Exploring Globalization Teacher Centre

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Teachers Resource Guide

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News Feeds

<a onclick="window.open('/../../student/9780070976726/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/../../student/9780070976726/olc2/dl/449527/exploring_NEWSfeeds.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="../../student/9780070976726/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (2.0K)</a>

Access daily news feeds from sources including the Globe and Mail, CBC, Statistics Canada, Canadian Business, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta.

Ask The Authors

Ask the Authors’ advice regarding issues/ideas related to Socials 10-1 curriculum implementation.

Email your questions to: [email protected]

Q: Is the teaching of issues an add-on to the already significant amount of content we have to teach now?
A: Teaching issues is a different way of managing and working with the content. In an increasingly complex world it is becoming more difficult to “cover” everything that needs coverage, anyway. The overwhelming content often results in too much information without meaning, too much consumption of knowledge without purpose. The intent of a social issues approach is to allow students to make meaningful decisions and choices about the world as it affects them. Students should engage in a sustained critique and questioning of the assumptions about the way the world works.
Q: Isn’t an issues approach just a sharing of opinions without facts or “correct” answers where each person’s opinion is equally valid?
A: Issues and Inquiry are not the same as simply offering opinions. Issues require informed decisions; inquiry has a purpose, as it is the process for determining the decision. While there may not be a “correct” answer per se, some answers and some solutions to problems are better than others. The students’ task is to critically analyze the problem or dilemma, gather relevant information and perspectives, and arrive at a reasoned conclusion supported by evidence. A student’s opinion needs to be grounded in logical and verifiable conclusions.
Q: Does the issues approach diminish the importance of teaching history?
A: Adequately dealing with issues requires a solid grounding in history. Detailed background knowledge is the foundation of informed decisions on issues. Part of a thoughtful response to “Should we send troops to Afghanistan?” requires knowledge of Canada’s foreign policy and historic role on the world stage. There are also historical issues such as “Was Canada justified in contributing to the development of the atomic bomb?” or “Should the First Nations have signed the Numbered Treaties?” These call for a deep understanding of history.
Q: Does spending time on issues mean that the canon of “essential knowledge and facts” gets short shrift?
A: Essential facts get lost anyway unless they are used or applied or evaluated. Remembering key elements of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and when it was signed is frequently an exercise in memorization. An issue such as “What rights should Canadians have?” or “Should Quebec sign the Constitution Act?” would require students to understand the Charter, the important dates, the history behind its creation, and its application over time.
This is a moderated forum. Messages are reviewed by the McGraw-Hill Ryerson editorial staff who may edit them for clarity and relevance, or decline to post messages that are inappropriate for these forums. McGraw-Hill Ryerson is not responsible for the content of any of these messages and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless McGraw-Hill Ryerson and their agents with respect to any claim based upon posting of your message(s).

Lesson Library

Thanks for visiting the Lesson Library. We are currently in the process of creating new lesson plans. Please visit the Assessment Library and Template Library for other teaching resources.

Assessment Library

Assessment Library

Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 1 (187.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 1 (with answers) (189.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 2 (171.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 2 (with answers) (173.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 3 (444.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 3 (with answers) (446.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 4 (166.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 4 (with answers) (168.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 5 (533.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 5 (with answers) (535.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 6 (279.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 6 (with answers) (281.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 7 (25.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 7 (with answers) (27.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 8 (323.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 8 (with answers) (324.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 9 (110.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 9 (with answers) (112.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 10 (295.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 10 (with answers) (296.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 11 (196.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 11 (with answers) (199.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 12 (198.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 12 (with answers) (201.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 13 (92.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 13 (with answers) (94.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 14 (129.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 14 (with answers) (131.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 15 (161.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 15 (with answers) (162.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 16 (124.0K)
Exploring Globalization 10-1 Multiple Choice Questions Chapter 16 (with answers) (126.0K)

The assessment library contains:
  • a bank of multiple choice and written response questions that will help assess students' understanding and help prepare them for the Grade 12 diploma exam,
  • alternative unit tasks,
  • a variety of modifiable assessment rubrics.
On-going updates will continue until assessment materials have been posted for each chapter.

If you have questions and/or comments about the assessment library, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Template Library

Modifiable electronic files for templates and graphic organizers used in student resource activities as well as those specific to the development of skills outcomes.

1-1-1 Thinking About Your Presentation (59.0K)
1-1-4 My Presentation Proposal (72.0K)
1-1-5 Notes for My Presentation (68.0K)
1-1-6 Aspects of Identity (65.0K)
1-1-8 Collectives I Belong To (61.0K)
1-1-11 Developing an Informed Opinion (61.0K)
1-2-5 Identity and Accommodation, Acculturation and Assimilation (59.0K)
1-3-3 Effects of Technology on Cultural Diversity (62.0K)
1-4-9 Globalization of Products and Brand Names (55.0K)
2-5-1 Main Ideas and Choices (56.0K)
2-5-5 Placing Point of View or Perspectives (59.0K)
2-5-9 Expressing Strong Opinions (53.0K)
3-9-8 Map of China (485.0K)
3-10-3 Building Consensus (49.0K)
3-12-4 Writing for Different Purposes and Audiences (53.0K)
4-13-4 Is It Ever Okay to Restrict Rights (51.0K)
4-13-6 Demonstrating Leadership during Discussions Self Assessment (63.0K)
4-15-7 Our Group at Work (50.0K)
4-15-8 Assessing Our Group Collaboration Skills (53.0K)
4-15-9 Assessing My Contribution to the Group (52.0K)
Conflict Resolution Strategies (19.0K)

Reproducible E - Venn Diagram (157.0K)
Reproducible F - Map of the World - Political (505.0K)
Reproducible G - T-Chart (56.0K)
Reproducible H - Detecting Bias (57.0K)
Reproducible I - Assessing the Authority and Validity of Internet Information (15.0K)
Reproducible J - Analyzing a Point of View or Perspective (61.0K)
Reproducibe K - My KWL Chart (51.0K)
Reproducible L - Analyzing and Interpreting Cause-and-Effect Relationships -- 1 (85.0K)
Reproducible M - Reading Photos (75.0K)
Reproducible N - Analyzing and Interpreting Cause-and-Effect Relationships -- 2 (90.0K)
Reproducible O - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (77.0K)

Media and Identity Chart (16.0K)

Click on the links below to download sample material in PDF or Word Format:

Visuals Library

Visuals Libraries Introduction

The colour images on the Exploring Globalization website include
• all photographs, posters, paintings, illustrations, and editorial cartoons
• all charts and graphs
• all maps

These colour images are included to enable you to enhance your presentations by displaying overhead transparencies or slides that can be discussed by small groups or the entire class.

For teachers, in many cases, specific strategies for using overhead transparencies or presentation slides created from these images are included in the lessons described in "Suggested Teaching Activities."

The overhead transparencies or presentation slides can be used by both teachers and students in a variety of ways:
• to help activate students' previous knowledge and stimulate discussion as teachers introduce lessons
• to enhance class discussions by enabling the whole class to view and interact with a particular feature of Exploring Globalization
• to allow small groups to view and work with particular features
• to enable teachers to display enlarged versions of particular features as they work with students to develop specific skills (e.g., reading graphs or reading maps)
• as a follow-up to or review of lessons, or as a study aid

Professional Reference Library

Coming Soon!

Please see the Additional Resources sections of each lesson in the Teacher’s Resource for supplementary sources of information on globalization.

Peer to Peer

Share ideas and best practices with your peers through this online forum for 10-1 teachers. Ideas that are posted will be fully credited and teachers who participate within the site will also be invited to participate in the McGraw-Hill Ryerson "Ideas Exchange" at the October 2007 ATA Social Studies conference.

Email your comments to: [email protected]

This is a moderated forum. Messages are reviewed by the McGraw-Hill Ryerson editorial staff who may edit them for clarity and relevance, or decline to post messages that are inappropriate for these forums. McGraw-Hill Ryerson is not responsible for the content of any of these messages and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless McGraw-Hill Ryerson and their agents with respect to any claim based upon posting of your message(s).

Student Text Online

Introduction (703.0K)
Tour The Text (19622.0K)
Prologue (1060.0K)

Related Issue 1: To what extent should globalization shape identity?
Chapter 1 (6246.0K)
Chapter 2 (5171.0K)
Chapter 3 (5046.0K)
Chapter 4 (4409.0K)

Related Issue 2 :To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historical globalization?
Chapter 5 (7077.0K)
Chapter 6 (7145.0K)
Chapter 7 (8746.0K)
Chapter 8 (7620.0K)

Related Issue 3: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people?
Chapter 9 (5825.0K)
Chapter 10 (5026.0K)
Chapter 11 (4876.0K)
Chapter 12 (4764.0K)

Related Issue 4: To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?
Chapter 13 (4783.0K)
Chapter 14 (3877.0K)
Chapter 15 (5021.0K)
Chapter 16 (4477.0K)

Glossary (62.0K)
Index (123.0K)
Credits (95.0K)

To view these files, Adobe's free Acrobat Reader application is required.

