Science Links 10 Teacher Centre

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Answer Keys to Practice and Homework Book

Teacher's Resource

Introducing the Science Links 10 Program (950.0K)
Overview of the Instructional Design (1963.0K)
Science Classroom Safety (564.0K)
Essentials of Differentiated Instruction (609.0K)
Working with English Language Learners (319.0K)
Building Scientific Literacy (817.0K)
References and Resources (1560.0K)
Assessment (1383.0K)
Using the Science and Numeracy Skills Toolkit (1554.0K)

Unit 1 Tissues, Organs, and Systems
Unit 1 Opener (1186.0K)
Topic 1.1 Why are cells important? (1445.0K)
Topic 1.2 Why do animal cells divide and what happens when they do? (1496.0K)
Topic 1.3 How do cells work together in the human body? (1215.0K)
Topic 1.4 How do systems work together in the human body? (1480.0K)
Topic 1.5 How do technology, substances, and environmental factors affect human cells? (1218.0K)
Unit 1 Projects (521.0K)
Unit 1 Review (700.0K)

Unit 2 Chemical Reactions and Their Practical Applications
Unit 2 Opener (1218.0K)
Topic 2.1 How do chemical reactions affect your daily life? (1433.0K)
Topic 2.2 How can we understand, describe, and name chemical compounds? (1711.0K)
Topic 2.3 What happens during a chemical reaction, and how can it be described? (1519.0K)
Topic 2.4 What are acids and bases, and how do they react? (1412.0K)
Unit 2 Project (573.0K)
Unit 2 Review (1272.0K)

Unit 3 Earth's Dynamic Climate
Unit 3 Opener (1214.0K)
Topic 3.1 What is climate, and how has it changed during Earth’s history? (1447.0K)
Topic 3.2 Where are the effects of climate change felt, and what is their impact? (1444.0K)
Topic 3.3 What natural factors affect climate, and how do they affect it? (1552.0K)
Topic 3.4 How do human activities affect the natural greenhouse effect? (1426.0K)
Topic 3.5 How can we assess climate change and reduce our impact? (1089.0K)
Unit 3 Project (778.0K)
Unit 3 Review (923.0K)

Unit 4 Light and Applications of Optics
Unit 4 Opener (1185.0K)
Topic 4.1 What is light and how is it produced? (1416.0K)
Topic 4.2 How does light interact with objects to give them colour? (1419.0K)
Topic 4.3 How can you mix colours to make different colours? (1227.0K)
Topic 4.4 What is the law of refl ection and how do mirrors form images? (1559.0K)
Topic 4.5 What is refraction and how can it be used? (1698.0K)
Topic 4.6 What are lenses and what are some of their applications? (1725.0K)
Unit 4 Project (522.0K)
Unit 4 Review (749.0K)

Assessment BLMs

Teacher Resource only includes the generic and assessment BLMs. If you are looking for the chapter specific BLMs they are a separate component and must be purchased separately.

Blackline Masters Package 9780070318656

Assessment BLMs in PDF Format

BLM A-1 Making Observations and Inferences Checklist (75.0K)
BLM A-2 Asking Questions Checklist (75.0K)
BLM A-3 Designing an Experiment Checklist (124.0K)
BLM A-4 Laboratory Report Checklist (93.0K)
BLM A-5 Investigating an Issue Checklist (70.0K)
BLM A-6 Developing Models Checklist (68.0K)
BLM A-7 Scientific Drawing Checklist (76.0K)
BLM A-8 Oral Presentation Checklist (94.0K)
BLM A-9 Computer Slide Show Presentation Checklist (77.0K)
BLM A-10 Poster Checklist (72.0K)
BLM A-11 Classification System Checklist (75.0K)
BLM A-12 Concept Map Checklist (70.0K)
BLM A-13 Events Chain or Flowchart Checklist (93.0K)
BLM A-14 Venn Diagram Checklist (144.0K)
BLM A-15 Science Portfolio Checklist (88.0K)
BLM A-16 Data Table Checklist (70.0K)
BLM A-17 Graph from Data Checklist (75.0K)
BLM A-18 Assessment Record Form Checklist (59.0K)
BLM A-19 Group Investigation Self-Assessment Checklist (170.0K)
BLM A-20 Group Investigation Group Assessment Checklist (82.0K)
BLM A-21 Learning Skills Checklist (156.0K)
BLM A-22 K-W-L Assessment Checklist (63.0K)
BLM A-23 Safety Checklist (97.0K)
BLM A-24 Concept Rubric (80.0K)
BLM A-25 Science Notebook Rubric (83.0K)
BLM A-26 Co-operative Groupwork Rubric (74.0K)
BLM A-27 Scientific Drawing Rubric (76.0K)
BLM A-28 Developing Models Rubric (73.0K)
BLM A-29 Conduct an Investigation Rubric (83.0K)
BLM A-30 Plan Your own Investigation Rubric (136.0K)
BLM A-31 Scientific Research Planner Rubric (125.0K)
BLM A-32 Research Project Rubric (158.0K)
BLM A-33 Collecting Information Rubric (126.0K)
BLM A-34 Presentation Rubric (174.0K)
BLM A-35 Communication Rubric (80.0K)
BLM A-36 Using Tools, Equipment, and Materials Rubric (79.0K)
BLM A-37 Hypothesizing Rubric (75.0K)
BLM A-38 Controlling Variables Rubric (72.0K)
BLM A-39 Problem Solving Rubric (74.0K)
BLM A-40 Fair Testing Rubric (72.0K)
BLM A-41 Designing Experiments Rubric (70.0K)
BLM A-42 Predicting Rubric (70.0K)
BLM A-43 Interpreting Data Rubric (69.0K)
BLM A-44 Questioning Rubric (70.0K)
BLM A-45 Measuring and Reporting Rubric (71.0K)
BLM A-46 Process Skills Rubric Template (79.0K)
BLM A-47 Unit 1 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (103.0K)
BLM A-48 Unit 1 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (101.0K)
BLM A-49 Unit 2 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-50 Unit 2 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-51 Unit 3 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (103.0K)
BLM A-52 Unit 3 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-53 Unit 4 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-54 Unit 4 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (101.0K)

