboutwfp/introduction/hunger_who.asp?section=1&sub_section=1 )
Page 280

Avert AIDS & HIV information
An HIV and AIDs charity based in the UK, Avert works to extend AIDS education across the globe. The Avert site provides statistical and other information by country and community, as well as instruction on prevention and treatment of the disease.
( www.avert.org )
Page 281

Debt Relief in Africa
Devoted to eradicating extreme poverty in Africa, DATA reports on the debt relief mechanism in select African countries and on the fulfillment of G8 commitments. The website provides links to case studies that support its argument that additional financial assistance from the wealthiest nations is critical to the success of debt relief efforts.
( http://www.data.org/issues/debt.html )
Page 288

End Poverty 2015
This site presents current news, statistics, and analysis to report on progress of the UN’s eight Millennium Goals. The website’s youth corner offers opportunities for youth activism.
( http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals )
Page 288

Online Atlas of the Millennium Development Goals
The World Bank’s interactive map provides a clear graphic display of progress on the UN’s Development Goals.
( http://devdata.worldbank.org/atlas-mdg/ )
Page 289

The World Bank
The official website of the World Bank presents comprehensive information on the financial and technical assistance offered by the Bank’s two main institutions to developing nations. Info on assistance by county and project is provided, along with helpful fact sheets.
( http://www.worldbank.org/ )
Page 289

International Monetary Fund
A 185 member organization, the International Monetary Fund was established to promote monetary cooperation, foster economic growth, and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries in need. Its website provides information on workings of the Fund, as well as detailed information on the Fund’s relationship with specific countries.
( http://www.imf.org/external/ )

Web Links

Page 301

Community Memories
This Virtual Museum Canada page contains links to several photographic exhibits organized around communities of interest, geography, or identify in Canada. The site is easily searched for historical photographs on a number of topics.
( http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/PM.cgi?mark=Search&LM=CommunityMemories&AP=cm_search&cmTerms=... )
Page 301

Canadian Landscape Photo Collection
Natural Resources Canada has collected 1,000 photographs of Canadian landforms and landscapes taken by scientists of the Geological Survey of Canada over the last 30 years.
( http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/landscapes/index_e.php )
Page 304

Canadian Confederation
Library and Archives Canada’s extensive resource on Confederation includes essays, biographical sketches of key political actors, maps, cartoons, as well as a page targeted at children aged 9-13.
( http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/confederation/index-e.html )
Page 310

A hundred years of immigration to Canada
The Canadian Council for Refugees has created this Canadian immigration timeline (1900-1999). The site focuses on refugees and discrimination, but offers a comprehensive list of Canadian immigration legislation, issues, and statistics.
( http://www.ccrweb.ca/history.html )
Page 310

Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples
The Multicultural History Society of Ontario’s online Encyclopedia describes the immigration experience of several groups who settled in Canada.
( http://multiculturalcanada.ca/ )
Page 311

Prime Minister Harper offers full apology for Chinese Head Tax
The Prime Minister’s website offers Stephen Harper’s apology in 2006 for the restrictive nature of immigration policies from Canada’s past. His apology also addresses government plans to offer financial compensation to the descendents of Chinese immigrants who were discriminated against by government policies.
( http://pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=1219 )

Web Links

Page 301

Our Future, Our Past
The Alberta Heritage Digitization Project is a vast repository on online resources for the exploration of Alberta history. The site contains a number of galleries with historic photographs.
( http://www.ourfutureourpast.ca/ )
Page 301

Canada Landscape
Canada’s identity as a land of natural beauty is apparent in this stock photography website that captures the western Canadian landscape, including many scenes in the Alberta Rockies.
( https://www.terragalleria.com/photos/?keyword=canada-landscape&new=n&s=1 )
Page 301

Photos of Canada
The Trail Canada website contains over 1,000 photographs of Canada arranged by province, territory, city, or wildlife. The national parks gallery on the site displays several familiar images of Canada’s rugged geography.
( http://www.trailcanada.com/photos/galleries/ )
Page 304

Robert Baldwin
This Library and Archives Canada website offers biographical sketches of major actors in Canadian Confederation such as Robert Baldwin. The Baldwin page describes the reformer’s political career, with focus on the reform activities he undertook in partnership with Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine.
( http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/confederation/023001-2304-e.html )
Page 304

Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine’s political biography describes his efforts to have French recognized as an official language in Canada and his work with Robert Baldwin in the struggle for responsible government.
( http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/confederation/023001-2353-e.html )
Page 304

Responsible Government
Part of Early Canadiana Online, this Canada in the Making entry provides the historical background to Baldwin and La Fontaine’s reform work, and includes the text of Robert Baldwin’s 1836 letter to Glelelg in which he argues the case for responsible government.
( http://www.canadiana.org/citm/specifique/responsable_e.html )
Page 310

Immigration Policy
This historical overview of immigration policy in Canada presented by Multicultural Canada stretches from the first exploration by French settlers to the 1990s.
( http://multiculturalcanada.ca/Encyclopedia/A-Z/i2 )
Page 310

Global Gathering Place
The Global Gathering Place website explores themes in multicultural and immigration history, and describes the experience of various ethnic communities in Canada. The site includes photographs, a timeline of key events, and a resource centre for further study.
( http://www.mhso.ca/ggp/home.html )
Page 311

Prime Minister Harper offers full apology for Chinese Head Tax
The Prime Minister’s website offers Stephen Harper’s apology in 2006 for the restrictive nature of immigration policies from Canada’s past. He also addresses government plans to offer financial compensation to the descendents of Chinese immigrants who were discriminated against by these policies.
( http://pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=1219 )

Web Links

Page 322

Symbols of Canada
This Heritage Canada publication describes the origin and meaning of official and other Canadian symbols.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/PROGS/CPSC-CCSP/sc-cs/symboles-histoire-symbols-stories/index_e.cfm )
Page 325

Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta
The Glenbow Museum Mavericks exhibit presents the history of Alberta through the stories of unique individuals who each represent an aspect of the province’s development, character, and spirit. Each biography contains artifacts from the museum collection and links for further research.
( http://www.glenbow.org/mavericks/english/menu.html )
Page 326

The Dominion Institute
This official website of the Dominion Institute details the organization’s programs, survey research, and activities aimed at educating Canadians about their past.
( http://www.dominion.ca/ )
Additional Links

Art and Culture
Heritage Canada’s Art and Culture page is comprehensive list of links to cultural organizations and supporting institutions.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/pc-ch/sujets-subjects/arts-culture/index_e.cfm )
Additional Links

Canadian International Development Agency
CIDA goals and current activities are described on the agency website which can be searched by program or country to investigate Canada’s commitment to assistance in developing regions.
( http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/index-e.htm )
Page 334

Canadian Security Intelligence Service
The CSIS role in protecting the security of Canadians is presented on this website, along with a history of the service, current structure, legislation, career opportunities, and accountability processes. Links to partner organizations and a news feeds are also offered.
( http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/index-eng.asp )
Page 338

The Greatest Canadian
This CBC page describes the station’s poll of viewers and selection of the top 10 greatest Canadians for presentation in a television broadcast. The page also provides links to CBC TV and radio archives containing biographical sketches of the top ranking group.
( http://www.cbc.ca/greatest/top_ten/ )

Web Links

Page 322

Symbols of Canada
This Heritage Canada publication describes the origin and meaning of official and other Canadian symbols.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/PROGS/CPSC-CCSP/sc-cs/symboles-histoire-symbols-stories/index_e.cfm )
Additional Links

The Myths that Made Canada
American Dennis Robinson considers some of the myths that have shaped Canadian identity, including the six fundamental Canadian legends analyzed in Daniel Francis’ National Dreams: Myth, Memory and Canadian History.
( http://seacoastnh.com/arts/please031404.html )
Page 325

Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta
The Glenbow Museum Mavericks exhibit presents the history of Alberta through the stories of unique individuals who each represent an aspect of the province’s development, character, and spirit. Each biography contains artifacts from the museum collection and links for further research.
( http://www.glenbow.org/mavericks/english/menu.html )
Page 326

The Dominion Institute
This official website of the Dominion Institute details the organization’s programs, survey research, and activities aimed at educating Canadians about their past.
( http://www.dominion.ca/ )
Additional Links