Web Links

Evaluating Web Sites

The World Wide Web offers student researchers a wealth of interesting and valuable information. But unlike libraries and research institutions, people who create web sites need no particular qualifications or expertise. As a result, students need additional help when they are workingwith web-based resources. Helping students develop a critical approach to web-based information is an important role for teachers of social studies (see “Focus on Skills: Assessing the Authority and Validity of Internet Information,” pp. 78-79, Exploring Globalization, and Reproducible I, Assessing the Authority and Validity of Internet Information, Exploring Globalization Teacher’s Resource).
Teach students to ask the following key questions when they locate web-based resources:

• authority — Who created the web site? What are the person’s credentials? Is biographical information included? Is the person connected with a university, research institution, governmnet site, or reputable organization?
• currency — When was the page last updated? How current is the information?
• support — Are there links to other sites on the same topic? Are these links connected to reputable organizations? Does the information match what you see in your textbook? Is it supported by other sources on the same topic?
• purpose and audience — to whom is this web site directed? Does the web site communicate a certain political opinion? Does the site seem biased in any way? How do you know?
• accessibility — Is the site easy to use? Do all the links work? Is the language clear? Is the layout logical?

Although McGraw-Hill Ryerson monitors all Internet links on a regular basis, it is important to check these sites before directing students to them.
Professional Cartoonists Index
Daryl Cagle’s Professional Cartoonists Index is a commercial site that contains a large collection of current editorial cartoons from around the world, including many from Canada. These cartoons can provide ideas for lesson starters and class discussions.
( www.cagle.com )
Education World
Education World provides a teacher-friendly explanation of the four-corners debate strategy.
( http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/03/lp304-04.shtml )
Beyond Columbus: Teaching the Lessons of 1492
“Beyond Columbus: Teaching the Lessons of 1492” links to sites that explore the controversies relating to Columbus and the effects of his voyages.
( http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr167.shtml )
Daryl Cagle’s Professional Cartoonists Index - Chapter 10
Daryl Cagle’s Professional Cartoonists Index offers a large collection of current editorial cartoons from around the world, including many from Canada. These cartoons may provide ideas for lesson starters and class discussions — click on “Teacher Guide” on the home page.
( http://www.cagle.com/ )
Cultivating Peace — Taking Action - Chapter 15
This resource for a program titled Cultivating Peace — Taking Action is available free for teachers. The program encourages youth to recognize their individual power to support a culture of violence or to build a culture of peace.
( http://www.classroomconnections.ca/en/takingaction.php )
Educating for Global Citizenship in a Changing World - Chapter 16
“Educating for Global Citizenship in a Changing World,” from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, offers a range of ideas and practices for teaching and learning about citizenship in a global context.
( http://cide.oise.utoronto.ca/globalcitizenship.php )

News Feeds

<a onclick="window.open('/./olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/./olc2/dl/449527/exploring_NEWSfeeds.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="./olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (2.0K)</a>

Access daily news feeds from sources including the Globe and Mail, CBC, Statistics Canada, Canadian Business, the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta.

Template Library

Modifiable electronic files for templates and graphic organizers used in student resource activities as well as those specific to the development of skills outcomes.

1-1-1 Thinking About Your Presentation (59.0K)
1-1-4 My Presentation Proposal (72.0K)
1-1-5 Notes for My Presentation (68.0K)
1-1-6 Aspects of Identity (65.0K)
1-1-8 Collectives I Belong To (61.0K)
1-1-11 Developing an Informed Opinion (61.0K)
1-2-5 Identity and Accommodation, Acculturation and Assimilation (59.0K)
1-3-3 Effects of Technology on Cultural Diversity (62.0K)
1-4-9 Globalization of Products and Brand Names (55.0K)
2-5-1 Main Ideas and Choices (56.0K)
2-5-5 Placing Point of View or Perspectives (59.0K)
2-5-9 Expressing Strong Opinions (53.0K)
3-9-8 Map of China (485.0K)
3-10-3 Building Consensus (49.0K)
3-12-4 Writing for Different Purposes and Audiences (53.0K)
4-13-4 Is It Ever Okay to Restrict Rights (51.0K)
4-13-6 Demonstrating Leadership during Discussions Self Assessment (63.0K)
4-15-7 Our Group at Work (50.0K)
4-15-8 Assessing Our Group Collaboration Skills (53.0K)
4-15-9 Assessing My Contribution to the Group (52.0K)
Conflict Resolution Strategies (19.0K)

Reproducible E - Venn Diagram (157.0K)
Reproducible F - Map of the World - Political (505.0K)
Reproducible G - T-Chart (56.0K)
Reproducible H - Detecting Bias (57.0K)
Reproducible I - Assessing the Authority and Validity of Internet Information (15.0K)
Reproducible J - Analyzing a Point of View or Perspective (61.0K)
Reproducibe K - My KWL Chart (51.0K)
Reproducible L - Analyzing and Interpreting Cause-and-Effect Relationships -- 1 (85.0K)
Reproducible M - Reading Photos (75.0K)
Reproducible N - Analyzing and Interpreting Cause-and-Effect Relationships -- 2 (90.0K)
Reproducible O - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (77.0K)

Media and Identity Chart (16.0K)

Click on the links below to download sample material in PDF or Word Format:

Chapter Highlights

A summary of the key ideas from each chapter that can be used as an additional advanced organizer for the chapters, and as study aids.
Coming Soon! Please see the Template Library for other study aids and organizers.

Alternate Web Links

Web Connections

Globalization Guide
An informative introduction to globalization with page-long explanations on a broad range of topics that help build understandings of globalization. The site was produced by the Australian APEC Centre, which believes that globalization is a “force for good.” Note that the site was produced in 2002.
( www.globalisationguide.org )
A Student’s Guide to Globalization
“A Student’s Guide to Globalization is part of the Globalization 101 site sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. This is a student-oriented, issues-based resource that sorts information into categories such as “Issue Briefs,” “News Analyses,” and “Ask the Expert.”
( www.globalization101.org )
The Journey of Joane Cardinal-Schubert
“The Journey of Joane Cardinal-Schubert” is an article that first appeared in Legacy, Alberta’s heritage, arts, and culture magazine. The article includes Cardinal-Schubert’s comments on her identity as an artist and as a member of the Kainai people, as well as on her life and artistic goals.
( http://www.abheritage.ca/abarts/articles/articles_legacy_jschubert.htm )
How to Create a Mind Map
This step-by-step description of how to create a mind map includes clear, helpful directions and explanations.
( http://www.jcu.edu.au/studying/services/studyskills/mindmap/howto.html )
Globalization and the Politics of Identity
“Globalization and the Politics of Identity,” an article by Thomas Hylland Eriksen, first appeared in UN Chronicle. Eriksen teaches social anthropology at the University of Oslo. UN Chronicle is published by the United Nations Department of Public Information
( http://folk.uio.no/geirthe/UNChron.html )
Sacred Destinations
This site is an online travel guide and atlas of more than 1300 sacred sites and pilgrimage destinations related to a variety of faith traditions in more than 54 countries. The site also contains more than 10 000 photographs.
( http://www.sacred-destinations.com/ )
Friends of the Lubicon
Friends of the Lubicon is an advocacy group that informs supporters of the latest news on the struggle of this First Nation. Based in Toronto, the group was one of those that helped the Lubicon take their case beyond Canada to win the support of organizations such as Amnesty International and the United Nations.
( http://tao.ca/~FOL/ )


The Banana Wars
Learn more about the banana wars — a six-year trade battle between the United States and the European Union over special treatment given banana producers in former colonies in the Caribbean.
( http://www.guardian.co.uk/banana/Story/0,2763,208549,00.html )
Improving Conditions for Banana Workers
Use this site to learn about organizations that are trying to improve the working conditions, and lives, of banana workers worldwide.
( http://www.bananalink.org.uk/ )
Michif: The language of the Métis Nation
Listen to and learn phrases in Michif, as well as several other Aboriginal languages spoken in Canada. Click on related links for games, Cool Stuff, and FAQs of interest to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit young people.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ks/5060_e.html )