Assessment BLMs in Word Format

BLM A-1 Making Observations and Inferences Checklist (90.0K)
BLM A-2 Asking Questions Checklist (83.0K)
BLM A-3 Designing an Experiment Checklist (120.0K)
BLM A-4 Laboratory Report Checklist (101.0K)
BLM A-5 Investigating an Issue Checklist (85.0K)
BLM A-6 Developing Models Checklist (79.0K)
BLM A-7 Scientific Drawing Checklist (83.0K)
BLM A-8 Oral Presentation Checklist (96.0K)
BLM A-9 Computer Slide Show Presentation Checklist (89.0K)
BLM A-10 Poster Checklist (89.0K)
BLM A-11 Classification System Checklist (78.0K)
BLM A-12 Concept Map Checklist (83.0K)
BLM A-13 Events Chain or Flowchart Checklist (93.0K)
BLM A-14 Venn Diagram Checklist (106.0K)
BLM A-15 Science Portfolio Checklist (92.0K)
BLM A-16 Data Table Checklist (83.0K)
BLM A-17 Graph from Data Checklist (81.0K)
BLM A-18 Assessment Record Form Checklist (120.0K)
BLM A-19 Group Investigation Self-Assessment Checklist (100.0K)
BLM A-20 Group Investigation Group Assessment Checklist (98.0K)
BLM A-21 Learning Skills Checklist (171.0K)
BLM A-22 K-W-L Assessment Checklist (74.0K)
BLM A-23 Safety Checklist (102.0K)
BLM A-24 Concept Rubric (77.0K)
BLM A-25 Science Notebook Rubric (85.0K)
BLM A-26 Co-operative Groupwork Rubric (84.0K)
BLM A-27 Scientific Drawing Rubric (94.0K)
BLM A-28 Developing Models Rubric (99.0K)
BLM A-29 Conduct an Investigation Rubric (84.0K)
BLM A-30 Plan Your own Investigation Rubric (110.0K)
BLM A-31 Scientific Research Planner Rubric (115.0K)
BLM A-32 Research Project Rubric (100.0K)
BLM A-33 Collecting Information Rubric (115.0K)
BLM A-34 Presentation Rubric (121.0K)
BLM A-35 Communication Rubric (81.0K)
BLM A-36 Using Tools, Equipment, and Materials Rubric (79.0K)
BLM A-37 Hypothesizing Rubric (92.0K)
BLM A-38 Controlling Variables Rubric (89.0K)
BLM A-39 Problem Solving Rubric (89.0K)
BLM A-40 Fair Testing Rubric (90.0K)
BLM A-41 Designing Experiments Rubric (75.0K)
BLM A-42 Predicting Rubric (88.0K)
BLM A-43 Interpreting Data Rubric (85.0K)
BLM A-44 Questioning Rubric (86.0K)
BLM A-45 Measuring and Reporting Rubric (88.0K)
BLM A-46 Process Skills Rubric Template (90.0K)
BLM A-47 Unit 1 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (106.0K)
BLM A-48 Unit 1 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-49 Unit 2 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (108.0K)
BLM A-50 Unit 2 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (109.0K)
BLM A-51 Unit 3 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (110.0K)
BLM A-52 Unit 3 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (102.0K)
BLM A-53 Unit 4 Inquiry Investigation Rubric (112.0K)
BLM A-54 Unit 4 An Issue to Analyze Rubric (105.0K)

Generic BLMs

Teacher Resource only includes the generic and assessment BLMs. If you are looking for the chapter specific BLMs they are a separate component and must be purchased separately.