Canada World Youth
The Canada World Youth site describes the goals of this international education program, as well as specific target areas for global and local community development. The stories of past participants are designed to inspire and educate students who may be considering application.
( http://www.cwy-jcm.org/en )
Page 334

Canadian Security Intelligence Service
The CSIS role in protecting the security of Canadians is presented on this website, along with a history of the service, current structure, legislation, career opportunities, and accountability processes. Links to partner organizations and a news feeds are also offered.
( http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/index-eng.asp )
Page 338

The Greatest Canadian
This CBC page describes the station’s poll of viewers and selection of the top 10 greatest Canadians for presentation in a television broadcast. The page also provides links to CBC TV and radio archives containing biographical sketches of the top ranking group.
( http://www.cbc.ca/greatest/top_ten/ )

Web Links

Page 350

History of Federal Ridings since 1867
Parliament of Canada has created this searchable resource for the study of federal ridings history. Users may search the site by riding name, candidate, political party, general election or by-election; perform a full text search based on a riding description, or view changes made to riding boundaries over time.
( http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/process/house/hfer/hfer.asp?Language=E )
Page 350

Representation by population
Claude Bélanger of Marianopolis College describes the political compromises that were made in 1867 to mitigate the potential for domination of the union by heavily populated areas of the country. As he explains, representation by population was counterbalanced with regional representation to achieve confederation.
( http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/federal/repbypop.htm )
Page 352

Official Bilingualism in Canada
This website offers short overviews of the issues and the debate in Canada over the policy of Official Bilingualism. It provides links to government and other sites for access to supporting research materials, as well links to government legislation.
( http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/official-bilingualism-canada-history-and-debates )
Page 363

Canadian Space Agency
The Canadian Space Agency website presents views of the agency’s programs and activities for different audiences, such as the scientific community, educators, or students. Through these portals, visitors may access material on the Canadarm, Dextre and Radarsat-2 technologies.
( http://www.space.gc.ca/eng/default.asp )
Additional Links

Eat or Be Eaten
Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School of Management, explains to the editor of the Walrus Magazine why Canada’s future lies in embracing economic globalization, despite the upheaval that will be experienced by people and the economy in this ‘transformational era’.
( http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2007.10-canada-business/ )

Web Links

Additional Links

Western Alienation before and after WW2
The Alberta Online Encyclopedia argues that western alienation had historical roots in John A. McDonald’s national plan which viewed settlement in the west as a means to support manufacturing development in central Canada. The entry claims that feelings of western regional subordination have been a constant in Canadian development history.
( http://www.abheritage.ca/albertans/perspectives/iss_alienation.html )
Page 350

A History of the Vote in Canada.
The Canadian Museum of Civilization’s presentation on The History of the Vote in Canada explores the evolution of representative democracy and universal suffrage over a 250 year period. The site contains a comprehensive bibliography, an annotated timeline, games, and an excerpt from the book covering electoral history from 1920 to 1997.
( http://www.civilization.ca/hist/elections/el_000_e.html )
Page 350

Representation in Canada’s House of Commons
This Elections Canada website outlines the history of the federal electoral system from 1867. It discusses changes to the formula for determining ‘representation by population’ that were made over time to accommodate regional and political interests.
( http://www.elections.ca/SCRIPTs/fedrep/federal_e/red/representation_e.htm )
Page 352

Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
G. Laing’s clear presentation on the Royal Commission in the Canadian Encyclopedia discusses reasons for its establishment, reactions to it in French and English Canada, and the major pieces of legislation that were passed in response to the Commission’s findings.
( http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0000741 )
Page 363

Canadian Space Agency
The Canadian Space Agency website presents views of the agency’s programs and activities for different audiences, such as the scientific community, educators, or students. Through these portals, visitors may access material on the Canadarm, Dextre and Radarsat-2 technologies.
( http://www.space.gc.ca/eng/default.asp )

Web Links

Page 373

Human Rights and Diversity
The Alberta Culture and Community Spirit Ministry sponsors educational programs to foster understanding of human rights under provincial law, an appreciation for diversity, and the right to freedom from discrimination. These programs are outlined on the Ministry’s Human Rights and Diversity page.
( http://culture.alberta.ca/humanrights/default.aspx )
Page 376

Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences
The Bouchard-Taylor Commission was established by Premier Jean Charest in 2007 in response to public outcry after the town of Herouxville adopted a code of societal norms for would-be immigrants. The Commission’s mandate was to consult with people across Québec on the issue of reasonable accommodation. Its final report, which advocates greater tolerance and a secular face for provincial institutions, is available on this website.
( http://www.accommodements.qc.ca/index-en.html )
Additional Links

Asymmetrical Federalism : A Canadian Reality
Benoît Pelletier, former Quebec’s Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Aboriginal Affairs, explains the concept of asymmetrical federalism in this open letter. He argues that the concept is fundamental to Canadian federalism and inherent in Canadian respect for diversity.
( http://www.saic.gouv.qc.ca/centre_de_presse/lettres_ouvertes/2004/saic_lettre20041108_en.... )
Additional Links

The Montreal-based North American Forum on Integration was created in 2002 to address issues of North American integration. The organization’s conference activity is presented on this website, along with its newsletter and links to related government and business institutions.
( http://www.fina-nafi.org/eng/fina/presentation.asp?count=eng )
Additional Links

John Humphrey
McGill University has prepared this brief biography of former faculty member, John Humphrey, who is best known for his leadership of an international committee which drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
( http://www.mcgill.ca/about/history/pioneers/humphrey/ )
Additional Links

Canadian International Development Agency Youth Zone
The CIDA Youth Zone site offers a comprehensive list of organizations, educational programs, and opportunities for young people to become educated about and involved in Canada’s commitment to international development.
( http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/acdicida.nsf/En/JUD-12882713-HSK )
Additional Links

Global Centre for Pluralism
With support from the Government of Canada, spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims, the Aga Khan established the Global Centre for Pluralism in 2006. The Centre’s mission is to “promote pluralism as a fundamental human value” and to serve as a global repository of educational resources. The Centre was located in Canada, a country which “epitomizes what can be achieved through a commitment to pluralism.”
( http://www.pluralism.ca/backgrounder.shtml )
Additional Links

Mathieu Da Costa Challenge
To encourage appreciation for diversity and pluralism, Canadian Heritage and Parks Canada launched this competition in 1996 to recognize original writing or art work by young Canadians. Submissions must celebrate the contribution made by a national historic person of Aboriginal, African or other origin to Canadian development.
( http://www.ifacca.org/national_agency_news/2008/04/20/canadas-young-people-celebrate-dive... )

Web Links

Page 373

Human Rights and Diversity
The Alberta Culture and Community Spirit Ministry sponsors educational programs to foster understanding of human rights under provincial law, an appreciation for diversity, and the right to freedom from discrimination. These programs are outlined on the Ministry’s Human Rights and Diversity page.
( http://culture.alberta.ca/humanrights/default.aspx )
Page 376

Consultation Commission on Accommodation Practices Related to Cultural Differences
The Bouchard-Taylor Commission was established by Premier Jean Charest in 2007 in response to public outcry after the town of Herouxville adopted a code of societal norms for would-be immigrants. The Commission mandate was to consult with people across Québec on the issue of reasonable accommodation. Its final report, which advocates greater tolerance and a secular face for provincial institutions, is available on this website.
( http://www.accommodements.qc.ca/index-en.html )
Additional Links

The Montreal-based North American Forum on Integration was created in 2002 to address issues of North American integration. The organization’s conference activity is presented on this website, along with its newsletter and links to related government and business institutions.
( http://www.fina-nafi.org/eng/fina/presentation.asp?count=eng )
Additional Links

Globalization Links
McMaster University’s Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition has prepared this list of links to current research projects, online journals, databases and archives, study materials and organizations involved in globalization research.
( http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~global/links.htm )
Additional Links

Nationalism and Globalization
This issue of the International Journal of Canadian Studies examines the relationship between nationalism and globalization. Jan Penrose’s article argues that while globalization can have a destabilizing effect on the nation state, this is a positive development that allows for the inclusion of more voices in the collective identity.
( http://iec-csi.csj.ualberta.ca/Portals/3/revue/ISS16.PDF )