Web Connections

Transnational Corporations
The web site for Transnational Corporations, published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, contains information on the world’s top non-financial transnational corporations.
( http://www.unctad.org/TEMPLATES/Page.asp?intItemID=2926&lang=1 )
Journal of Foreign Affairs
The Journal of Foreign Affairs is produced by the Council on Foreign Relations, a U.S. non-profit organization. The online version provides current and background information on a number of topics related to globalization and international politics.
( http://www.foreignaffairs.org/ )
The Big Banana Split
The web site of the New Internationalist features a 1999 issue titled “The Big Banana Split,” which highlighted bananas and their role in global trade and development.
( http://www.newint.org/issue317/title317.htm )
Banana Trade Information
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development features market information on the banana trade.
( http://www.unctad.org/infocomm/anglais/indexen.htm )
Delmonte’s web site includes corporate social responsibility and corporate governance reports, statements, photos, and videos.
( www.delmonte.com )
Chiquita’s web site includes corporate social responsibility and corporate governance reports, statements, photos, and videos.
( www.chiquita.com )
Dole’s web site includes corporate social responsibility and corporate governance reports, statements, photos, and videos.
( www.dole.com )
Boycott Mania
This web site includes a reprint of an article assessing the importance of boycotts and buycotts.
( http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0731-03.htm )
Metis Nation
The web site of the Metis National Council includes details about the culture and history of the Metis people, their rights, and their forms of government. Sections of the site are dedicated to Metis youth and Metis women and to current issues of The Metis Nation.
( http://www.metisnation.ca/ )
Metis Nations of Alberta
The web site of the Metis Nation of Alberta includes information on the history and culture of Metis people in Alberta and discussions of current issues, such as conflicts with provincial governments over harvesting rights.
( http://www.albertametis.com/MNAHome/Home.aspx )
Cato Policy Report
This site provides a full transcript from the Cato Policy Report of the discussion between Tyler Cowen and Benjamin Barber.
( http://www.cato.org/pubs/policy_report/v25n3/cpr-25n3.pdf )
Nunatsiaq News
Nunatsiaq News is a weekly newspaper published in Inuktitut and English, with some articles in French. The newspaper has been published in Iqualuit since 1973 and is available in communities across Nunavut. Current articles are available online.
( http://www.nunatsiaq.com/ )
Our Language, Our Selves
The full text of “Our Language, Our Selves” (p. 60 of Exploring Globalization) is available on this web site. The lead to this article says, “Parents, with the help of schools and government, will be key to making Inuktitut a living, working language in the generations ahead.”
( http://www.nunavut.com/nunavut99/english/our.html )
The CIA World Factbook, Bolivia
The entry for Bolivia at the web site for The CIA World Factbook includes details about the country’s geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, and military, as well as transnational issues.
( https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bl.html )


TakingITGlobal.org is now the most popular online community for young people interested in making a difference. Connect with hundreds of thousands of unique visitors every month.
( http://www.takingitglobal.org )
Media Language and Terror
In "Terrorists and Freedom Fighters," Blair Shewchuk, senior editor of journalistic standards for CBC News Online, considers the way governments and the media use words to massage messages.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/indepth/words/terrorists.html )
Make Poverty History and Live 8
Find out about the Make Poverty History coalition. Links provide a wealth of information about issues and actions concerned with helping people around the world who are living in poverty.
( http://www.makepovertyhistory.org/extras/live8.shtml )

Web Connections

The Digital Divide
The Digital Divide Network is a project of TakingITGlobal, an online organization that connects young people around the world. Young people are invited to build their own online community, publish blogs, share documents and discussions, and post news, events, and articles.
( http://www.digitaldivide.net/ )
One Laptop per Child
One Laptop per Child, which was founded by Nicholas Negroponte and members of the MIT Media Lab, is dedicated to providing computers as learning tools for children. Their goal is to provide young people with opportunities to explore, express themselves, and communicate.
( www.laptop.org )
NASA Quest
NASA Quest offers scientific and engineering programs for students, such as audio and video files, live interactions with NASA personnel, lesson plans, and collaborative student activities
( http://quest.nasa.gov )
The web site of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network provides background and details on programs, movies, and specials
( www.aptn.ca )
Marshall McLuhan
This site provides in-depth information on many aspects of Marshall McLuhan, his work, and its effects on the world.
( www.marshallmcluhan.com )
Taking IT Global
TakingITGlobal is an international organization based in Canada. In partnership with groups such as the Oxfam International Youth Parliament, Peace Child International, and the Digital Divide Network, it offers discussion groups, information on current issues of concern to youth, guides to taking action on issues, forums, blogs, progress reports, guides to organizations in various countries, art created by members, and newsletters and magazines.
( www.takingitglobal.org )
ESPN’s web site includes news on sporting events, current sports scores, advertisements, magazines, rankings, video clips, columns, corporate information, and an invitation to viewers to submit their sports home videos.
( http://espn.go.com/ )
Disney Online includes video clips from the latest Walt Disney Co. movies; pages for different age groups; games; advertisements for Disney resorts, parks, and cruises; information on live events; and links to shopping and corporate pages.
( http://home.disney.go.com/index )
The web site of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission offers information about CRTC activities, including the complaint process and information for consumers.
( www.crtc.gc.ca )
This web site is one of many devoted to debunking urban legends or myths.
( www.snopes.com )
Make Poverty History
The official web site of Make Poverty History includes links to the organizations that are partners in the campaign, recommendations for action, videos, photographs, news releases, and teaching resources.
( www.makepovertyhistory.org )
Script-Writing Tips
This BBC web site includes a section titled “Script-Writing Tips and Real Examples,” as well as templates, a description of the process, samples from BBC radio news, and links to lessons on how to find, write, and assemble the news. This site may be useful as students complete the activity in “Reflect and Respond” (p. 81, Exploring Globalization).
( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/school_report/6180944.stm )
World Disasters Report
World Disasters Report 2005: Focus on Information in Disasters was prepared by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The chapter at this site is about humanitarian media coverage in the digital age.
( http://www.ifrc.org/publicat/wdr2005/chapter6.asp )
Project Censored
Project Censored produces an annual list of “spike” news stories. Note that this site includes a large amount of advertising.
( www.projectcensored.org )
Sesame Street
The Sesame Street web site includes a section with new updates about the series.
( www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet )
Anime and Manga
This web site lists terms that are popular in the world of anime and manga.
( www.koyagi.com/Terminology.html )
Statistics Canada Languages
Statistics Canada has produced a profile of languages in Canada based on the 2001 census.
( http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/analytic/companion/lang/contents.cfm )


Michaëlle Jean
Explore the stories, symbols, and images that inspired the coat of arms of Michaëlle Jean, governor general of Canada.
( http://www.gg.ca/heraldry/emb/03/index_e.asp )
UNESCO Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
This UNESCO proclamation recognized two kinds of expression of intangible cultural heritage: forms of popular and traditional cultural expressions; and cultural spaces. This site provides links to information about all the recognized masterpieces.
( http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=2226&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.ht... )
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
This declaration deals with issues such as self-determination, culture and language, education, health, housing, employment, land and resources, the environment and development, intellectual and cultural property, Indigenous laws and treaties and agreements with governments. Click here for a plain language version of the document.
( http://www.iwgia.org/sw248.asp )

Web Connections

Statistics Canada Languages
Statistics Canada has produced a profile of languages in Canada based on the 2001 census.
( http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/analytic/companion/lang/contents.cfm )
UNESCO’s Endangered Languages
UNESCO’s Endangered Languages site includes links to a 2006 special issue on endangered languages in The Intangible Heritage Messenger and the Interactive Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger of Disappearing.
( http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=8270&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.ht... )
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
"Ethnologue: Languages of the World” is a comprehensive research study focusing on unwritten languages and sponsored by the Summer Institute of Linguistics, a research organization that is a consultant for UNESCO.
( www.ethnologue.com )
The Lakdakh Project
“The Ladakh Project: Counter-Development on the Tibetan Plateau” is a web page produced by the International Society for Ecology and Culture, a British non-profit organization.
( www.isec.org.uk/pages/ladakh.html )
Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
The web site of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village includes virtual tours of the village and some of the buildings. The site is sponsored by Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture Alberta and includes links to other museums and historic sites in the province.
( http://tprc.alberta.ca/museums/historicsiteslisting/ukrainianvillage/default.aspx )
Niisitapiisini: Our Way of Life
“Niisitapiisini: Our Way of Life” is a virtual museum maintained by the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta. The Glenbow is one of the largest museums in Canada, with more than a million artifacts and 28 000 works of art.
( www.glenbow.org/blackfoot )
Kitikmeot Heritage Society
The Kitikmeot Heritage Society seeks to preserve, promote, and celebrate the history, culture, language, and diversity of the people of the Kitimeot region of Nunavut. The society’s web site includes exhibits, oral histories, stories, traditions, and explanations of how artifacts were made and used.
( www.kitikmeotheritage.ca )
Cape Breton Ceilidh
The “Cape Breton Ceilidh” is a virtual museum celebrating Gaelic culture. Sponsored by the Nova Scotia Highland Village Scoiety and the Department of Canadian Heritage, the site includes samples of storytelling, songs, music, and dance traditions, as well as classroom lessons.
( www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Ceilidh/index_splash_en.html )
Ruling the Airwaves: The CRTC and Canadian Content
“Ruling the Airwaves: The CRTC and Canadian Content” provides a selection of radio and television clips from CBC Archives on issues and controversies that have arisen as a result of CRTC rulings.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/300c.asp?id=1-68-1150 )
Purvirnituq Studio Revives Inuit Art
An October 21, 2005 article from the Nunatsiaq News, “Purvirnituq Studio Revives Inuit Art” is about the artists of Puvirnituq, the village in Bobby Kenuajuak’s film, My Village in Nunavik.
( http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/51021/news/features/51021_01.html )
National Film Board
Its web site offers details on the National Film Board’s history and artists, as well as educational resources, video clips, and an extensive catalogue of award-winning documentary and animated films.
( www.nfb.ca )
The web site of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission.
( www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/welcome.htm )
Governor General
The Governor General’s web site includes a biography, speeches, and personal coat of arms, as well as desciptions of the office’s roles and responsibilities and links to the stories of previous governors general.
( www.gg.ca/gg/index_e.asp )
Proclamation of Masterpieces
UNESCO’s “Proclamation of Masterpieces” explains the program and plans of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The site includes links to a brochure that illustrates and explains the masterpieces.
( http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=2226&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.ht... )
L’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
The web site of l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie is in French ony, but those who do not speak french can find out about it at the site of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada.
( www.francophonie.org/index.cfm )
Assembly of First Nations
The web site of the Assembly of First Nations contains details about the organization’s history, leaders, concerns, policies, goals, and acievements, as well as reports on issues of concern to First Nations communities in Canada and Indigenous people around the world.
( www.afn.ca )
All Different, All Unique
Includes the full text of All Different, All Unique (see p. 107, Exploring Globalization).
( http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001345/134556e.pdf )