Blackline Masters Package 9780070318656

Generic BLMs in PDF Format

BLM G-1 Safety Contract (186.0K)
BLM G-2 WHMIS Symbols (217.0K)
BLM G-3 Analyzing Issues—Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (263.0K)
BLM G-4 Science Inquiry Organizer (137.0K)
BLM G-5 Technological Problem-Solving Organizer (134.0K)
BLM G-6 Technology Innovation Worksheet (102.0K)
BLM G-7 Variables in Science (87.0K)
BLM G-8 Making Observations and Inferences (219.0K)
BLM G-9 Data Tables (109.0K)
BLM G-10 Parts of Microscope (133.0K)
BLM G-11 Science Equipment (103.0K)
BLM G-12 Using a Balance (180.0K)
BLM G-13 How to Do a Research-Based Project (294.0K)
BLM G-14 Making Simple Scientific Drawings (688.0K)
BLM G-15 Developing Models and Analogies in Science (140.0K)
BLM G-16 Scientific Research Planner (89.0K)
BLM G-17 Research Worksheet (81.0K)
BLM G-18 Internet Research Tips (82.0K)
BLM G-19 Internet Research Worksheet (80.0K)
BLM G-20 Problem Solving Using GRASP (204.0K)
BLM G-21 Group Roles (87.0K)
BLM G-22 Debating Procedures (142.0K)
BLM G-23 Debate Organizer (182.0K)
BLM G-24 Making Decisions Flowchart (202.0K)
BLM G-25 Testing Scientific Ideas (127.0K)
BLM G-26 Developing a Hypothesis (158.0K)
BLM G-27 How Is an Experiment Like Baking Cookies? (84.0K)
BLM G-28 Experiment Checklist (77.0K)
BLM G-29 Experimental Design Worksheet (182.0K)
BLM G-30 Estimating (140.0K)
BLM G-31 Metric Conversions (384.0K)
BLM G-32 Precision and Accuracy (86.0K)
BLM G-33 Organizing and Communicating Scientific Results with Graphs (694.0K)
BLM G-34 Constructing a Line Graph (202.0K)
BLM G-35 Reading and Interpreting Line Graphs (100.0K)
BLM G-36 Using Scientific Notation (230.0K)
BLM G-37 Summarizing (72.0K)
BLM G-38 English Word Study (72.0K)
BLM G-39 Cause-and-Effect Map (96.0K)
BLM G-40 Concept Map (96.0K)
BLM G-41 Double Bubble Organizer (93.0K)
BLM G-42 Fishbone Diagram (85.0K)
BLM G-43 Flowchart (73.0K)
BLM G-44 K-W-L Chart (64.0K)
BLM G-45 Main Idea Web (108.0K)
BLM G-46 PMI Chart (60.0K)
BLM G-47 Spider Map (76.0K)
BLM G-48 T-chart (57.0K)
BLM G-49 Venn Diagram (102.0K)
BLM G-50 Science at Work Organizer (72.0K)
BLM G-51 Activity 2.8 Shapes (265.0K)
BLM G-52 Activity 2.12 Cards (130.0K)
BLM G-53 Reaction Type Cards (77.0K)
BLM G-54 Activity 2.13 Cards (125.0K)
BLM G-55 Reflection Obstacle Courses (139.0K)