The Grease Trails
The grease trails were named after the oolichan oil that was traded along the trails. The trails were networks used to carry important trade goods, news, people, and information, much as highways do today.
( http://www.livinglandscapes.bc.ca/northwest/oolichan_history/grease_trails.htm )
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
This site gives a biography of Smith and an introduction to the age in which he lived. There is a link to the full text of The Wealth of Nations.
( http://www.econlib.org/Library/Enc/bios/Smith.html )

Web Connections

History World
History World offers an easy-to-read summary of counting systems and numerals.
( www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?historyid=ab34 )
Trade Routes
“Trade Routes,” a scholarly review of the history and uses of early trade routes, was published by Australian researcher T. Matthew Ciolek in 2005.
( http://www.ciolek.com/PAPERS/trade-routes-enc2005.html )
A Theory of Globalization
The International Development Research Centre’s site offers “A Theory of Globalization,” Chapter 2 of Farhang Rajaee’s Globalization on Trial.
( http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-87930-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html )
The Three Rounds of Globalization
The full text of Ashutosh Sheshabalaya’s “The Three Rounds of Globalization” (see p. 117, Exploring Globalization), from daily online magazine The Globalist.
( http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/cultural/2006/1019threerounds.htm )
British History
This extensive site, produced by Britain’s Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, allows users to search for primary documents by topic and century.
( http://british-history.ac.uk )
Imperial Remnants: The World’s Last Colonies
“Imperial Remnants: The World’s Last Colonies” is an interactive CBC map that shows the few remaining colonies of European countries and the United States.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/interactives/gmaps/decolonization/ )
Adam Smith Institute
The site of the Adam Smith Institute provides the full text of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations.
( www.adamsmith.org/smith/won-intro.htm )
Spanish Conquest
The site of the National Humanities Center offers “Spanish Conquest,” with links to primary documents that provide Indigenous people’s points of view and perspectives on the Spanish conquest of the Americas.
( http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/amerbegin/contact/text7/text7read.htm )
Smallpox Epidemic in North America, 1770
The Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History has an informative essay on the impacts of European diseases: “Smallpox Epidemic Ravages Native Americans on the Northwest Coast of North America in the 1770s.”
( www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=5100 )
Bartolome de Las Casas
This site explores the work and writings of Bartolome de Las Casas.
( http://www.lascasas.org/ )
Olaudah Equiano
Excerpts from Olaudah Equiano’s book about his life as a slave are included in this Washington State University web site.
( http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/Equiano.html )
The Slave Route, A Memory Unchained
“The Slave Route, A Memory Unchained” is the focus of the March 1998 issue of UNESCO Sources.
( http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001113/111347e.pdf )
Slavery in Canada Timeline
This interactive CBC web site on slavery in Canada provides a timeline that allows users to access information by clicking on a designated year.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/interactives/tl-slaveryincanada/ )
William Wilberforce
This web site has an article on William Wilberforce, with extensive links that include an article on Olaudah Equiano.
( www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/wilberforce_william.shtml )
Anti-Slavery International
Founded in 1839, Anti-Slavery International is an international human rights organization. Its web site has information on anti-slavery campaigns and slavery today.
( http://www.antislavery.org/homepage/antislavery/about.htm )
The Columbian Exchange
This Feather River College web site contains a slide show with useful materials for teaching about the grand, or Columbian, exchange.
( http://frc.edu/heaney/hist108/Slideshows/Columbian%20Exchange/index.htm )
Industrial Revolution
This series of articles details many aspects of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on art, culture, and science, with links to other sources.
( http://industrialrevolution.sea.ca/impact.html )
Jimmy Durham
A biography of poet Jimmy Durham (see p. 133, Exploring Globalization) from the Native American Authors Project.
( www.ipl.org/div/natam/bin/browse.pl/A142 )


The Algerian War of Independence
This site traces the history of Algeria from its annexation by France in 1830 to the struggles of Algerian nationalists and the winning of independence in 1962.
( http://www.arab.net/algeria/aa_french.htm )

Web Connections

United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Rel...
This web site offers documents and information on the United Nations World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in 2001 in Durban, South Africa.
( www.un.org/WCAR )
The Arms of Canada
The Arms of Canada web site is sponsored by the Department of Canadian Heritage. The site includes detailed information on the history, content, and uses of the Canadian coat of arms.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/sc-cs/arm1_e.cfm )
The European Scramble for Africa
This BBC web site provides a well-organized view of Europe’s scramble for Africa in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
( http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica/11chapter3.shtml )
African Storytelling
Cora Agatucci’s introduction to African storytelling includes background on African proverbs, stories, and oral traditions, as well as an extensive bibliography.
( http://web.cocc.edu/cagatucci/classes/hum211/afrstory.htm )
Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent
“Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent,” maintained by the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections, provides images and audio, documents and studies on slavery, and links to collections of African art in museums around the world.
( http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/AfricaFocus/ )
Africa Research Central
The web site of Africa Research Central includes a searchable database of primary sources in African archives, libraries, and museums.
( http://www.africa-research.org/mainframe.html )
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Alberta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The web site of its interpretive centre includes various resources, such as articles on the bison and the Plains peoples and their hunting techniques.
( www.head-smashed-in.com/home.html )
Whose Buffalo? Fact Sheet
"Whose Buffalo? – Fact Sheet” is produced by the University of Texas at Austin and included in its virtual museum, Texas beyond History. This printable file describes the role of the buffalo in the economies and cultures of First Nations people in the Texas region.
( http://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/redriver/images/rr-whosebuffalo.pdf )
East India Company
This web site on the East India Company is maintained by Vinay Lal of the University of California, Los Angeles. The site presents an Indian perspective on the history and culture of the subcontinent and includes links to articles on ancient India, British India, Gandhi, India after independence, and current issues.
( http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/History/British/EAco.html )
Mohandas Gandhi
This Time magazine web site includes a biography of Mohandas Gandhi, a commentary on his life by Nelson Mandela, a photo essay, and links to other web sites including the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation and the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence.
( http://www.time.com/time/time100/poc/runnerup2.html )
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus
The web site of the UNESCO World Heritage profiles the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai (see Figure 6-18, p. 153, Exploring Globalization).
( http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/945 )
Aung San Suu Kyi
The Nobel Prize web site provides details on Aung San Suu Kyi, including a biography, the presentation speech, her acceptance speech, articles, and links to additional resources.
( http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1991/ )
India-Pakistan: Troubled Waters
The BBC News site provides an in-depth report titled “India-Pakistan: Troubled Waters” that is rich with resources on the history of the region since 1947.
( http://news.bbc.co.uk./hi/english/static/in_depth/south_asia/2002/india_pakistan/timeline... )
Kashmir: Where Conflict Rules
“Kashmir: Where Conflict Rules” is a special report from CNN News, with links to current news reports, a military map, a timeline, and profiles of political leaders.
( http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2002/kashmir/index.html )
Canadian Coat of Arms
The Arms of Canada web site is sponsored by the Department of Canadian Heritage. The site includes detailed information on the history, contents, and uses of the Canadian coat of arms.
( http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/sc-cs/arm1_e.cfm )


"She was tall, and majestic, mild and tractable, but characteristically proud and cautious." So wrote William Carson, who cared for Shawnadithit during the last days of her life. At this site you can read about Shawnadithit and her people, the Beothuk, who no longer exist because they were hunted and killed by Europeans or died of starvation and European diseases.
( http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=37250 )
Louis Riel
Hero or traitor? Louis Riel remains a controversial figure. Read about how, in 1992, Parliament officially recognized Riel for his role in the founding of Manitoba and for his efforts to secure the rights of Métis and francophones in the province.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-73-1482/politics_economy/louis_riel/ )
The Quiet Revolution
At this site, you can read about the origin of the term "Quiet Revolution" and about the causes and effects of the sweeping changes in Quebec society from 1960 to 1966, during the term of Liberal premier Jean Lesage.
( http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/events/quiet.htm )

Web Connections

The Canadian Museum of Civilization’s Virtual Museum of New France describes Champlain’s explorations and has links to maps of his 1604-1607 and 1609-1616 voyages.
( http://www.civilization.ca/vmnf/explor/champ_e1.html )
Early Fur Trade
Two primary documents, on from 1685 and the other from 1697, on the early fur trade in North America can be found at this web site maintained by the U.S. National Humanities Center.
( http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/amerbegin/permanence/text1/LahontanHennepin.pdf )
The Making of Beaver Hats
This University of California, Santa Cruz, web site features a highly detailed description of the making of beaver fur hats, complete with historic diagrams.
( http://people.ucsc.edu/~kfeinste/felting.html )
The Beothuk
This site, sponsored by Memorial University of Newfoundland, contains articles dealing with the Beothuk. The language level is accessible for students.
( http://www.heritage.nf.ca/aboriginal/beothuk.html )
PBS and Hudson’s Bay Company
This web site provides details of a series of TV shows on the Hudson’s Bay Company. The site includes links to profiles of the central figures in HBC history, as well as maps and a timeline.
( www.pbs.org/empireofthebay )
Hudson’s Bay Company
The Hudson’s Bay Company maintains a web site with links to a variety of resources on company history, including oral histories and art collections.
( www.hbc.com/hbcheritage )
Exploration 1497 to 1760
The Atlas of Canada offers “Exploration 1497 to 1760,” with 20 maps of the early voyages of Europeans.
( http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/historical/exploration/exploration )
Royal Proclamation of 1763
This Indian and Northern Affairs Canada site is a teachers’ resource on the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/sg/sg11_e.html )
David Thompson
A profile of Hudson’s Bay Company trader David Thompson from the Northwest Journal, an online publication that promotes understanding of the fur trade.
( http://www.northwestjournal.ca/V1.htm )
Aboriginal Populations in Canada
This Statistics Canada web page provides a demographic profile of Aboriginal populations in Canada between 1901 and 2001.
( http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/Products/Analytic/companion/abor/canada.cfm )
Indigenous Voices
“Indigenous Voice” is part of the Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. The site offers audio and video programs that illustrate the oral traditions of Métis people.
( http://www.metismuseum.ca/exhibits/voices/index.php )
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society provides information on the history of the residential school system and its effects on First Nations people.
( www.irsss.ca/history.html )
Ethnic Diversity and Immigration from Statistic Canada
For immigration statistics, to this Statistics Canada web site, click on “By subject,” then on “Ethnic diversity and immigration.”
( www.statcan.ca/menu-en.htm )
Department of Canadian Heritage – Multiculturalism
The web site of the Department of Canadian Heritage has an alphabetical index with many links that are useful in exploring multiculturalism.
( www.canadianheritage.gc.ca/index_e.cfm )
Claims and Treaties
The “Claims and Treaties” page of the Aboriginal Canada Portal has links to agencies and organizations dealing with land claims.
( http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/acp/site.nsf/en/ao20009.html )
Quiet Revolution
“Quiet Revolution” is a student-friendly article based on the CBC TV series Canada: A People’s History.
( http://history.cbc.ca/history/?MIval=EpisContent&series_id=1&episode_id=16&chapter_id=1&p... )
It’s Time for Change
“It’s Time for Change” is a CBC archive broadcast on the Quite Revolution (June 19, 1960).
( http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-73-651-3569/politics_economy/quebec_elections/clip1 )


AVEGA Agahozo
The 1994 genocide in Rwanda led to the violent death of nearly one million people in just 100 days. AVEGA Agahozo was created in 1995 by 50 widows who are themselves genocide survivors. At this site, find out about their work to help other survivors.
( http://www.avega.org.rw/English.html )
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)
This is the official site of the ICBL. Landmines are still being used today, and mines from previous conflicts still claim victims in every corner of the globe. Work continues to bring about treaties to ban landmines and help those whose lives have been affected by them.
( http://www.icbl.org/ )

Web Connections

The Triumph of Evil
“The Triumph of Evil” aired on the PBS series Frontline. The site has useful material on the Rwandan genocide, including a detailed chronology, interviews, primary documents, and links to readings on Rwanda and Somalia.
( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/evil/ )
Rwandan Genocide Project
Yale University’s “Rwandan Genocide Project” has links to articles, satellite maps, and databases on the victims and perpetrators of the genocide.
( www.yale.edu/gsp/rwanda )
Ubuntu Edmonton
The home page of Ubuntu Edmonton (see p. 193, Exploring Globalization), an organization that supports women and children who were victims of the genocide in Rwanda.
( http://www.ubuntuedmonton.org/en/main.php )
Women for Women International
Women for Women International (see p. 193, Exploring Globalization) is a non-governmental organization that provides financial and emotional support to women in areas of conflict, such as Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Sudan.
( http://www.womenforwomen.org/ )
UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues provides up-to-date information on issues of concern to Indigenous peoples around the world.
( www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii )
UN Photos of Apartheid in South Africa
The United Nations photo archives contains photographs relating to apartheid in South Africa.
( www.un.org/av/photo/subjects/apartheid.htm )
Nelson Mandela
The African National Congress web page on Nelson Mandela.
( http://www.anc.org.za/people/mandela.html )
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
At this site, you can access Highlights from the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, which includes summaries of the 1996 report, People to People, Nation to Nation
( http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ch/rcap/rpt/index_e.html )
This article from the Encyclopaedia Britannica provides a useful overview of NGOs.
( http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9395824/nongovernmental-organization )
Greenpeace International
Greenpeace International, founded in 1971, is a successful NGO with well-managed communication and fundraising initiatives.
( http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ )
Mines Action Canada
Mines Action Canada is a coalition of Canadian NGOs — development, social justice, peace, faith, health, and relief organizations — working to ban landmines globally.
( http://www.minesactioncanada.org/home/index.cfm?fuse=Home.Start )
Nobel Peace Prize for Grameen Bank
The web site of the Nobel Peace Prize includes Muhammad Ynus’s acceptance speech, a video of some of the Grameen Bank’s achievements, and links to the Grameen Bank’s web site.
( http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2006/ )
NGO Research Guide
The NGO Research Guide from Duke University contains information on the activities of a large number of specific NGOs and offers links to their web sites.
( http://library.duke.edu/research/subject/guides/ngo_guide/ )
The Global Rich and Poor Gap Widens
A Voice of America News article titled “The Global Rich and Poor Gap Widens.” The site also has audio and video files on the topic.
( http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2007-01/GlobalRichandPoor2006-12-22-voa6.cfm )
Global Issues
The Global Issues organization offers a web page on foreign aid, with links to information on foreign aid statistics and articles on the issues involved.
( http://www.globalissues.org/TradeRelated/Debt/USAid.asp )
Canadian International Development Agency
A description of the Canadian International Development Agency. The site provides links to information about CIDA’s mandate, accountability, expenditures, and performance.
( http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/cidaweb/acdicida.nsf/En/NIC-5313423-N2A?OpenDocument )
Genocide in Sudan
A CBC News in-depth report on the genocide in Sudan.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/sudan/genocide-convention.html )


The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
These sites present information and activities especially for high school students. Get involved, take action, and tell your own story at Youthink. Check out IMF in Action for interactive stories, fact sheets and FAQs about the IMF.
( http://youthink.worldbank.org/ http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/center/action/eng/index... )
International Monetary Fund
These sites present information and activities especially for high school students. Get involved, take action, and tell your own story at Youthink. Check out IMF in Action for interactive stories, fact sheets and FAQs about the IMF.
( http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/center/action/eng/index.htm )