Generic BLMs in Word Format

BLM G-1 Safety Contract (81.0K)
BLM G-2 WHMIS Symbols (126.0K)
BLM G-3 Analyzing Issues—Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (132.0K)
BLM G-4 Science Inquiry Organizer (117.0K)
BLM G-5 Technological Problem-Solving Organizer (116.0K)
BLM G-6 Technology Innovation Worksheet (95.0K)
BLM G-7 Variables in Science (96.0K)
BLM G-8 Making Observations and Inferences (99.0K)
BLM G-9 Data Tables (126.0K)
BLM G-10 Parts of Microscope (166.0K)
BLM G-11 Science Equipment (107.0K)
BLM G-12 Using a Balance (927.0K)
BLM G-13 How to Do a Research-Based Project (127.0K)
BLM G-14 Making Simple Scientific Drawings (1342.0K)
BLM G-15 Developing Models and Analogies in Science (88.0K)
BLM G-16 Scientific Research Planner (77.0K)
BLM G-17 Research Worksheet (87.0K)
BLM G-18 Internet Research Tips (87.0K)
BLM G-19 Internet Research Worksheet (96.0K)
BLM G-20 Problem Solving Using GRASP (79.0K)
BLM G-21 Group Roles (102.0K)
BLM G-22 Debating Procedures (95.0K)
BLM G-23 Debate Organizer (108.0K)
BLM G-24 Making Decisions Flowchart (128.0K)
BLM G-25 Testing Scientific Ideas (125.0K)
BLM G-26 Developing a Hypothesis (113.0K)
BLM G-27 How Is an Experiment Like Baking Cookies? (106.0K)
BLM G-28 Experiment Checklist (106.0K)
BLM G-29 Experimental Design Worksheet (106.0K)
BLM G-30 Estimating (76.0K)
BLM G-31 Metric Conversions (255.0K)
BLM G-32 Precision and Accuracy (102.0K)
BLM G-33 Organizing and Communicating Scientific Results with Graphs (1193.0K)
BLM G-34 Constructing a Line Graph (138.0K)
BLM G-35 Reading and Interpreting Line Graphs (77.0K)
BLM G-36 Using Scientific Notation (125.0K)
BLM G-37 Summarizing (69.0K)
BLM G-38 English Word Study (80.0K)
BLM G-39 Cause-and-Effect Map (92.0K)
BLM G-40 Concept Map (97.0K)
BLM G-41 Double Bubble Organizer (87.0K)
BLM G-42 Fishbone Diagram (90.0K)
BLM G-43 Flowchart (77.0K)
BLM G-44 K-W-L Chart (71.0K)
BLM G-45 Main Idea Web (103.0K)
BLM G-46 PMI Chart (74.0K)
BLM G-47 Spider Map (74.0K)
BLM G-48 T-chart (67.0K)
BLM G-49 Venn Diagram (96.0K)
BLM G-50 Science at Work Organizer (82.0K)
BLM G-51 Activity 2.8 Shapes (187.0K)
BLM G-52 Activity 2.12 Cards (117.0K)
BLM G-53 Reaction Type Cards (76.0K)
BLM G-54 Activity 2.13 Cards (114.0K)
BLM G-55 Reflection Obstacle Courses (82.0K)

Student Text

Introduction (188.0K)
Table of Contents (650.0K)
Exploring Science Links 10 (500.0K)

Unit 1 Tissues, Organs, and Systems
Unit 1 Opener (1172.0K)
Topic 1.1 Why are cells important? (866.0K)
Topic 1.2 Why do animal cells divide and what happens when they do? (3089.0K)
Topic 1.3 How do cells work together in the human body? (2466.0K)
Topic 1.4 How do systems work together in the human body? (2685.0K)
Topic 1.5 How do technology, substances, and environmental factors affect human health? (4252.0K)
Unit 1 Review (755.0K)

Unit 2 Chemical Reactions and Their Practical Applications
Unit 2 Opener (1399.0K)
Topic 2.1 How do chemical reactions affect your daily life? (2133.0K)
Topic 2.2 How can we understand, describe, and name chemical compounds? (2807.0K)
Topic 2.3 What happens during a chemical reaction, and how can it be described? (3162.0K)
Topic 2.4 What are acids and bases, and how do they react? (3181.0K)
Unit 2 Review (1746.0K)

Unit 3 Earth’s Dynamic Climate
Unit 3 Opener (1027.0K)
Topic 3.1 What is climate, and how has it changed during Earth’s history? (3042.0K)
Topic 3.2 Where are the effects of climate change felt, and what is their impact? (1050.0K)
Topic 3.3 What natural factors affect climate, and how do they affect it? (4541.0K)
Topic 3.4 How do human activities affect the natural greenhouse effect? (2639.0K)
Topic 3.5 How can we assess present climate change and reduce our impact? (4739.0K)
Unit 3 Review (1301.0K)

Unit 4 Light and Applications of Optics
Unit 4 Opener (1009.0K)
Topic 4.1 What is light and how is it produced? (1471.0K)
Topic 4.2 How does light interact with objects to give them colour? (1743.0K)
Topic 4.3 How can you mix colours to make different colours? (638.0K)
Topic 4.4 What is the law of refl ection and how do mirrors form images? (4472.0K)
Topic 4.5 What is refraction and how can it be used? (1219.0K)
Topic 4.6 What are lenses and what are some of their applications? (3204.0K)
Unit 4 Review (1033.0K)

Guide to the Skills Toolkits (2702.0K)
Glossary (5131.0K)
Index (197.0K)
Credits (544.0K)
Chemistry References (269.0K)
Periodic Table (726.0K)

Image Bank

Click Here to visit the image bank