Web Connections

HyperHistory Online
HyperHistory Online present interconnected timelines — a useful tool for visual learners — as well as short summaries of events, hisotircal figures, cultural changes, music, art, and literature.
( http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/History_n2/a.html )
Citation and Style Guides from Concordia University Library
Concordia University Libraries maintains a page titled “Citation and Style Guides” that offers writing guidelines based on a number of style guides, with links to articles on how to avoid plagiarism.
( http://www.library.concordia.ca/help/howto/citations.html )
Mad Cow in Canada: The Science and the Story
This CBC News In Depth feature, “Mad Cow in Canada: The Science and the Story,” offers background information and links to other sites dealing with this problem.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/madcow/ )
100-Mile Diet
The 100-Mile Diet organization was founded in response to concerns about globalization and the environmental impacts of transporting food over great distances.
( http://www.100milediet.org/ )
John Ralston Saul
John Ralston Saul (see p. 218, Exploring Globalization) has written and spoken extensively on globalization and its impact on democracy, culture, and the future of Canada. His prose can be dense and difficult for most students, but the site may be useful as enrichment or background for teachers.
( http://www.gg.ca/gg/fgg/bios/03/jrs_e.asp )
Treaty of Versailles
This BBC web page offers an interactive map showing the main clauses of the Treaty of Versailles.
( http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir1/thetreatyrev2.shtml )
The Contentious Legacy of Dieppe
“The Contentious Legacy of Dieppe” is a CBC Archives collection of radio and television broadcasts about the raid on Dieppe. The collection includes reports from the day of the raid and the days that followed, when the scale of the disaster became known.
( http://archives.cbc.ca/IDD-1-71-2359/conflict_war/dieppe/ )
The Canadian Virtual War Memorial
The Canadian Virtual War Memorial offers extensive archival material on Canadian’s service in World War I and World War II.
( www.virtualmemorial.gc.ca )
Images of a Forgotten War
The National Film Board site offers “Images of a Forgotten War: Films of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in the Great War,” with more than 120 archival films from World War I.
( http://www.nfb.ca/enclasse/ww1/index.html )
Economic Concepts
The Canadian federal government site offers “Economic Concepts,” which provides numberous definitions, as well as information about the impact on the Canadian economy of each of the terms defined, examples, and links to additional information.
( http://www.canadianeconomy.gc.ca/english/economy/concepts.html )
Structural Adjustment — A Major Cause of Poverty
Anup Shah’s Global Issues site offers an article titled “Structural Adjustment — A Major Cause of Poverty.”
( http://www.globalissues.org/TradeRelated/SAP.asp )
Keynes versus Hayek: The Rise of the Chicago School of Economics
This U.S. National Council on Economic Education web site provides a lesson titled “Keynes versus Hayek: The Rise of the Chicago School of Economics.”
( http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=em593&page=teacher )
Commanding Heights: the Battle for the World Economy
“Commanding Heights: the Battle for the World Economy” is a PBS site based on a six-hour television special that includes analysis of the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes, Frederich Von Hayek, and Milton Friedman.
( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/lo/index.html )
A Race Against Time
This web site presents an audio clip of the first of the Massey Lectures given by Stephen Lewis in 2005. The lecture, titled “A Race Against Time,” and a book of the same title talk about Lewis’s time as the United Nations special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa.
( http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/massey/massey2005.html )
World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization’s web site for students contains a wide range of short articles with engaging illustrations. The site argues that the WTO is necessary for global economic stability.
( http://www.wto.org/english/forums_e/students_e/students_e.htm )
International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund’s web site for students provides online exercises that lead students through international money issues and the importance of trade. The site argues that the IMF is necessary for global economic stability.
( http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/st/eng/index.htm )
World Bank
The World Bank offers fewer resources specifically designed for students, but its site provides students with the bank’s perspective on global economic issues.
( http://www.worldbank.org/ )
China Rises
The interactive web site for a four-part television series on modern China titled China Rises. Produced by the CBC and international partners, the series explored China’s economy, the challenges posed by pollution and a rising population, preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games, and a profile of Shanghai.
( http://www.cbc.ca/chinarises/intro/index.html )
China from the Inside
“China from the Inside” is based on the PBS television series. The site includes excellent material on modern China, with video clips, lessons and activities, and maps, including an interactive soundscape.
( http://www.pbs.org/kqed/chinainside/educators.html )
Human Rights Watch
This Human Rights Watch report details continuing human rights abuses in China. Human Rights Watch is one of the largest and most respected independent groups monitoring human rights issues around the world.
( http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/01/18/china12270.htm )
The China Internet Information Center
The China Internet Information Center is the authorized government portal. The site gives the official Chinese government position on news and related issues.
( http://www.china.org.cn/english/index.htm )


Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Find out how Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada is helping Canadian companies expand worldwide. Check out e-discussions and articles on hot topics such as promoting democracy and the geopolitics of energy.
( http://www.international.gc.ca/index.aspx )
The Human Development Report, 2005
This report takes stock of human development, including progress towards the UN's millennium development goals. Among other issues, it identifies extreme inequality between countries and within countries as major barriers to human development.
( http://hdr.undp.org/reports/global/2005/ )

Web Connections

Globalisation Guide
This web site, maintained by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, is organized around questions about many of the key aspects of globalization. Each article is extensively researched and well prepared.
( http://www.globalisationguide.org/ )
Maquiladoras at a Glance
Perspectives on the maquiladoras of Mexico.
( http://www.corpwatch.org/article/php?id=1528 )
What is a Maquiladoras?
Perspectives on the maquiladoras of Mexico.
( http://www.udel.edu/leipzig/texts2/vox128.htm )
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras
Perspectives on the maquiladoras of Mexico.
( http://www.coalitionforjustice.net/ )
Canada and the North American Free Trade Agreement
The complete text of NAFTA and other related materials can be found on this site maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. The text of the agreement is long and dense, but students may find brief quotations of interest.
( http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/nafta-alena/menu-en.asp )
European Union
At the home page of the European Union, click on “Easy Reading Corner” for a variety of materials explaining what the EU is and what it does. From here, you may wish to click on “Young people,” which has materials for teachers.
( http://europa.eu/index_en.htm )
World Trade Organization
At the web site of the World Trade Organization, click on “Resources for Students.”
( www.wto.org )
International Labour Organization
The home page of the International Labour Organization, a UN agency that attempts to bring governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals together to create “decent work” for the world. The site ahs links to a variety of resources.
( http://www.ilo.org/global/index.htm )
Free the Children
Free the Children, begun in 1995 by Canadian Craig Kieldurger and 11 friends, is now a worldwide NGO working on sustainable community development projects. The organization’s focus is on making families and communities prosperous enough that children can attend schools.
( http://www.freethechildren.com/index.php )
Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNICEF’s web site on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with links to the convention’s text and definitions of key terms.
( http://www.unicef.org/crc/ )
Is Wal-Mart Good for America?
This PBS site offers footage from the 2005 Frontline episode titled “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” and a variety of additional materials, including a teacher’s guide.
( http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/view/ )
Wal-Mart’s web site. Look for the slide show on the company’s sustainability and corporate responsibility projects.
( www.walmartstores.com/GlobalWMStoresWeb/navigate.do?catg=316 )
The Corporation
The web site for the award-winning documentary The Corporation. The site includes links to a wide range of educational resources, including teachers’ resource material prepared by TVOntario and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
( http://www.thecorporation.com/ )
Talisman Energy Inc.
The corporate web site of Talisman Energy Inc. Links include “News,” “Environment,” and “Corporate Responsibility.”
( http://www.talisman-energy.com/ )
The Digital Economy in Canada
“The Digital Economy in Canada” is an Industry Canada site, with links to e-commerce policies and Candian and international development issues.
( http://e-com.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/ecic-ceac.nsf/en/home )
Benefits and Limitations of E-Commerce
A web page on the benefits and limitations of e-commerce, presented by University of Toronto professor Tim Richardson
( http://www.witiger.com/ecommerce/benefits-limitations.htm )
Information Economy Report 2006: The Development Perspective
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s Information Economy Report 2006: The Development Perspective presents details of how the digital divide is affecting developing countries.
( http://www.witiger.com/ecommerce/benefits-limitations.htm )
Computer Chips Send Jabber to Tokyo Strollers in Technology Project
“Computer Chips Send Jabber to Tokyo Strollers in Technology Project” is an Associated Press story on the embedded computer chip project in Tokyo (see Figure 10-23, p. 254, Exploring Globalization).
( http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg00642.html )
The Skoll Foundation
The Skoll Foundation was established by Jeffery Skoll, the founder of eBay, to support social entrepreneurs in countries around the world.
( http://www.skollfoundation.org/ )


An Inconvenient Truth
Find out how small changes in your daily routine can add up to big changes in helping to stop global warming. Learn how to become carbon neutral and download "10 Simple Tips" that can help you reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
( http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/ )
Edward Burtynsky
See more of Edward Burtynsky's photographs at this site and view a two-minute trailer about Manufacturing Landscapes, the award-winning film that traces the photographer's travels through the landscape of China's massive industrial revolution.
( http://www.edwardburtynsky.com/ )
Mining the Tar Sands
The heavy oil in tar sands cannot be pumped from the ground in its natural state. Find out how tar sand deposits must be mined, usually using strip mining or open pit techniques, or produced on-site, through underground heating and other recovery processes.
( http://ostseis.anl.gov/guide/tarsands/index.cfm )
Cochrane High School Sustainable Development Project
Cochrane High School science teachers and their students created a real-life example of sustainable development by installing solar panels and a wind turbine on the roof of their school. Read more about this example of sustainability.
( http://www.sustainabledevelopment.ca/ )

Web Connections

Edward Burtynsky
Edward Burtynsky, whose photograph appears in Figure 11-1 (p. 258, Exploring Globalization) is an internationally acclaimed photographer who specializes in the impact of industrialization on the landscape and environment. His web site include a large number of evocative images.
( http://www.edwardburtynsky.com/ )
Footprint Calculator
Earthday Network’s web site includes a user-friendly online personal ecological footprint calculator. Earthday Network was founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970.
( www.myfootprint.org )
Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future
The UNESCO web site, Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future, offers extensive online materials for exploring sustainable development. The site is an initiative of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
( http://www.unesco.org/education/tlsf/index.htm )
Flags of Convenience
The Flags of Convenience campaign, against the use of the practice, is sponsored by the International Transport Workers’ Federation.
( http://www.itfglobal.org/flags-convenience/index.cfm )
Greenpeace’s site on shipbreaking includes news reports, information on environmental campaigns, ships that are currently in the spotlight, and photos and videos.
( http://www.greenpeaceweb.org/shipbreak/ )
Green Belt Movement
The official web site of the Green Belt Movement begun by Wangari Maathai.
( http://www.greenbeltmovement.org/ )
Sustainable Development Project at Cochrane High School
The home page of the Sustainable Development Project at Cochrane High School in Alberta.
( http://www.sustainabledevelopment.ca/index.php )


The United Nations Development Program
At the home page of the UN Human Development Program, click on Human Development Data to go to interactive graphics on human development, fact sheets and data on all countries covered by the HDI, and information about HDI indicators and data collection.
( http://www.undp.org/ )
Water Privatization
According to Fortune magazine, water is "one of the world's great business opportunities. It promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th." At this site, you can access a CBC series called Water for Profit, which looks at how multinational corporations are taking control of this basic necessity of life.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/features/water/ )
Water Rights and Wrongs
This booklet is a summary for young people of the United Nations 2006 Human Development Report titled Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty, and the Global Water Crisis.
( http://hdr.undp.org/water/ )
Albertans and Climate Change
The Albertans and Climate Change web site includes information about all aspects of Alberta Environment's climate change initiatives. For a copy of Facts about Climate Change, click on Alberta's Climate Change Fact Book.
( http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/climate/index.html )

Web Connections

Nova Scotia Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act
The Nova Scotia Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act (introduced as Bill 146) is available at this Government of Nova Scotia web site.
( http://www.gov.ns.ca/legislature/legc/bills/60th_1st/1st_read/b146.htm )
First Nations Water Initiative
“First Nations Water Initiative” is a policy paper at the Assembly of First Nations web site, with links to background on the issue, the scope of the work needed, and reports on the situation in 2006 and 2007.
( http://www.afn.ca/article.asp?id=2844 )
United Nations Development Programme
The home page of the United Nations Development Programme includes links to the annual Human Development Reports. These reports, which can be downloaded, include extensive statistics related to the human development index.
( http://www.undp.org/ )
Sustainability: A Winning Merger of Growth and the Environment
The Conference Board of Canada’s briefing paper, “Sustainability: A Winning Merger of Growth and the Environment,” discusses where Canada is achieving sustainable development and how Canadians can do more.
( http://www.conferenceboard.ca/documents.asp?rnext=1793 )
Water Rights and Wrongs
Water Rights and Wrongs is a young people’s summary of the United Nations Human Development Report 2006, Beyond Scarcity: Power, Poverty, and the Global Water Crisis. The summary is co-produced by Peace Child International.
( http://hdr.undp.org/water/ )
Genuine Progress Index
GPIAtlantic is a Nova Scotia-based think tank that is working to develop the genuine progress index.
( http://www.gpiatlantic.org/about.htm )
Water for Profit
This page links to a number of radio interviews — audio and transcript — from Water for Profit, a 2003 CBC Radio series on water privatization. The page also includes links to other CBC resources on the larger issue of water.
( http://www.cbc.ca/news/features/water/ )
Dead in the Water
The National Film Board documentary Dead in the Water examines water privatization in an era of declining access to clean water
( http://www.nfb.ca/collection/films/fiche/?lg=en&id=54351&v=h )
Earth Institute at Columbia University
The web site of the Earth Institute at Columbia University contains a biography of its dirctor, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and links to several relevant video and audio clips.
( http://www.earthinstitute.columbia.edu/sections/view/5 )
Global Crop Diversity Trust
The web site for the Global Crop Diversity Trust has a link to a page that describes the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, including several photos of the tunnel to the vault as it was being built.
( http://www.croptrust.org/main/arctic.php?itemid=217# )
The Millenium Development Goals Report 2007
On this page, you will find a link to The Millenium Development Goals Report 2007. There is also a variety of other useful link to UN sites.
( http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ )
CIDA and Millenium Development Goals
The federally-funded Canadian International Development Agency offers the official view of Canada’s work toward achieving the millennium development goals.
( http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/acdicida.nsf/En/JUD-13173118-GPM )
William McDonough
William McDonough’s web site has an extensive archive of his speeches and books. McDonough and some of his work are discussed in the profile on page 297 of Exploring Globalization.
( http://www.mcdonough.com/full.htm )
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme in 1988.
( http://www.ipcc.ch/ )
Albertans and Climate Change
“Albertans and Climate Change” is the Alberta government site that solicited feedback from citizens on how the provnice should update its climate change action plan.
( http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/climate/ )
The World Factbook
The World Factbook, produced by the CIA, has detailed entries on the geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportations, military, and transnational issues for every country.
( https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html )


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This site tells you about the UN’s initiatives in support of human rights for all people. Click to get information on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and other related projects and organizations.
( http://www.udhr.org/history/default.htm )
The Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Confederacy
Read a translation of the Gayanashagowa, the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, also called The Great Law of Peace.
( http://www.indigenouspeople.net/iroqcon.htm )
Freedom House
Find out more about Freedom House, a non-profit, non-partisan organization that promotes democracy and freedom around the world. Click on Freedom in the World to check out their Map of Freedom for 2006.
( http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=1 )
The Centre for Information Awareness
The Center for Information Awareness brings awareness of global events and situations. It provides free access to world reporting and promotes alternative sources of information. CFIA campaigns and projects include Media Democracy Day, COA News, Free Speech Network, MediaReform.ca, and the Independent Media Marketplace.
( http://thecfia.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=28 )

Web Connections

This is a free public web site offering easy-to-use blogging software; it has been used by a number of school boards as a way to encourage appropriate use of blogs and blog-like journals.
( www.blogger.com )
Site Meter
This is a free public web stie offering a site meter compatible with www.blogger.com blogs.
( www.sitemeter.com )
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
This is the official Canadian government site for the Can adian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
( http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter )
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This United Nations web site focuses on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
( http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html )
United Nations Human Rights Treaties
This site lists the seven major human rights treaties that the UN maintains with various member states. The site includes the text of each treaty, as well as amendments and how it is applied.
( www.bayefsky.com )
Great Law of Peace
This web site provides the full text of the Great Law of Peace.
( http://www.indigenouspeople.net/iroqcon.htm )
United States National Archives
This site provides complete texts and commentary on the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and other significant documents related to democracy in the U.S.
( http://www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters/constitution.html#top )
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Translations
The official web site of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides access to this document in many languages, including English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic.
( http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/ )
Quotations from General Sherman
The cartoon on page 314 of Exploring Globalization is a parody of the original quotation by General William Tecumseh Sherman, a general on the Union side in the American Civil War. This site provides other notable quotations from Sherman.
( http://www.military-quotes.com/william-sherman.htm )
Bartolome de Las Casas
This site offers a brief biography of Bartolome de Las Casas, as well as a list of his major writings and a chronology of events in his life.
( http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/43/025.html )
Biography of Woodrow Wilson
This site provides an official biography of Woodrow Wilson.
( http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/43/025.html )
Freedom House
This is the web site for Freedom House, an American-based non-profit organization that monitors the state of freedom around the world. The site includes rankings on the group’s freedom index and a printable world “map of freedom.”
( http://www.freedomhouse.org )
Ngugi Wa Thiong’o
This site provides a brief biography of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, who is profiled on page 316 of Exploring Globalization.
( http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ngugiw.htm )
The Time 100
This Time magazine web site profules their selection of the 100 most important people of the 20th century. The photography used in “Making Choices” (p. 319, Exploring Globalization) appears here along with an explanation of the event.
( http://www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/rebel.html )
Daniel Griswold
This web page includes an article by Daniel Griswold, who is with the Cato Institute. The article provides a fuller explanation of Griswold’s views.
( http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itgic/0206/ijge/griswold.htm )


Darin Barney on People and Technology
Darin Barney believes that technology can actually undermine people’s idea of citizenship and challenge their ability to participate in a democratic society. To hear Barney’s views, scroll down and click on Listen to The Current: Part 3
( http://www.cbc.ca/thecurrent/2007/200703/20070321.html )
International Trade Union Confederation
Find out about current International Trade Union Confederation campaigns that support and promote the rights of workers around the world. Click on Young Workers to learn how the future of the trade union movement could affect young people.
( http://www.ituc-csi.org/spip.php?rubrique7 )

Web Connections

The Maquila Solidarity Network
The Maquila Solidarity Network is a labour and women’s rights advocacy organization promoting solidarity with Mexican, Central American, and Asian groups working to improved conditions in sweatshops. The site offers news, information about campaigns, descriptions of related issues, and links to resources.
( http://en.maquilasolidarity.org/ )
Evaluating Web Sites
This site — “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, or, Why It’s a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources”— was compile by Susan E. Beck of New Mexico State University and can be sued with students to evaluate web sites. The site details criteria used to evaluate web site validity and provides examples and links to enhance understanding of the criteria.
( http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/eval.html )
New Internationalist — Sabtenga, Burkina Faso
The May 2006 issue of the New Internationalist magazine focuses on the village of Sabtenga, Burkina Faso, to illustrate how globalization has reached even remote parts of the the world. The issue contains photos and articles showing how Sabtenga has changed in the last 20 years because of globalization, new technologies, and changing roles for females.
( http://www.newint.org/issues/2006/05/01/ )
Thomas Homer-Dixon
This is the personal web site of Thomas Homer-Dixon, author of The Ingenuity Gap. The site contains information on the author, recent publications, interviews, a forum, and links to relevant resources, many at a suitable reading levl for high school students
( www.homerdixon.com )
Youth Action Centre
The Youth Action Centre is part of the National Youth Engagement Program of Green Street, an organization that promotes sustainable environmental practices in education. The site offers strategies, including how-to guides, for tackling environmental issues affecting youth. It also includes success stories and advice from professionals.
( http://www.youthactioncentre.ca/English/index.htm )
The Global Gender Gap
The World Economic Forum’s report on the global gender gap provides complete rankings for 115 countries, information on the indicators used, and links to country profiles.
( http://www.weforum.org/en/initiatives/gcp/Gender%20Gap/index.htm )
The Women of Uganda Network
The Women of Uganda Network is an NGO whose goal is to develop the use of commuincation technologies as tools for sharing information and dealing collectively with women’s issues. Though the organization emphasizes Internet technologies, it also uses more traditional ways of exchanging information, such as radio, video, and print.
( http://www.wougnet.org/ )
Women Connect
Women Connect is an NGO that supports women’s groups in England by providing online resources, strategies for organizational development, and equipment; and by creating new partnerships and influencing policy on gender equality and communication technology. The site includes information on policy, a discussion list, and links to relevant resources.
( http://www.womenconnect.org.uk/ )
International Women’s Day
The web site of International Women’s Day includes information on the history of the day, links to supporting governments and organizations, and details about related events.
( http://www.internationalwomensday.com/ )
Status of Women Canada
Status of Women Canada is a federal agency that promotes gender equality and the full participation of women in economic, social, cultural, and political life. By strengthening public policy, the agency tries to improve women’s economic autonomy and well-being, eliminate violence against women and children, and advance women’s human rights. The site include news, a list of commemorative dates, inforamtion on funding women’s groups, and links to related governmnet publications.
( http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/ )
Oxfam Canada
Oxfam Canada, part of Oxfam International, works with people in more than 105 countries to create a world free of poverty and injustice. Oxfam’s work focuses on themes and issues related to women’s equality, international trade, the right to make a living, HIV/AIDS, and peace and security. The site includes lesson plans, presentations, and other resources for teachers.
( www.oxfam.ca )
TransFair Canada
TransFair Canada is a national non-profit certification and public education organization that promotes fair trade, with the goal of improving the livelihood of developing world farmers and workers. The site offers links to information and resouces geared to teachers and students.
( www.transfair.ca )
The International Labour Organization
The International Labout Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, promotes social justice and international human and labour rights. This site includes in-depth information on child labour, decent work, employment promotion, forced labour, freedom of association and collective bargaining, youth unemployment, labour law, working conditions, and more, as well as links to statistics, projects, campaigns, and so on.
( http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm )
The International Trade Union Confederation
The International Trade Union Confederation is the world’s largest trade union federation, representing 166 million workers through 309 affiliated organizations in 156 countries and territories.
( http://www.ituc-csi.org/ )
New Internationalist — Trade Unions
The December 2001 issue of the New Internationalist focuses on trade unions. Highlights include “Trade Unions — The Facts,” a look at the International Labour Organization, and the legacy of trade unions, as well as stories of struggle and success around the world.
( http://www.newint.org/issue341/contents.htm )
New Internationalist — Ethical Shopping
The November 2006 issue of the New Internationalist focuses on ethical shopping. It looks at the growth and implications of ethical consumerism and its implications
( http://www.newint.org/issues/2006/11/01/ )
New Internationalist — IMF and World Bank
The March 2004 issue of New Internationalist focuses on the IMF and the World Bank and highlights many of the themes of this related issue.
( http://newint.org/issues/2004/03/01/ )
The Social Clause: Issues and Challenges
The Social Clause: Issues and Challenges is a publication of the International Labour Organization. This site provides detailed information about what social clauses are, whether they are justified, and how they would work.
( http://www.itcilo.it/actrav/actrav-english/telearn/global/ilo/guide/hoelim.htm )
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign in support of human rights. This site includes an online library that can be searched by country and theme, detailed information about Amnesty’s current and past campaigns, and news about himan rights abuses.
( http://www.amnesty.org/ )
The Jubilee Debt Campaign
The Jubilee Debt Campaign has its roots in Jubilee 2000 and earlier campaigns for the cancellation of poor countries’ debt. This site includes information about the origins of the debt movement, an introduction and fact sheets about the debt crisis, and educational activities to engage students in thinking about this issue.
( http://www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk/ )


View an interactive map that displays up-to-the-minute information on outbreaks of diseases and toxins country by country throughout the world. Also includes links to information about animal and plant diseases and the World Health Organization.
( http://healthmap.org )
The Black Death and the Spanish Flu
These sites provide eyewitness accounts, background information, statistics, and illustrations related to these two world pandemics.
( http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/plague.htm )
The Black Death and the Spanish Flu
These sites provide eyewitness accounts, background information, statistics, and illustrations related to these two world pandemics.
( http://virus.stanford.edu/uda )
Boycotting Nestlé and other Formula Manufacturers
IBFAN’s goal is to improve the health of babies, young children, and their families by protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding and other safe and healthy infant-feeding methods.
( http://www.ibfan.org/english/gateenglish.html )
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes track the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven corporations worldwide.
( http://www.sustainability-index.com/ )

Web Connections

The Dynamic Cities Project
The Dynamic Cities Project is a non-profit organization that creates energy transition strategies in response to oil depletion and climate change. The group’s web site includes many resources for thinking through future resource-related scenarios.
( http://dynamiccities.squarespace.com/ )
Get Loud
War Child Canada has launched an initiative called “Get Loud.” This extensive online resource helps students and teachers become informed about and involved with issues related to global conflict. The site’s issue pages provide accessible information on resource wars, oil, and colonialism.
( http://www.getloud.ca/en/gpi_issues.asp )
WHO’s HIV/AIDS web site
The World Health Organization’s HIV/AIDS web site provides comprehensive information about the staus of the epidemic in a variety of countries, as well as measures that are being taken to control its spread.
( http://www.who.int/hiv/en/ )
The Stephen Lewis Foundation
The Stephen Lewis Foundation is an organization dedicated to alleviating the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa at the grassroots level.
( http://www.stephenlewisfoundation.org/ )
Ten Myths of Global Civil Society
This article on the Charity Village web site debunks some myths about civil society groups and who they are.
( http://www.charityvillage.com/cv/research/rsta22.html )

Web Connections

Cool Planet for Teachers: Global Citizenship
The Oxfam Great Britain “Cool Planet for Teachers: Global Citizenship” web site provides an overview of what global citizenship is and why it is important to teach the concept to students. This site includes activities and lessons on globalization and global citizenship
( http://www.oxfam.org.uk/education/gc/ )
Global Voices
The “Global Voices” web site maintained by the Toronto Star is designed for youth and is moderated by Craig and Marc Kielburger. The site offers articles and updates on global citizenship issues and social justice issues.
( http://www.thestar.com/news/globalvoices )
Free the Children
The Free the Children organization, founded by child rights activist Craig Kielburger, is funded and driven by children and youth to create positive social change.
( www.freethechildren.com/index.php )
Project Ijtihad
Irshad Manji’s site provides additional background about Manji, including information about her books and her campaign to promote Project Ijtihad.
( www.muslim-refusenik.com )
World Clock
Peter Russell’s dynamic web site captures the continual changes in birth rates, death rates by specific disease, pollution, species lost, world average termperature, and dozens of other globally related facts.
( http://www.peterrussell.dreamhosters.com/Odds/WorldClock.php )
China’s One-Child Policy
This web site provides details and links to other sites that explain and discuss China’s one-child policy.
( http://geography.about.com/od/populationgeography/a/onechild.htm )
The End of Poverty: Possibilities for Our Time
An interview with Jeffrey Sachs, author of The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, in which he lays out his strategies for eradicating poverty by 2025.
( http://www.motherjones.com/news/qa/2005/05/jeffrey_sachs.html )
Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein’s web site includes articles and discussions of her films and books.
( http://www.naomiklein.org/main )
TransFair is an NGO that promotes and educates the public about fair trade.
( http://www.transfair.ca/en/ )